[-] RaisedFistJoker@hexbear.net 17 points 1 hour ago

no theyre actually the most congnizent of all labour voters, they know wat they really are

[-] RaisedFistJoker@hexbear.net 21 points 1 day ago

A lot of people thinking theyre smarter than the CPC these days (And pretty much always also)

[-] RaisedFistJoker@hexbear.net 17 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

"Socialism With Chinese Characteristics" By Roland Boer https://archive.org/details/socialism-with-chinese-characteristics/page/n7/mode/2up

I havent read it but i remember Roderic Day posting this screencap on twitter and its stuck with me.

Edit: looks like red sails hosts a couple of shorter articles by him too which might be a good starting point https://redsails.org/@boer/

[-] RaisedFistJoker@hexbear.net 32 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

you live in the belly of the beast, but things are going to come to a fever pitch, there will likely be a terrible war, and the anti imperialist camp will likely win. The US can't defeat russia, it cant defeat iran, it cant even defeat yemen, US imperialism is crumbling, they dont and cant produce anything, all they cling to is their financial weapons, which will fail when a real war breaks out. I have no doubt there will be a war with china, and i have no doubt the US will lose.

Edit 1:

Settler colonialists have always been successful in genociding the natives

Nazi germany failed.

Edit 2:

The Vietnam war? Vietnam has to live in a US-led world order and has to play by their rules. Same with every country that has had a successful revolution. Cuba's still being strangled by the U.S. DPRK is isolated while occupied Korea stands entirely on U.S. backing

Each of these have been stunning victories against capitalism, and pave the path for other oppressed nations going forward

Edit 3:

Same for the Zionist scum knowing that with the U.S. backing them it's impossible for them to lose, that they will eventually finish their genocide without setbacks.

The Zionist Entity is currently actually collapsing, they have the "strongest military in the world" backing them and they can't even fucking defeat a guerilla force

How do you avoid becoming a misanthrope. To believe that human beings are inherently fascits, that fascim is the natural state of humanity. That genocide is human nature.

Look to every brave person that has fought against the fascist scourge, you live in the fascist metropole, of course the people around you are fascists

Edit 4:

And China raising the retirement age? That's a sign, the beginning of the end. This will soon lead to China's collapse and the west will pick its carcass dry again. In fact it might happen in the next 5 minutes after this post!!!!

I guess this is a joke maybe? But every project will suffer setbacks, a revolution is not a dinner party, every project must deviate from its ideals in order to weather a storm, and if the chinese govt believe thats the correct path I frankly believe them

[-] RaisedFistJoker@hexbear.net 25 points 3 days ago

It was on my bingo card

[-] RaisedFistJoker@hexbear.net 20 points 3 days ago

its fine sweden doesnt deserve respect

[-] RaisedFistJoker@hexbear.net 23 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

im really enjoying it so far, if enjoyment is supposed to make your blood boil. The first couple chapters make a point about how liberalism even at its founding was spouting high minded ideals of freedom, while engaging in the most brutal slavery ever seen (losurdo calls it a twin birth), which i think to me seems pretty much still present in the modern liberal movement, we are free and elevated and liberated (but we should be able to engage in genocide against those who threaten our interests).

I also think its pretty easy to read and follow which is always a plus for me

[-] RaisedFistJoker@hexbear.net 23 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

have you read losurdo's liberalism? im reading it right now and im only a couple chapters in but i wouldnt say the liberals are "repackaging" master race shit, more like returning to their birthplace.

Its consistently jokerfying me while i read it.

[-] RaisedFistJoker@hexbear.net 0 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

i mean is a science base a colony, cos thats definitly gonna happen

what constitutes a permanent settlement, people permenently living on mars or the same people permanently living on mars, because i imagine within a couple hundred years we'll have a constant carosel of scientists going to mars

The author makes contradictory arguments on extinction

The doomsday scenarios that science-fiction writers—and their contemptible counterparts, futurists—have imagined would necessitate an escape from Earth can be broken down into two categories. First there are the ones that would not come close to making Earth as hellish and inhospitable as Mars. These include global nuclear wars, food-chain collapses, extermination-level pandemics, and eugenic boogeymen like "overpopulation." None of these present a scenario in which Earth all at once completely ceases having breathable oxygen, for example, or suddenly no longer enjoys a magnetosphere. In the aftermath of even the worst of these scenarios, if you were picking one of the two planets to engineer into habitability, the Earth would remain the infinitely superior option. For planning purposes, the planet to prepare for use as a base of survival in an apocalyptic event is the one where you're reading this blog.

Second are the scenarios that are not even worth considering. These are your planet-destroying asteroid strikes. Let's be optimistic and generous and say that, over the course of 500,000 years of species-wide concerted effort that would more than exhaust the resources of the planet where we already live, Mars could be "terraformed" into a place where a permanent human settlement could eke out a horrible nightmare of a sustainable existence for a while, pointlessly, telling each other sad stories of what it was like to live in the endless biodiversity and beauty of the world Mars's loser inhabitants ruined for the cause of abandoning it. OK great. Truly a beautiful dream you got there. Unfortunately it only makes sense if you can anticipate a planet-destroying asteroid strike 500,001 years ahead of time, but also cannot avert or mitigate it in any other way. Otherwise you are simply rolling the dice that the planet-destroying asteroid strike will not happen at any time in the interim, while you busy yourself rendering the Earth uninhabitable for the sake of leaving it for someplace even worse.


Spoiler alert! There will not be any human beings around when Sun Get Large even begins to become a problem. Planning around this issue is like some primordial amoeba trying to score some choice oceanfront Pangaean real estate against the possibility that humans would gentrify it in the 1990s. Even in the most optimistic plausible daydream, in which some descendants of humanity still exist four billion years from now to concern themselves with the ballooning sun, they will not be anything like us; they might even be all fucked-up and gross; they can go to hell. In any case you can unpack the canned goods.

So which is it, is there no chance that humanity will be wiped out and thus theres no point colonising mars, or is it in fact an inevitability that humanity will be wiped out so theres no point?! How do the humans MAGICALLY DISAPPEAR

This writer is simply a charlatan.

I think that plans to colonise mars in any large scale effort outside a small science base in the near future are ridiculous. But the idea of humanity ever colonising or terraforming mars seems incredibly reasonable. I have no reason to believe humans will go extinct (minus a gamma ray burst or whatever) because we are an extremely adapatable species, and i also generally believe we will eventually sort our shit out on earth and try and do cool things in the future.

It is reasonable to imagine a future when humanity builds a global communist order and eliminates poverty and raises all people in the world to a good standard of living. At this point its not unreasonable for humanity to start making huge plans, they have a governmental system that has the foresight to plan hudreds of years and if humanity wants to do something incredible, it will have the time

Not to mention you totally can give mars a magnetosphere, you just place a bunch of huge electromagnets at the lagrange points

[-] RaisedFistJoker@hexbear.net 7 points 4 days ago

RA seiging mary geoise is the best thing ive seen in one piece in a long time


I remember reading it and using it as a comparison against how the west talks about china today but i cant find it

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by RaisedFistJoker@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Built this myself in 7 days. Took 54 hours. Not proud of how no life i went on building this, but its a cool build. You can find it at x:513 z:-4156. In the nether the closest portal is at x:58 z:-508 theres a cobble stone slab path to it. You'll need to max your render distance to see it from the viewing platform

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