Reminds me of Abigail's scene from Stardew Valley
Existence of such users is just sad.
Poland's should be a stork not a grey heron 😜
I would assume they want to factor in startup time as well as IO handling overhead - raw disk IO should be the same given programs are run in the same environment.
Tell her the truth (as I understand it you don't think she's fat), but also ask why she's asking in the first place. Offer some support if she wants to lose some weight.
I think open and honest discussion is the best approach here because now you're jus guessing what the real issue is.
- Max Payne
- SW: Republic Commando
The duck did I just read, some AI is attempting SEO or something?
What an absolute garbage statement devoid of any proof nor tbh technical possibility to implement.
I don't get it, this is not valid JSON.
I wonder who knocked out over in the first place.
Reminds me of The lost city of the Monkey God