
joined 6 months ago
[–] bunitor 11 points 6 days ago
[–] bunitor 30 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

sadly, i think that's exactly the reason why so many gnu coreutils/libc/compiler competitors keep croping up: people want to get rid of the gpl as much as possible. if they could replace the linux kernel with a non gpl variant they would

not that the people creating the projects necessarily have this intention, but the projects are certainly being picked up and sponsored mainly for that reason

[–] bunitor 5 points 1 week ago

wow what a helpful and insightful comment.

Spoileri was making a little joke abt the repetition of the title

[–] bunitor 9 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Never in my life, have I seen a meme this concise.

[–] bunitor 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

cool read

about scheme not really being a lisp, i think common lisp, cojure and scheme are all lisps, but they're very clearly different languages. it doesn't look like it for most people, but i think it's similar to romance versus chinese languages. to most people, mandarin and cantonese are "dialects of chinese", but they're farther apart than french and italian. due to eurocentrism, romance languages feel closer to us, making the differences more noticeable, while chinese languages feel more foreign, so the differences don't matter that much. we live in a c-like-centric world, so c, c++, and java will be considered completely different languages, while scheme and common lisp, which are way more different from each other than c and java, are seen as "dialects of the same language" just because they happen to use the same parens-oriented syntax

[–] bunitor 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

the unexpected keyboard is pretty handy. it will feel a little weird at first, but you'll get used to it. you can find it on fdroid and i think also on google play

if you don't want to get used to using the menu bar, tool bar, and the mode popup menu, you should look for a keyboard configuration that allows the onscreen keyboard to pop up regardless of the mode (by default, it will only pop up in read/write buffers)

i also strongly recommend installing the termux version if you wanna do anything useful

[–] bunitor 2 points 2 weeks ago

falei errado. quis dizer o cara que o brasil apoiou, albert ramdin

[–] bunitor 3 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

lascano ganhou?

[–] bunitor 4 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)


talvez seja porque eu tava usando o netsurf? vou confirmar depois e volto

de qualquer forma, é muito ruim não ter a configuração de esconder post nsfw

[–] bunitor 1 points 2 weeks ago
[–] bunitor 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The main reason I've been considering a switch is this: my experience with interactive development with Chez has been less than awesome.

haven't read the rest of the post, but i wonder if he considered using guile. guile+emacs+geiser has been providing me a pretty good experience

edit: should've read the entire thing

(To be fair, Guile Scheme has pretty decent support for interactive development. However, Guile + Geiser cannot do to stack traces what SBCL + SLIME can.)

[–] bunitor 4 points 2 weeks ago

eu bloqueei, por isso mesmo que eu achei estranho. parece que o old ignora a configuração principal

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by bunitor to c/batepapo

eu fui testar o old lemmy esses dias e percebi que, no all (que é a listagem padrão do old lemmy) ele mostra conteúdo marcado como nsfw explicitamente. e não demora muito pra aparecer: na imagem que eu mandei, não precisa nem descer a página. não tem como remover isso na configuração. o melhor que dá pra fazer é mudar a listagem pra local ou subscribed

só um aviso pra quem por um acaso queira abrir o old lemmy no trabalho não ser demitido


i'm having a little bit of a hard time expanding the unstaged changes on magit. the mode menu works fine via touch on android, so i can do most operations, but i can't expand the unstaged files in the main magit buffer without the keyboard, which is a problem since read-only buffers hide the kb by default. i could change that configuration, but i'm using a phone, so screen real state is very limited, so i want to avoid that if possible. i tried touching, double tapping, holding, but nothing seems to expand the files

i feel like i'm in uncharted territory, so this is a long shot i think, but is anyone else having similar problems?

small browsers (self.linux)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by bunitor to c/linux@lemmy.ml

please dump any small browsers you know about, i'd like to try them out

the two i can think of are emacs's eww and links (text mode). eww has been surprisingly useful, even without js support and extremely barebones html rendering

this is eww:

emacs window with eww displaying linux@l.ml's header

and this is links:

terminal window with links displaying linux@l.ml's header

sadly, neither is able to login to lemmy, but I was able to login to mastodon through brutaldon

EDIT: ooh, i forgot about lynx (not links). also command-line. it managed to successfully login to lemmy:

terminal window with lynx displaying this post before this edit


tl;dr if you have an encoding problem while running guile on emacs for android with termux, make sure the LANG env var on emacs matches the value of termux:

;; ~/.emacs.d/early-init.el
(setenv "LANG" "en_US.UTF-8")

don't where else to post this, so i'm posting it here so it doesn't gets lost

emacs >=30 comes with android support. i've been using it for a while now, but it's really only useful if you can install applications to use it with. that's why the project offers an emacs package and a termux package with the same signature so you can share the termux binaries with the emacs runtime. packages and instructions here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/android-ports-for-gnu-emacs/files/termux/

i tried running guile on emacs with geiser a few days ago but it failed to run due to some encoding issues. it ran fine on termux

after a little googling, i compared the values of the LANG variable in both termux and emacs:

  • termux: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  • emacs: LANG=en_US.utf8

then i just changed ˋLANGˋ on emacs to match the termux value and that solved the problem! to keep it working, i added the change to ˋ~/.emacs.d/early-init.elˋ:

(setenv "LANG" "en_US.UTF-8")

over on reddit, there's a distinction between /r/linux (general discussions) and /r/linuxquestions (community support). i notice a lot of support posts over here, which could warrant the split, but otoh maybe the volume of posts is not enough to justify it and it could risk spreading our community way too thin

what do you think?


im not sure where else to post this. it's a bit of a vent, but I'm not gonna take too long

I've been on mastodon for 7-8 years now. mastodon has been pretty cool because unlike other social media, it allowed me to form closer ties to the people there. but this also made me realize how hurtful I can be to people who care about me

making a long story short: mastodon gave me a sense of security about expressing myself, so I went all out. just said whatever came to mind, responded to people honestly, etc. most of the time I always try not to insult anyone, especially when replying to people I care about. one friend made me realize I was being too combative for no reason sometimes and then I decided to take things easier

still, that didn't prevent me from hurting people I care about, which led me to be blocked by people I interacted a lot and who I considered to be friends a few times. one of those times, I was soft-blocked and saw the guy subtoot about me, so I knew what it was about and had the chance to reach out and apologize. he accepted my apologies, but said I sometimes come across as needlessly aggressive, which, according to him, contradicts what people who know me personally say about me. the other times I wasn't so lucky, so I just got blocked and have no idea why

all this reminds me of my childhood, when people constantly told me I'm annoying and that I should be quiet, which probably rendered me into a very quiet and shy teenager. I remember taking the piss out of people and enjoying it, so maybe people are right

not sure what to think of it. in the flesh world, people around me say I'm one of the nicest people they know, that I'm very caring and kind. some people say that about me on mastodon too, but I wonder if it's all just a mask and the true me is the annoying kid I suppressed early in my life.

just got... undiagnosed? (self.autisticandadhd)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by bunitor to c/autisticandadhd@lemmy.world

psychiatrist looked at the neuropsychologic evaluation results of autism+adhd and was not convinced. not that there isn't anything going on, but he thinks my case isn't as conclusive as the results claim it to be and i'm still open to be diagnosed with maybe other kind of personality disorder (perhaps ocd). he's not discarding autism either, he's just adding other possibilities

(he's pretty sure about the adhd, though)

not sure what to think of it, and also not sure if i should stay here


this might be a little off-topic, but I don't know where else to ask

i saw a video simulating the real time unfolding of the chernobyl disaster and it blew my mind how much the engineers ignored every warning and security measure possible

(yt link for those interested: https://youtu.be/WMr3-ShzB08)

why would they do this? i'm not a nuclear engineer, but i'd much rather risk my job, my career and leave millions of people without electricity than push the safety thresholds even by the tiniest bit. trying to look for explanations online leads to liberal, anticommunist bullshit like "russian incompetence" or "they wouldn't dare question the generals" or whatever. i want an actual, technical (and social) explanation without any liberal bias, which is why i'm asking it here

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by bunitor to c/autisticandadhd@lemmy.world


just got my neuropsychological evaluation results:

  • level 1 asd
  • turbo adhd
  • eating disorder (more specifically, pica syndrome)

also a bunch of other things that aren't disorders themselves (neuroticism is the only one i can remember)

honestly, the primary feeling to me coming out of this diagnosis is "it's not my fault i'm a total mess". i thought the asd diagnosis would be more validating, but the fact that i'm in the 99 percentile in a lot of aspects of adhd really validates how i felt about this shit being really hard for me but easy for other people. it really flipped my perspective from "jfc i can't get my shit together" to "holy shit, how am i still alive and able to earn a living while living 1000 miles away from my family??"

i'm not gonna let this justifying not even trying to be better, but it makes me more assured that i am really trying my best, that failures will happen, and that i should be kind to myself and honest about my limitations

also, i bought a dishwasher and my depression has been cured. why wasn't i told about this before?

anyway, hello


i've instaled opensuse tumbleweed a bunch of times in the last few years, but i always used ext4 instead of btrfs because of previous bad experiences with it nearly a decade ago. every time, with no exceptions, the partition would crap itself into an irrecoverable state

this time around i figured that, since so many years had passed since i last tried btrfs, the filesystem would be in a more reliable state, so i decided to try it again on a new opensuse installation. already, right after installation, os-prober failed to setup opensuse's entry in grub, but maybe that's on me, since my main system is debian (turns out the problem was due to btrfs snapshots)

anyway, after a little more than a week, the partition turned read-only in the middle of a large compilation and then, after i rebooted, the partition died and was irrecoverable. could be due to some bad block or read failure from the hdd (it is supposedly brand new, but i guess it could be busted), but shit like this never happens to me on extfs, even if the hdd is literally dying. also, i have an ext4 and an ufs partition in the same hdd without any issues.

even if we suppose this is the hardware's fault and not btrfs's, should a file system be a little bit more resilient than that? at this rate, i feel like a cosmic ray could set off a btrfs corruption. i hear people claim all the time how mature btrfs is and that it no longer makes sense to create new ext4 partitions, but either i'm extremely unlucky with btrfs or the system is in fucking perpetual beta state and it will never change because it is just good enough for companies who can just, in the case of a partition failure, can just quickly switch the old hdd for a new one and copy the nightly backup over to it

in any case, i am never going to touch btrfs ever again and i'm always going to advise people to choose ext4 instead of btrfs

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by bunitor to c/bunkerdaesquerda

close em várias bandeiras grandes e altas balançando na rua, onde se vê copas de árvores e prédios ao fundo. várias bandeiras vermelhas, uma bandeira lgbt do pstu e uma bandeira da palestina bem no meio

foto mais ampla de uma pequena multidão no meio de uma avenida. quase não se vê o asfalto, mas as pessoas estão relativamente espalhadas. várias bandeiras um pouco distantes, a maioria vermelha, mas uma bandeira da palestina se destaca. árvores e edifícios altos ao fundo

foto de dentro da multidão para fora na avenida, destacando uma bandeira do ctb (central de trabalhadores do brasil) e uma do pcdob ao lado. prédios e árvores ao fundo

multidão (apenas as cabeças visíveis na foto) segurando bandeiras em frente ao theatro municipal do rio de janeiro. em destaque: uma bandeira da palestina, algumas da ctb (central dos trabalhadores do brasil) e outras bandeiras vermelhas

(sem descrição porque eu tô na rua, me perdoem. EDIT: agora tá com descrição)


gostaria de saber quais são os melhores lugares para se morar em salvador sendo realista (ou seja, não vale apartamento de dois milhões no morro do gato). supondo que você tivesse um crédito de uns 300 mil mais ou menos pra comprar uma casa ou apartamento, ou então quer gastar no máximo 1500/2000 reais de aluguel, onde você escolheria morar?

outra coisa: eu quero conseguir ir a pé tranquilamente pra mercado, banco, etc e ter transporte coletivo disponível pra se precisar ir longe. ou seja, nada de condomínio na puta que pariu na palalela

eu fui morar em salvador pra fazer faculdade e lá em morava num daqueles prédios antigos em volta do shopping barra e a região é bem legal de morar. a desvantagem é que fazer mercado e comer é caro e tem muito ladrão (não sei se isso mudou hoje), mas eu gostava muito de morar lá e o apartamento onde eu morava (era de meu pai) ele comprou por 140mil e hoje custa 250. aluguel é por volta de 2000 reais num apto 2 quartos+dependência que nem o que eu morava, mas dá pra achar até mais em conta se for menor

não tenho experiência de morar em outros lugares, então não sei dizer. já visitei uns parentes da esposa em são marcos (naqueles conjuntinhos de casas) e me pareceu bem agradável, mas me disseram que o bairro é perigoso, então não sei

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