Naturally. You're supposed to think only of their fetish, duh!
joined 2 months ago
Ngl my favorite dinosaur
I believe I want
With teriyaki sauce
Germanic forebears, I can attest to this Truth.
(apologies in advance for vent/language) I am almost 50. Transitioning is a relatively recent thing. I spent years on Twitter. Last month I left for what I thought would be bluer, safer skies. Then the pedo apologist came and was allowed to stay, even after explicitly stating he was intent on making life hell for us. I'm tired. I'm just fucking tired. And then someone told me about this place. After just over a day, I'm loving it. But, being frank, I'm still a touch wary . But the energy is.....hopeful? Make sense?
I shall! Thank you so much
Thank you!
Yup, that's the one.
Thank you!
Yup, that's the one.
Never stopped a TERF