You didn't even come close to answering the question. So I'll ask again.

How were you harmed by Discord?

Ok but why are you so angry about it?

I’ve been using it for years and haven’t had to pay a dime.

How have they harmed you with their free app?

[-] 31 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Imagine how much wasted time, pain, and global suffering he could have avoided by just not making this.

[-] 19 points 20 hours ago

Well you see, when two magnets love each other very much…

You’re absolutely right they need to be heavily taxed, but the government has plenty of money and they aren’t doing anything like this. So taxing the rich appropriately still wouldn’t lead to outcomes like this, which is what makes this guy special.

“Damn, I thought it said 3 Minute Mice”

I would be lying if I said I hadn’t done the same thing. “New bag new bag new bag new ba… hey why did I leave that camp chair over there. Man I miss camping. Well trash is done, back to the computer!”

Imagine being a Financial Auditor / Accountant with ADHD.

I'm willing to bet they don't exist.

I develop software for a huge company that everyone has heard of, and work by myself on my own projects with no collaboration required and incredibly small amount of oversight. I get to do it my way. Living the dream.

Many of my friends work in the scenario you described and do not like the whole collaboration thing!

[-] 85 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

This swerves way into "ADHD is a superpower" territory which is bullshit.

edit: For example, while I have a lot of these traits, I also can't remember to put a new trash bag in the trash bin when I take the full bag out to the garage, which is a 1 minute task. Despite reminding myself AS I'm removing the full bag. Twice a week. For years now. Because I will see something in the garage or think of something while doing the mundane task that completely derails my train of thought.

I thought everyone knew the covid vaccine makes you magnetic.

New player guide? (

I hate that I have to ask this but the internet is awash in garbage these days and I hate sorting through it. Does anyone have a link to a good new player guide for this game? I installed it on Tumbleweed and tried it for a few minutes but had absolutely no clue what was going on. The love everyone has for this game makes me want to give a decent shot though!


I've just switched over from Windows to Linux for my daily driver in the last few weeks, and after the initial learning curves everything seems pretty solid. The only thing I really, really need for some games is the ability to rebind keys that the game itself doesn't allow. Examples would be Orcs Must Die 1 (no rebinding at all) or Dyson Sphere Program (my current issue) which has the E key hardcoded. I use ESDF for movement so I have to rebind pretty much every game.

I had tons of AutoHotKey scripts in Windows but I haven't found anything comparable in Linux. What do you guys use? I've looked at AHK_X11 but every post I saw about it says it doesn't work. I tried Autokey but found it clunky and it didn't work properly in-game (micro-pauses between key repeats).

Really just looking for something that can easily rebind a few keys just for a game session. I know I'm going to have to learn xdotool and python for mouse stuff, that's on my to-do list. :) But the vast majority of my games just need rebinding a few keys. Throw your wisdom at me. Thanks!


I found this essay about differing viewpoints on where Homo sapiens is headed to be very interesting.


I've been on Focalin for about 2 months now and I've noticed over the last couple weeks I frequently have a weird internal tremor/vibration sensation inside my entire body when I first wake up. It's a sensation sort of like shivering but very subtle, without any actual physical tremor or muscle movement as far as I can tell. It will continue for several minutes if I just lay in that half-awake state, but as soon as I get out of bed it's gone. I'm wondering if this is related to ADHD medication. It goes away the instant I roll out of bed or sit up, so I'm not super worried about it, just wondered if anyone else had encountered anything similar.


I just started generic Focalin 5 days ago, 5mg once a day. It makes me feel wired, like I've had too much caffeine. I can't tell yet if it's helping with my concentration, and it doesn't hurt my mental state as far as I can tell, but I'm wondering if this physical jittery feeling will fade over time. I can't imagine feeling wired like this every day.


I'm seeing a lot of local communities that have very few or zero posts showing up when I click on them. I noticed this after I posted yesterday and got a few answers to my post, but when I go to that community my post doesn't show up. The sidebar says the community has 80+ posts but I can only see about half a dozen and they are all 1-2 months old. I have checked some other communities that I've seen posts from in my feed in the past, and now they show completely blank, even when looking at Old. What's going on?

I'm seeing this in two different browsers (Firefox and Edge). I tried clearing cookies in Firefox, no difference, and I had never used Edge here until I tested it out today, but it shows the same problem.


I run a pretty locked down Firefox browser and I noticed when browsing that the browser wants to pull stuff from a long list of other instances, which fails because they aren't trusted. Is this normal? I thought an instance would collect the things you are subscribed to and store them locally so that you didn't have to go talk to 20 different servers. Not true?

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