There is a neighborhood in Cartagena, Spain, that is called Nueva Cartagena, which basically means new new new city
joined 2 years ago
There is a business opportunity there for 0.35 inches Freedom Guns
Viruses are Schroedinger's cat confirmed
I want to make a dictionary of expressions like these: "results-oriented person" = "someone that gets results in the shit conditions we provide"
That's a really interesting case of autological and heterological words
Some cells will grow up indeed, too many of them, in fact.
Gosto muito da sensatez de espelhos
Seria melhor se o A1 da planilha fosse o A1 do tabuleiro e as letras estivessem em cores diferentes
Gosto da expressão haja o que hajar
Tem salchicha também!
20 anos atrás não tinha aqui hehe
Or is the barn itself that swallows