[-] niktemadur@lemmy.world 1 points 2 hours ago

Add a full mug of beer after getting a ship sunk!

[-] niktemadur@lemmy.world 3 points 2 hours ago

sOCiaL mEdiA kEePs Me iNfOrMed!
bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe! wHy BoThEr VoTiNg LoL!

[-] niktemadur@lemmy.world 2 points 2 hours ago

Maybe the problem is that they're all trying to ge the same goddamned thing, like how there are 15 or more goddamned hamburger chains.

"We want to be like facebook! Also like Youtube and twitter and tiktok! And like Instagram!"

Maybe if they stuck to their speciality and strengths, pick a lane and stay in it, they would prosper. But no! God forbid!

[-] niktemadur@lemmy.world 4 points 2 hours ago

It's ok... I practice intermittent fasting.

[-] niktemadur@lemmy.world 6 points 3 hours ago

I've been trying to pull the same scam, but every time I buy a homing pigeon to get started, it flies away and never comes back!

[-] niktemadur@lemmy.world 7 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Let's be briends.

EDIT: breands

[-] niktemadur@lemmy.world 3 points 3 hours ago

"Not a team player", gripes and mumbles the boss as he drives towards the Wells Fargo Center that weeknight, he and the other executives have a luxury suite to watch the 76ers and Flyers, season tickets!

[-] niktemadur@lemmy.world 3 points 4 hours ago

A mindless mind will find a way to take a neutral or positive trait and find a way to spin it into a negative narrative, or in the case of the current journalism industrial complex and its' mindless little drones who fancy themselves "the fourth estate" - something alarming, shrill and hysterical, something to amplify high blood pressure.

[-] niktemadur@lemmy.world 2 points 4 hours ago

Dimensionless numbers, not dependent on any mere mortal, subjective arbitrary unit of measurement like length (meters or yards or cubits - same difference) or time.
Whether you are on Earth or a planet in Andromeda or a billion light-years away, if you study subatomic structure you WILL bump into the fraction 1/137. Just like you will in geometry with 3.1416.

[-] niktemadur@lemmy.world 6 points 5 hours ago

Meanwhile, Pi and the Fine Structure Constant watching the show, passing each other the popcorn.

[-] niktemadur@lemmy.world 6 points 5 hours ago

A bullet fired from a gun goes more or less at Mach 1, correct?
It's thirteen years to the sun at the speed of a bullet?

Spacecraft towards Mercury, or the Parker Solar Probe go much faster than that, take a few years to make it there, but they are doing so picking up speed in flybys of first Earth, then Venus, then Mercury, in several, ever tighter orbits.

It's both fun and illuminating to try and visualize these things in new ways. In this case, from the viewpoint of a bullet.

[-] niktemadur@lemmy.world 12 points 5 hours ago

Now THIS is art of a very high caliber, indeed!
It was just a public visual detail that elicited a stupid response from the very stupid people, and probably some delight from the rest of the population.

If I was one of the chief stassi goons in town, my response would have been "counter-intelligence art" or "counter-art", painting MORE stones purple and even other colors, so that whatever secret message the original ones were conveying would be confused, drowned out.


For example, Humphrey Bogart as Indiana Jones in Raiders Of The Lost Ark. Or say Gregory Peck in Saving Private Ryan. Or how about James Dean as Luke Skywalker!

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by niktemadur@lemmy.world to c/askscience@lemmy.world

In the color lines of a spectrograph and what seems to be an area with a certain color, zooming in shows that this color is delicately split in half by a black vertical hairline, on one side it's the emission of photons of color by a hydrogen atom with a spin up electron, on the other it seems to be the same color but it's a spin down electron.

Whenever I hear that gap mentioned, 1/137 is invoked, but I'm not sure precisely what that means, and I'm visualizing that the color of the spectral emission can be divided or deconstructed into a total of 137 vertical lines, and the one in the middle is black.

Maybe it represents 1/137 of a photon's wavelength at a certain color?


For example, places like HistoryPorn have some bizarre pictures of weird inventions or WWII experimental weapons.

How come I'm only just now coming across them? Why didn't we see them five or ten years ago, even in specialized forums and subreddits?

Places like ArtPorn or TraditionalArt are a trickier proposition. Here my lack of knowledge is vast, but I've really loved the history of painting for over two decades now, and have recently kept coming across a lot of 18th-to-20th century paintings and painters I've never heard of before; some of these are excellent, I should have known about them... I think. But like I say, there's more that I don't know than what I do.
If they are real and not recent AI creations, where are the original and who is digitizing and/or publishing so many of them all of a sudden in the past year?

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