This could go harder, for at least 15 or so iterations. It's perfect meme potential

[-] 5 points 11 hours ago

I love this. I love how real art is actually kinda lefty and honest and brilliant and the right cannot even come fucking close to creating anything resembling it

[-] 2 points 13 hours ago

1530 that is simply astonishing

[-] 21 points 13 hours ago

This kind of post is why I pay my monthly

Liked shared etc

[-] 2 points 17 hours ago

I love them. Danny Nedelco is such a lefty athem. Fuck yeah fight bigotry with punk rock!!!

I hate everything

...aaaaaaand cue the Dems blaming the green party for their loss in 2024. It's Nader raiders! It's the Bernie bros! It's Russia! It's never the policy of literally funding a genocide

Rocking the Air keyboard will never be uncool

Fuck yeah. I slam danced to idles once. It was awesome

[-] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

But but but nookyaloor is the green future it's so safe we build reactors right in the middle of cities to reduce transmission line electric losses of up to 50% and we totally know how to dispose of the waste now we encase it in concrete that will never ever leak and sink it into the ocean

I am very smart

I mean how cool can it get? Sunglasses at night in a Ferrari submersed in an Olympic swimming pool?

Imagine if America had a functional judicial system

Who wore it better (
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

'what have I done

To deserve

This flat, flavorless Manhattan'

  • fat Tony

What's good? Big ipad with apple pen or something? What do people use these days?


“Dissent is very difficult in this country. We have a media which is rewarded by telling people what they want to hear. And that’s not our job. We’re not supposed to be popular. We’re not supposed to be extolled as wonderful people who make us happy. We have to show the pain. And we are obliged to say what we feel about the decisions of powerful people.”


“Dissent is very difficult in this country. We have a media which is rewarded by telling people what they want to hear. And that’s not our job. We’re not supposed to be popular. We’re not supposed to be extolled as wonderful people who make us happy. We have to show the pain. And we are obliged to say what we feel about the decisions of powerful people.”

  • Phil Donahue

“Dissent is very difficult in this country. We have a media which is rewarded by telling people what they want to hear. And that’s not our job. We’re not supposed to be popular. We’re not supposed to be extolled as wonderful people who make us happy. We have to show the pain. And we are obliged to say what we feel about the decisions of powerful people.”

  • Phil Donahue

[Bad moon rising starts playing]


Pleas share Etsy I buy now


Amazing. The OLED steam deck colors are visually stunning, gameplay so fun. Really well balanced combat vs. exploration, great little story sequences and very Japanese. Did not even notice the time go by. What an age we live in.


Are there ten thousand stories like this. Journalists killed. Hospitals burnt to the ground. Mass Graves. No coverage in media. So. Courage friend, please watch


Working up the courage to watch it but YouTube is asking me to login to view content. Tried the hack where you move the URL to embed but no dice. Anyone got a invidious link or something?

By the way I think everyone should see it.. I've heard snippits on Chapo and Intercepted, really critical

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joined 1 year ago