[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 2 points 3 days ago

I’m really sorry you went through that, and my intention wasn’t to minimize your experiences. I’m merely saying what I did out of personal experience and a sense of desperation.

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I don’t think drugs are necessarily the answer but therapy is in most cases so prohibitively expensive it’s almost certainly never the answer for the majority of people. $50-100 per week on therapy, if we’re being extremely generous, could fund multiple drug addictions.

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 10 points 3 days ago

Those people tend to lean into "just do (specific favored drug) it will fix everything" Joe Roganisms instead. Sure, drugs might help, but they are definitely not universal cures for feeling bad.

Or, you know, they’ve actually spent a lifetime and endless amounts of money cycling through different mental health professionals only to find that the entire field is mostly just kumbaya bullshit with little rigour unless you’re lucky enough to find someone who truly knows what they’re doing.

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 18 points 3 days ago

I was honestly surprised by how… nice he was being to Biden in the first debate while the guy was sundowning live on air. There was only one quip (I’m not sure what he’s saying and I don’t think he knows what he’s saying) but otherwise he seemed completely checked out from being his usual self.

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 11 points 4 days ago

Because Obama was a one time novelty, let’s not act as if racism over

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 3 points 4 days ago

Did i start it?

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 40 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Being well connected and having high social standing are ‘soft skills’ or whatever the fuck.

From your account of your own experiences, I can predict and promise you your name and social class has made a big difference in getting the job

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

That’s fair but if I want to be annoying about this I could go on endless degrees of abstraction.

You’re working an above board job to eat not to pay for the genocide of the Palestinians. Can’t someone vote for non-Gaza related and personal reason? What if they work a government job that depends on which administration is in power? The point is that almost all of us are supporting this genocide one way or another and few are voting Democrat to exterminate Palestinians.

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 15 points 4 days ago

These are the same people who measure lunch breaks by the second and suddenly become careless with clock after 5

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 17 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

do you feel comfortable explaining to a Palestinian child how you’re paying for their extermination?

You think they’ll give a fuck if you said ‘but I didn’t vote for it’?

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 2 points 4 days ago

Professional settings being one of them. Short men are much less likely to get jobs, promotions, be in positions of leadership.

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 7 points 4 days ago

I genuinely think it was when I first used Tinder that my mental health deteriorated ten fold.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by gueybana@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

I’m a mechanical engineer. well, by education anyways, and I’m unemployed at the moment. I’ve literally zero specialty and I pretty much don’t know shit and while I’ve got time to endlessly masturbate in my parent’s house and read, I might as well get some inspiration on what fields I should pursue.

Right now I’m reading this Molten Salt and Thorium reactor textbook




Moved to new prison. Here’s hoping he’s moved to a new prison every few months due to round robín stabbings.

Uncritical support for stab happy prisoners

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by gueybana@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Like, I’ve had several therapists/psychologists/psychiatrists/counselors throughout my life who either seemed disinterested or flat out unfit to deal with people like me, and I don’t even think I’m the worst case scenario (who knows, maybe I am?).

What’s their main demographic, who do they even help? Yuppies, professionals, people in manager positions who already have had successful professional, social, and dating lives?

They’re already too expensive for most of the population, they seem to be absolutely oblivious to the problems of most men of color or trans folks or most gay folks, they can’t help early career young people, definitely not working class people, like what the fuck are they good for? And can people just shut the fuck about ‘just go to therapy, honey’, ‘men will do anything but go to therapy’ like fuck off. I went to therapy, and holy shit yeap, the world still sucks and society is still extremely hostile to me.

Oh I can change my reaction to things? to live in delusion is almost what they seem to be prescribing and nah, I’d rather just save the 100 dollars per session and spend it on 2 months supply of fucking OxyContin.

And motherfucker, if you’re a psychiatrist, and I’m here for adderall or anxiolitics or fucking laxatives, you had better fucking give it to me. I didn’t fucking pay 150 to prescribe me children’s medication or to be lectured about the importance of therapy.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by gueybana@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Haha wow this hippity hop stuff you urban kids do is really cool i guess btw look how bored i look while doing it. in an aussie cricket jersey no less, have to remind people im still part of the clan.

Dumb gentrifying fuck

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by gueybana@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

I don’t have a console and it’s been a while since I was a gamer but every once in a while I desire to play an immersive game, and my laptop probably can’t run much. Any games you all recommend for AyyPhone?


I got a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from a ‘good school’ and yet I never got a good entry level job in the field so I was just wandering the wastelands for a long while before I got a good corporate bullshit job from which I got fired after 3 years and now I have no actual engineering skills and tens of thousand in college debt

I’m 33 and live with my parents and I’m in this constant cycle of living with them until I find a good job in some far away city. They live in a remote place where the only jobs available are 7.50 and yet the living costs are absurd so really, you’re pretty much working just to work. The problem is I can’t move out and do human things such as live by own and have a meaningful because I need a decent salary to survive, and that can only happen if I get something in a far away big city. I don’t want to have to fend for peanuts living paycheck to paycheck(i’ve already tried that a couple of times) in some rathole in a city but I also hate living with my parents so I’m forced in an all or nothing mindset where I need to have a decent salary. I wish I could just take a low wage jobs in some other city but the logistics don’t allow me to.

I feel like I’m rambling, I just feel incredibly stuck, my social life and dating lives are nonexistent and I’m completely fucking broke. I just masturbate all day in my parents house. I have a degree that should be lucrative according to this shitass society, I’m not the archetype of a basement dwelling reddit loser because I do have drive and have moved from place to place and worked and clawed my way through life and stay fit and know how to talk to women and I constantly feel like I shouldn’t be where I’m at but…I kind of am a fucking loser.

Experience shows me that, I guess, this too shall pass and I should land on my feet but god damn I’m regressing constantly and every aspect of my life can’t be moved forward if Instay with my parents in this town. Sorry to rant



I swear to god dude, out of all things that will precipitate the balkanization of USA, it’s Trump losing, it’s officially clown fiesta of a reality.

It’s 2024, tomatoes are 25 dollars a pound and a dozen eggs costs a 15 year mortgage, we are absolutely fucked if this is what mobilizes this country.


I love books recommended on here but unless I specify you mfs will recommend theory. You all read anything captivating without overt political themes?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by gueybana@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

He’s down 200k in A day.

I get the US government will forever prop up this shitass boomer company but what kind of capitalist true believer do you have to be to believe in Intel?

WARNING (Wall Street Chuddery) https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1eiktnw/ok_i_definitely_picked_the_wrong_day_to_buy_intel/


I’ve been here since the inception of this site. Since the inception of this site, this community has been flooded by the thoughts of a certain owl based person.

Pee this poo that, cum, shit, tickle my beanis…These are the ravings of a person so far immersed in ideology one can’t help but think they’re secretly CIA. Trying so hard to disguise themselves as the intellectual class of an obscure left wing online forum, they make themselves too obvious in their adherence to common leftist wisdom. Now let me present my case before I’m called a renegade member of this community and blamed trying to harm its cohesion.

THE OWL is a generally adopted symbol in 75% military intelligence institutions worldwide, is the oldest and invariable symbol of knowledge, wisdom, awareness, omniscient persistence, vigilance, sharp mindedness, analytical mind, precision and prompt actions, contemplation and silence, enemy stalking, selection and assessment of the aforesaid strong actions.


This is the premise for my argument. My first piece of evidence is the CIA director once making a joke at the bohemian grove in the 1970s


I was going somewhere with this but I cant finish this whatever dude this mf is CIA and i rest my case

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joined 2 years ago