No I'm with you on that one
Me too. But I did post a pic of a cute pup I was dog sitting once at got a weird number of anti-dog replies :/
I mean I get it, they ain't for everyone, they are loud and a lot of work. But damn I don't express my apathy towards cats every time someone posts a kitty pic here.
Or mention liking dogs
That which is dead may never die!
No that was when he was having a bunch of hot takes about Barry that people kept telling him weren't accurate and then revealed he hadn't watched the show, but also never intended to but defended his right to hate on it anyway.
Booba waifu was funny to cuz he got pissed at me for joking about it, but I don't think you can use a phrase like "booba waifu" in your discourse and expect people to take it super seriously.
I have to say the whole Barry incident was pretty fucking funny
Also avoid admitting to enjoying any mainstream television show.
I find something funny and sad about the fact someone who believes in the Illuminati also believed they would have a public Facebook page.
And Worf's
I am Daaaaavid Cage, of Quantic Dream, and I have made a new viiiiiidyo game that asks the very original question, what if robots had, EmOTioNs???
Bounced on my boy's blue beam to this
I disagree. All her fans just seem to stay Libs, now they're just more articulate and aesthetically creative Libs which makes them more annoying.