They're probably just jealous that all the best programmers are trans
Hexbear Proposals matrix room.
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Isn't it funny how the anti-"tankies" are always the most bigoted people?
how does all this fascism keep getting into my anticommunism?!
<---me and the huge fucking mess i've caused
Your posts are perfect never apologize
lmao dammit you're gonna give me an ego!
really burying the lede that one of their admins loves the harry potter and the protocols of the elder goblins game, that's reason to defed alone
yeah, not meaning to do that on purpose, im well aware, im just a sleepy lady and didnt want to type much but i have duped myself once again
pretty good chance if you come across a user commenting on hexbear it'll be some reactionary shit, too
given the comments are far worse than what the admins have said, yep
Death to programming
except the cool kind
programming should be a profession in the way writing is. The only reason it's not a universal skill is because the field is full of manchildren who either fetishize shitty technology from the 70s for aesthetic reasons or don't actually know how to code so they build 15 layers of abstractions on top of eachother and 90% of the effort is spent dealing with the garbage these people spew out.
That place is absolutely the personification of
If there's one lesson to be learned from federation, it's that shitty admins lead to shitty instances.
It was also always sus that they blocked a bunch of our comms by default
Also why is the other admin putting out this statement? Is the snowe still seething and crying too much to apologize?
It's fascinating watching blahaj and blahaj adjacent redditors spin the narrative in real time to feel like they're just smol bean white ciahet programmers being attacked by elaborate trolls.
Don't worry they're the good ones
The blahaj defederation thread is absolutely chock-full of seething about Hexbear, which is very funny
I think the funniest outgrowth of federation is people getting extremely fucking mad that other people are posting and replying to them about their dogshit opinions.
Ummm excuse me that's called a brigade, which is a real thing that everyone has to pretend to take very seriously
"um actually the completely empty bar atmosphere we've been cultivating is actually our site culture which you are imperializing by settling your posts here"
This genuinely read to me as them using "triggered" in the other sense, like "caused," as gets used in programming speak sometimes. I would never try to argue this as being true because I feel silly in retrospect, but just thought I'd share.
yeah now that two people have said it, gonna edit it out. i feel like this is my brain doing some weird flips, czechs hell of a drug
Your reading is very reasonable (I think that a general audience of native English speakers would be split on the which sense was being used), so there's no need to blame yourself either way.
i dont understand why we're federated with hacker news fuckos in the first place, they should stick to the orange site where they belong.
chuds suck at coding
I don't even have to look but you know it's true
I am surrounded by people like this on a daily basis and would approve of this.
Seriously. I fucking hate interacting with everyone else in my field. They're all so insufferable.
To be fair,
They're throwing snowe under the bus and openly blame them for it further down. This is a bit of context that I guess is kinda excusing it, although in my opinion your third party program messing up an interaction with someone is a problem that could easily be resolved by realizing you made a mistake and fixing it, which snowe of course didn't do. So maybe they're giving too much credit to a bad admin but I don't think they're really defending the behavior.
I think the triggered has an unclear antecedent, but I read it as "a branch of the conversation was triggered (as in caused/set off)" not "a user was triggered."
That said, I don't really have strong feelings about They don't seem to show up here much but it's a mixed bag when they do.
hm i guess i havent seen anyone say those words that way. also got a minor case of bilingual brain so that might be it too. continuing to keep someone on the admin team that did that and still has yet to apologize to the people affected is a dick move, still.
regardless, the comments are a cesspool in that thread, grounds enough to defed imo
It would be a weird usage, but people definitely use in a comparable way when talking about video games (event flags and such), so a programmer would be the one to make that stylistic oversight. I can't tell you it's definitely what the admin meant, but it's worth asking.
Some rules lawyer is gonna say this has to be in the official defederation nomination thread
so I'll go ahead and paste it there.
The one rules lawyer on here is still busy trying to get Melina back on the site by arguing that banning non-standard pronoun users is a hate crime. They're tied up for months.
Then they're supposed to help me get re-barred in New Zealand as well as help me sue the mods for censorship reasons.
This sounds suspiciously like fake news outside the fakenews comm
i always fuck this up lmao
once again I am proven right about bazingas.
Hey im Ategon, wanted to clarify some things about the situation
Used triggered in the sense I typically do with coding which is the action of triggering an event to occur. Ive edited it to started to make it more clear
snowe currently has limited internet which is mostly why ive been handling everything and im the one doing things like making the posts, etc. I was able to talk with him about the situation but there hasnt really been time for him to publicly talk about it properly
the comment from snowe was due to it not being relevant to the initial argument rather than targeting the content of the pronoun response itself, It is ambiguous when reading though. Ive been mostly talking to blahaj for now since thats been taking all my free time for the start of the day but im going to say here sorry to you guys as well for this situation happening since it was mostly hexbear users in the conversation
Used triggered in the sense I typically do with coding which is the action of triggering an event to occur. Ive edited it to started to make it more clear
Gotcha, thanks.
the comment from snowe was due to it not being relevant to the initial argument rather than targeting the content of the pronoun response itself, It is ambiguous when reading though. Ive been mostly talking to blahaj for now since thats been taking all my free time for the start of the day but im going to say here sorry to you guys as well for this situation happening since it was mostly hexbear users in the conversation
I can accept this partially (and will only agree to it if the other trans people in that thread, principally of which,, agrees to accept it) , though the comments in the instance admin thread are vile, and many are attacking and calling her an idiot or a troll for wanting to be gendered correctly. Will this be rectified, will bans be handed out to obvious transphobes?
i think it's reasonable to accept's apology here. they seem to be operating in good faith, despite their...let's call it potentially incautious word choices. that said, two(ish) things:
firstly, while i don't care if people insult me on a personal level (most of you are well aware civility is not high on my list of concerns), the attitude towards trans people's concerns in the linked thread is not encouraging. calling me an idiot is fine, i'll cop to that and gladly so. but letting blatantly false accusations like "hexbear people aren't even trans! actually they're transphobic" stand is flatly not. as well, the cries of "i can't believe blahaj is defeding us over such inconsequential matters!" don't speak well of some of the users over on .dev.
secondly, some of our users (like you and cromalin but emphatically not me!) spent a lot of effort trying to educate snowe, only to get back a load of arrogant horseshit. rather than apologizing to any of the people actually involved, snowe chose to...apologize to the admin of a completely unrelated instance? to make myself perfectly clear: i don't necessarily feel entitled to any sort of apology, but i do think if apologies are going to be handed out then a) snowe should be the one doing the apology tour and b) it should be towards our users, since they were the ones actually involved (as ategon acknowledged here). as far as my personal involvement in the matter, i'd just want snowe to stop and listen to trans people when a bunch of us are all saying the same thing. i understand my attitude towards them set an antagonistic tone but stubbornly digging in your heels when marginalized people are trying to explain something they know more about than you do is Not Good. since snowe seems to view themselves as being an "ally" i hope this is something they internalize sooner rather than later.
i'd also like to genuinely apologize to the folks here for sparking off such a firestorm. i can't help but feel this could have been at least partially avoided if i had maybe chosen to pump the brakes a little bit and been less aggressive out of the gate. it's...something i'm working on.
(sorry too if any of this is unclear or rambling, it's 4 am and i'm the living dead)
To your first point: I'm glad it wasn't just me. reading through that thread was mildly upsetting. Just more "damn those sensitive trans."
it's definitely not just you! it is gross and very telling as to the general attitude over there
i honestly think that's more concerning than my dust-up with their admin bc changing an individual's mind is far easier than changing the mindset of an entire community. without a concerted moderation effort like we had during the great transphobe purge i unfortunately don't really see it improving
Your transphobe partner should apologize and step down rather than having you do it.
It's cowardly and pathetic.