I think the Westbank sponsorship was a joke as they follow it up with a surfshark sponsorship. But it was a dicey joke to make

Otherwise nice links!

[-] valentinesmith@lemmy.blahaj.zone 8 points 6 months ago

Theres even a hbomberguy video about it, if you wanna invest some hours more on the topic :D

[-] valentinesmith@lemmy.blahaj.zone 3 points 8 months ago

Viel Erfolg beim weiteren Lernen! Wenn du es schon so weit geschafft hast, wirst du es bestimmt auch bis zum 1000. Tag schaffen auch wenn ich hoffe dass es eher aus Freude an der Sache passiert und nicht nur wecen deinem OCD.

Und ich habe auch schon öfter gehört, dass mehrere Sprachen gleichzeitig lernen leichter sein soll. Mich hat Chinesisch als tonale Sprache immer eher abgeschreckt aber Spanisch mochte ich auch gerne lernen :)

[-] valentinesmith@lemmy.blahaj.zone 3 points 8 months ago

Now get to work bitch 💅🏾

[-] valentinesmith@lemmy.blahaj.zone 8 points 9 months ago

Interesting article!

I haven’t been in a dedicated men only group chat but I can imagine that if you get the right guys in a group it might just be „that easy“. I think it’s a great space to try and model how you want to interact with your peers.

And I’m glad to hear that the author has that support group in his life :)

I personally also find it a bit easier to share heavy topics over texting rather than talking.

[-] valentinesmith@lemmy.blahaj.zone 1 points 9 months ago

Interesting article!

I haven’t been in a dedicated men only group chat but I can imagine that if you get the right guys in a group it might just be „that easy“. I think it’s a great space to try and model how you want to interact with your peers.

And I’m glad to hear that the author has that support group in his life :)

I personally also find it a bit easier to share heavy topics over texting rather than talking.

[-] valentinesmith@lemmy.blahaj.zone 19 points 9 months ago

There is a spammer in the comments, they are not refering to OP :)

really liked the comic, thank you for sharing

[-] valentinesmith@lemmy.blahaj.zone 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I like Dr. K and I like the video.

I like how he articulates how emotions or circumstances are constructed for men to be solved. Not to be articulated, pondered upon and to feel much about. If you have a problem you should solve it basically. "Man the fuck up" as he points out.

His depiction of "men atriculating feelings differently" with showcasing how men can be kind of "harsh/unfriendly" in their communication of affection (basically soft bullying/negging in his examples) instead of saying: hey I really like you and stuff. He calls it negative expression for positive affection is fine I think. Tangent: [But I dunno - like I know I just read The will to change form Bell Hooks and am so happy she really writes what I've been thinking and mulling about for years - but I am missing this critique of what we are taught and into what social constructs we are born into. Dr. K mentions that we are taught this and I get that he doesn't wanna get too political about it. But why are "all men like this" and why can't men escape this even if they tried? I'd argue it's because socialisation and patriachy keeps it that way. The idea that men have to be domineering, controlling and a leader at all times. And this totally warped perception that control and domination can only be linked to (physical) violence and the readiness to use it as well as emotional coldness and distance.] Tangent over

I like that he really touches upon the physicality of emotions, that psychotherapy is often just the talking cure but that there are also physical ways of dealing with strong emotions. I also like that he states that he feels that hugging feels more important to men than his women clients. But here I'd also argue that it is linked to my aforementioned tangent. That it is this artifical distance men are forced into that starves them from literal connection/touch.

I also like him mentioning different/supplemental therapies more geared towards men. There are a lot of upcoming/developing therapy approaches. I know the last time I looked it up I found one centred around "adventure therapy" which sounded like a 5-day nature retreat for men only where they were hiking, and doing survival stuffs while talking in the evening/ in between exercises to connect.

So yeah, I think it's an informative video. Personally I would've loved some feminist partiachial critique of male socialisation yada yada. Otherwise thanks for sharing, I only had it on my to watch list, but you gave me the push to commit for it :)

Edit: I'd honestly say that while I think it is alright to not feel as articulate about your own emotions I think it is just a good practice to at least consistently try to get better at it. So much of our communication with others is easier when we get across what we truly want. So I think talking is really effective (but obviously I love talking with this wall of text:))

I’ve been starting to read Bell Hooks - The will to change and am really liking it.

It really encapsulates a lot of my positions concerning men liberation through feminist means and perspectives.

In other news I’m trying to keep socialising with friends and discussing ideas/feelings and dreams and it sometimes feels a bit over the top but it mostly feels very nice.

I’ll resume my Masters next year and recently started reading The Will to Change by Bell Hooks

and I’m flabbergasted that there is literature about topics I felt like I was developing a personal opinion about :D Otherwise I’m struggling with a person in my friend group who feels so disinterested in everything and mostly just annoyed and combative. As I usually game in my free time it’s ridiculous to me to have such an incredibly bad mood in your free time and when spending time with friends for MONTHS. rant over

Imposter syndrome is for sure hard to shake. For how long has it been going on?

And yeah meddling family is also totally my typical nightmare

That does sound more than rough and harsh :( I’m sorry to hear that you are so alone and that it has such a negative development. Especially as it sounds like you are the only one still fighting for the marriage. :/


In this video from 1hr 14min -1hr 25min the topic is how Garnt/Gigguk feels about his expression or rather non-expression of anger.

How he perceives himself as a usually non-angry person but rather perceives feelings of frustration and disappointment. This self-perceived notion gets challenged by Alouk/Dr. K who argues that frustration is a form of anger and it's - at least for me - a very healthy, approachable and nice conversation/podcast in general. It also touches upon other emotions Garnt struggles to publicly show like sadness and crying and how he seemingly dissociates in those high-emotion moments and only really feels emotionally connected with himself when watching anime/media.

I really resonated with this discussion in general because Garnt strikes me as a very self-improvement and self-reflection heavy person and how this "being a bit out of touch with your emotion" can feel like a problem, like you are missing out on stuff. But also on how I (gay man perspective) really felt like no one ever taught me how to express myself in childhood and how I had to claim/work on myself to find ways to articulate my feelings. It's also something I feel deeply sympathetic towards in movies/dramas or media when men struggle to express themselves as that was just very much my experience as well and how liberating it currently feels to feel more confident in having ways of expressing myself physically and verbally.

I'd love to hear from others how perceiving emotions / expressing emotions has went for them. With my straight guy friends I nowadays often feel like they are very willing to express themselves, but it feels like I have to go for the initiative but maybe that's just a lingering gay "man imposter" syndrome for me.


I watched a video today talking about common talking points concerning how „the left has failed men“

I would argue F.D argues that while this is often cited as a critique on how „the Left“ is losing young men to right grifters like Tate, Peterson, etc.

He eventually argues that these misogynistic forces are not new and have only been thriving because of economic problems (capitalism yaaay) faced in the present.

As I really like this community I thought I give it a shot to post something. If I should try to give a broader summary of the video please feel free to tell me.

Thanks for reading :)

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