Thank you all for your suggestions! If I remember, I'll let you know what we pick.
I suppose I mean anything 80s and older.
It seems a lot of people I know are going through it right now. I have no way of knowing what you go through, as my situation is vastly different. I'm in no position to help and don't know where you are exactly (nor do I need to) but I'm in central Florida. Feel free to reach out if you ever want to talk.
Haven't read the comments, but the biggest problem I had was inability to orgasm, with both an SSRI and an SNRI. I could do it sometimes myself if I was alone, but the fact that I couldn't at all during sex was hurting my relationship at the time. Other than that, they did the job. I may be about to have to go back on something as my mental health has been concerning of late as well.
You've gotten upbears but I wanted to specifically say this was a good one. I chuckled.
No shit! Between food and rent I can barely make it.
Surely they signed an extremist non-compete.
Well that seems... not ideal.
Apparently he had his gun drawn so he could use the attached flashlight. I'm not a gun person but doesn't that mean the safety wasn't engaged? Why would you disengage the safety if you're just using the flashlight? Anyway that wall was a terrorist.
Woo! High score! We're number one!
Excuse me while I quietly cry in the corner.
At one point in my life I was doing a lot of intravenous oxycodone et al. I loved pushing my limits and was very good at it, apparently. At one point, and this wouldn't be the last time but was probably the first, I put about 130mg of oxycodone into one needle. I remember getting tunnel vision and a rushing sound in my ears. I woke up several hours later. A few months later I decided to look into those symptoms. Basically early onset overdose. Those were interesting times for me.
I'm proud of you! I think I am very socially awkward but after I ended my last toxic relationship people have been coming out of the woodwork and people actually like me! It has gotten to be a bit much to be honest.
Best of luck, comrade.