The only time that exists is the present. Enjoy it!
Don't live in the past or the future, they existed and they will exist, but they don't exist. Only the present does.
The only time that exists is the present. Enjoy it!
Don't live in the past or the future, they existed and they will exist, but they don't exist. Only the present does.
Wolf not wolves? Sure I can use a new pet I guess.
Y'all make me so happy with interactions like this sometimes it almost outweighs how big of a POS the internet can be the rest of the time. Maybe there is hope!
Bananas without the B is pineapple.
Statistically speaking, most people reading this wouldn't get to vote anyways. That might be part of how that election went that direction.
It's so very internet for Chuck to become the coolest meme for a hot minute and then everyone realizes what a POS he is. Kinda surprised to see more of it going around!
Shhh... Don't Speak
They also plan on killing dozens if he loses. A non-story indeed.
Maybe when he dies they'll drink the Kool aid to join him.
I'm not following on why manager roles are different from traditional companies.
The book keeping? You mean splitting the profit? Why wouldn't you assume everyone has a % stake?
Irony can be used in many situations. I want a German word that specifically refers to this situation. Something like Erfinderhybris; I just slammed Inventor and Hubris together.
Lobotomy jokes don't hit like they used to. It's just kinda sad now.