So he's a shill or just as dumb as I assume most libertarian voters are. Tear down the government and what do you get? Billion-dollar corporations with a lengthy history of fucking over laborers, buying out or squashing start-up competitors, and rearranging assets to avoid paying restitution to customers they straight up killed. Yeah, real utopia that sounds like.

I could go either way on the pardon. I think it's all in execution though. If he does pardon his son then he needs to go as Dark Brandon as possible and boast about his supreme authority and say, "This is what you wanted right? An imperial presidency? I hope your next ruler is as benevolent as I've been."

Gov Abbott already gave law enforcement a verbal handjob for standing around while 20 people were murdered. If we can't get our numbers down to that of other civilized nations then we're utter failures at keeping our citizens safe.

Whew! I thought we were gonna have a wildfire on our hands with all that red hot enthusiasm. Glad Kamala doused it.

When I've needed permissions closer to a native package (i.e. fewer security safeguards) Flatpak was the only one between that, Snaps, and AppImage to let me do what I needed to do.

I've heard "Happy Birthday" is public domain.

I have zero doubt John McCain would've done the exact same. Good man.

This is the most damaging part of Project 2025 IMO. No more experts working federal jobs: just yes men. Trump or whoever says, "Fuck the trees!" and they ask "How hard do you want it fucked?"

I'm not a manager but I've sat in on lots of interviews. I think the best candidates I've ever seen are the ones that are very conversational and talk like they've already worked there for a month. Sometimes candidates like that start an answer and we trail off, kind of shooting the shit (still talking about workb related stuff), and barely get through half the planned questions. Ones that get all the way through the questions aren't necessarily bad but they're very succinct and sound much more rehearsed, like it was an oral exam.

Just my 2 cents. Managers in here may totally contradict me.

The last Yarnfather

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