I don't think this is actually a school. China-knowers feel free to correct me, but it seems like a public market or cafeteria with facial recognition for payment (probably through alipay or one of the other big players)
Here's a little background on facial recognition payment systems in China: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/08/china-releases-plans-to-restrict-facial-recognition-technology.html
They seem to have sprung up and become popular quickly, spread to other sectors (like apartment entry), and now the government is setting some limits on their use to serve the public good:
The draft did not specify the law’s requirements, but said businesses should not require people to use facial recognition to receive better services.
Building management cannot use facial recognition as the only way for people to enter or exit, the draft said, noting if individuals don’t agree to facial recognition, management should provide other “reasonable and convenient” methods.
I mean sure, I don't want to be spied on for profit. But jfc she just haaaaad to sneak a jab at the USSR in there. It's like its contractual for these people, any criticism of US capitalism has to include an "imagine how much worse it would be in bad country" segment