Needs some garlic butter on the bread ffs
Sunwise, as it was based on the movement of the sun during day (in the Northern hemisphere). As watch faces were modelled after sundials, sunwise and clockwise describe the same direction.
Turnwise is a word invented by Pratchett for a book, but it's clearly based on sunwise. He also used widdershins in his book, which is indeed the unmodified antonym to sunwise.
demand living wage
Sir, this is the US
That's a possibility. The guy acted grossly negligent and thus the accident insurance can reduce the coverage and in some cases even deny it completely.
Me: I want to play games until I get fat
Konami: yo, there you go
Me: damn, that was a bad idea, I need to go work out in a gym
Konami: I'm way ahead of you
I was talking about the traditional way of eating it and that's with cow milk. I specified it precisely because I'm making a contrasting recommendation later on.
Patriarchismus und/oder Konversatismus
Is that even a thing, being allergic to a color?
The inside counts! That salmon is so superficial, it's making me sick smh
Naja, frueher oder spaeter muessen wir ins an Weihnachten wie in Australien gewoehnen. Grillen am Strand zu heilig Abend.
Die Pille danach ist (oder war bis vor kurzem) nur enorm schwer erhaeltlich in Japan - so nebenbei
Autsch, kranke Brandwunde!