Last thing i preordered was a launch 3ds, i ordered a colour that didnt get released lol.
Just got a real salient reminder how unfun petty drama is when youre dragged into the middle of it. I cant tell these people to fuck off, nooooo :(
Oh I've got so many movies / docos I'll try and upload (maybe ill even watch them haha)
I bet the ink they use is toxic (cheap), I wouldnt compost it if we wetent already doomed
I think vance's just got really thick eye lashes
A distichia is an eyelash that arises from an abnormal part of the eyelid. This abnormality, attributed to a genetic mutation, is known to affect dogs and humans.
uber eyelash boy
inB4 the united states has called for an immediate ban on rockets bearing the Palestinian flag
This would cost him votes lol
Libs actually love their big fancy words and elitism. Communists teach people to read. Libs take everything as disrespect haha
Accounts suspended i hope someone archived it. Also considering saying schizophrenic, also consider not diagnosing strangers on the internet please, kinda uncomfortable
I've listened to every pearl jam album and i confirm they are mid at best
The ex Minister for Defence in australia (chris pyne) now sits on the advisory board of like six defence contractors, many of which were awarded government contracts during his time as minister
I felt like i was going INSANE while it all played out happily in the media
Comrades this is just an unedited fascist comic being shared in our forums. Also this isn't dunktank material, low hanging fruits go thattaway.
Really, please consider not sharing this stuff at all, or at least deface it first. Its racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, ya know, a fascist comic.