I'm not reading much into this, it is just funny how the modern MSNBC brain is literally the same as modern Fox News brain, but Fox News viewers are just a bit too old and lazy to try and shoot Biden/Harris.



I was told there are a few minutes more of the video somewhere

[-] Lovely_sombrero@hexbear.net 4 points 5 days ago

At least the top replies did say he is being a creep, followed by a bunch of bluecheck spam. That shit has made Twitter so much worse.

[-] Lovely_sombrero@hexbear.net 44 points 5 days ago

The top replies for me are full of "This Post is from an account you muted.", but when I click view, most of them are telling Elon that he is being a creep anyway. LOL.

[-] Lovely_sombrero@hexbear.net 44 points 2 weeks ago

IMO they would rise hand in hand anyway, because there is money to be made. Biden's "climate plan" is just about throwing more money at private companies to increase their profits. Even stuff that is directed at the consumer side of things, like EV car subsidies just allows car companies to keep prices higher than they would otherwise be. It is all funneled into private pockets, without even doing the thing that is usually the selling point of these kind of bills under capitalism - lower prices for consumers.

The "Biden climate plan" also enshrined fossil fuels as policy, it includes a provision that for every X of new clean energy, the same amount of fossil fuel permits have to be given out by the US government.

[-] Lovely_sombrero@hexbear.net 35 points 2 weeks ago

Most of early BLM leaders were killed. Some were captured by the libs, most were just replaced with libs. In 2020, BLM was just a "vote blue no matter who" movement and after the election, Dems blamed it for their poor performance anyway.

[-] Lovely_sombrero@hexbear.net 10 points 3 weeks ago

Everyone did intentional overreporting of the numbers in the past, but this only became a real problem with the Biden admin, because they are going too crazy with it. If they overshot by like 250k, this wouldn't get any real headlines, it would just be a quiet correction.

[-] Lovely_sombrero@hexbear.net 26 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

They've been doing this for a while now, but they always overreport by too much and the corrections after the fact get more notice than usual.

Or when they reported that healthcare inflation is like negative 20% last year to keep the already gamed inflation numbers look lower than they were.

[-] Lovely_sombrero@hexbear.net 5 points 4 weeks ago

The US put them in positions of leadership in the 2014 coup, because they were a big part of that effort. They are probably just hanging around and letting everyone else do the fighting. The Nazis are probably still not very popular in Ukraine, even as they are seen as the ultimate anti-Russia guys because Russia = USSR = the people who won WW2 against their hero Hitler.

[-] Lovely_sombrero@hexbear.net 43 points 1 month ago

I would say that it would be smart for Iran to just wait and constantly promise a counter-attack, but that would just invite more Israeli attacks on Iran ANYWAY.

[-] Lovely_sombrero@hexbear.net 64 points 1 month ago

Palestinians were a huge labor source for Israel, they were paid basically starvation wages. Israel asked Thailand and Bangladesh to send lots of new "workers" to Israel to fill in for them, but they didn't send nearly enough "workers".

So basically yes, they are doing something like that to themselves. And I don't think it will matter, the US will just send them money when things get worse.

[-] Lovely_sombrero@hexbear.net 4 points 1 month ago

They are still getting most of the tax cuts and other stuff. Just maybe not the $15 billion for the actual factories, but I also expect them to get a lot of that $$$ in the end. The Biden (or whoever wins in 2024) government can basically do whatever they want at any point.

Listen here, Jack! (hexbear.net)
...and coconut! (hexbear.net)
This is just sad (hexbear.net)
Gentlemen, to evil! (hexbear.net)

I guess this is a step forward. Liberals used to support evil in reality, like the Iraq war, but then they would use fantasy to virtue signal that they are actually the good guys by not supporting the Empire in Star Wars or something like that.

Not anymore! Now they are just like "kill kill kill"

HELL YES (hexbear.net)

"How about if your name is Israel or the US, you get to do war crimes. So, what is your country called? Israel? CONGRATULATIONS"


This would give the state immense power to ban any kind of non-profit organization that they don't agree with. Even if they don't go after all the left-wing organizations, that threat hanging above their heads would seriously limit the scope of their mission and most would probably be forced to remain very small and unnoticed. Obviously this violates the 1st Amendment, but I doubt that the government or the SCOTUS would see it that way.

The House already passed it with overwhelming bipartisan support!!

I'm talking here about a bipartisan legislation the House passed last week (382-11) & that was intro'd last week in the Senate -- HR 6408 & S. 1436

Reminder: US charitable organizations — like ALL US entities — are already barred, by law, from providing material support for terror & already face intense scrutiny.

The goal of the new legislation is to dispense with the due process (incl the need for evidence) afforded under law to targeted groups, empowering a single US official to act as prosecutor, judge, jury, & executioner of US orgs whose viewpoints that official disagrees with.


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