imagine living on a cold dead earth for thirteen years

you'd be dead in a week

[-] 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

America is racist
acktchyually, as a person of pallor....


half of South America

those are literally all just crackers. Never seen a black person (or any other race person) get lynched in China or Japan or Thailand or Sri Lanka so get owned whitey

inb4 "ZOMG but some elderly Japanese grandma is going to move seats when you're on the train!!!!111111" god I hate crackers

[-] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

It's literally the same as with the common cold or with the flu

no it isn't please stop concern trolling with technical truths

I support wearing facemasks when symptoms appear

it spreads asymptomatically, this does nothing and is libshit

I have it on good word that westoid grey matter is arranged like this. Caucasoid crania in general show similar delusions of grandeur, but the glucose consumption in the relevant brain regions skyrockets into a new class of its own in ethnic zones where the winter temps are >25 F and the summers < 80

the kids are ok

Right. why would I minecraft 1000 Africans to help global warming when I can get the same effect with a single cracker

eating ass is probably a huge vector for covid since it stays in your body (and probably your stools) for like 2 years

Zombie shows/movies have been the same way.

zombie shows are about the 1% of the population that is not human cattle

[-] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

It does grant a certain degree of immunity, especially in terms of reduced symptoms and effects upon following sickness

yea, instead of dying you now develop AIDS and cancer and can't walk 10 yards and lose your sense of taste for 3 years straight

it grants a degree of immunity that is so small in comparison to the virus' effects that it doesn't matter in absolute terms

[-] 31 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

the BEST covid tests have 80% accuracy on the BEST day to test

your shitty rapid test prob has 60% accuracy on that day, and declining every day afterwards

alternatively your immune system is fucked from covid and now colds and flus fuck you up

the best way to test for covid is stool tests but crackers are dumb so this doesn't happen

[-] 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Was it like that for you in 2018 and prior though?

If you test negative for COVID, you often still have COVID. the PCR tests are only 80% accurate in optimal scenario (only 80% of infected people actually test positive, on the peak viral count day of infection, so the practical accuracy is more like 60%)

so the rapid tests are prob 50% accurate if we're very generous

covid also destroys your immune system so even if you're getting knocked out by colds, as long as that reaction was post-2019, then it's still caused by covid

not trying to dismiss your experiences, you may just have something else that was already there. But if colds and flus began knocking you out in the last 5 years, then yea that's either literal covid or covid-induced


what ghoul failed at their job so badly that I can still sit idly at a traffic light for 40 seconds without watching an ad about forgettable-mayo-movie-3984438974239029 or detergent?




I'm an anticommunist because I don't want filthy gwai los to ever discover the magic that is communism with Chinese characteristics

We are not the same


I was talking to some guy on here whose friend's dad died of COVID winter 2023. The interesting part is that it was his first time getting COVID

Anyway, I want to talk to him again and find out more deets but I can't find him.

LOL he got shot LMAOOOO (

text here

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/
  • white stretches are missing data
  • disappearance of green/yellow "cool"/"comfortable" zone in January mornings
  • disappearance of yellow "comfortable" zone from all mornings year round
  • appearance of dark red "sweltering" zones throughout Jan/Feb/March/April afternoons. This is at an avg relative humidity of 84%.
  • Lagos is also a coastal city, so the rest of Nigeria and interior Africa is even worse


I love computer games

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

Obviously the mayo empire is one big multihemispheric sundown town, but the US manages to be worse than the rest, the rural areas manage to be worse still, and then within that there are still standouts even by rural standards.

Is there a map of the standouts?

edit: I'm also interested in east/west coast and northern sundown towns. Everyone kinda knows the entire mid US is a giant sundown zone



and I want you to GILL EM ALL


Here's what it sounds like (turn your volume down)

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