[-] refolde@hexbear.net 22 points 1 hour ago

Oh I'm sorry, who's the fucking chaotic evil savage violent horde again?

What? It was the settlers? Again? Wow! What a surprise!

[-] refolde@hexbear.net 27 points 1 hour ago

This guy deserves to be lynched.


Are there any links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy?

[-] refolde@hexbear.net 18 points 1 day ago

Try telling that to the people overreacting to this shit lmao

[-] refolde@hexbear.net 27 points 1 day ago

God damn seeing people's reactions to this is making me doom hard again.

China's done. It's over. China has fallen. The US reigns supreme yet again. Have fun with another 69420 years of US dominance. There is no more Communist party of China. It is now the capitalist party of China. Xi Jinping has personally unvieled two katanas and used them to slice apart the hammer and sickle and replace it with a dollar sign, signifying the true end of Chinese communism. This alone has been the greatest betrayal in the history of betrayals. Communism will never recover, and it is all because of the Chinese.

Clearly it's time to nuke China. Time to assault Chinese people on the street. Time to support the United States in its struggle against Chinese imperialism. Time to support East Turkestan. Time to support Chinese internment camps. They are revisionist so they deserve it of course.

Forget it. I'm more pissed at people here than I am at China. I don't fucking care anymore.

[-] refolde@hexbear.net 54 points 2 days ago

The responses I got earlier were much appreciated. I was feeling like shit and that was a whole bunch of baggage I needed to get off my chest.

[-] refolde@hexbear.net 21 points 2 days ago

yeah sorry I've just been slowly going insane due to a shortage of good news. :doomjak:

[-] refolde@hexbear.net 22 points 3 days ago

Part 2:

spoilerThey're laughing. They know we're powerless. They know that we're forced to play by their rules and we have no power to change that. They know they've completely domesticated the left, and there is no real anti-imperialits force that can challenge them. They know they've got the world under their heel. If we kill ourselves, they'll just laugh at us. If we continue to live just to "spite" them, they'll still take joy in our continued suffering. The only thing I can think of that can wipe that smug look off their faces is to live to hurt them, not just spite, but hurt them. Inflict a permanent injury on them, traumatize and scar them so much that they can never enjoy the world they've created.

This is unacceptable. We should never just shrug our shoulders and say "oh you know that's just how it is we can always make the world better UWU" and continue to play by their fucking rules while they continue and continue to perpetuate their vile ideology while we pretend we have any power to change it.

We're on our way to the "real" end of history aren't we? With the U.S. becoming the world's first and only forever empire. Liberal/Fascit ideology (Liberalism is a form of fascism) will survive the earth being engulfed by the sun. It will survive the heat death of the universe.

How do you avoid becoming a misanthrope. To believe that human beings are inherently fascits, that fascim is the natural state of humanity. That genocide is human nature.

If that's the case, humanity needs to have their evil nature supprssed. God I just wan tto wipe the fucking slate clean. We shit on the "better dead than red" meme but honetlyy I'm no better. I'd rather burn the world in nuclear armageddon than let the fascists win yet again. Wipe the slate celan, start over, and ensure that any that tries to perpetuate fascist ideology is suppressed with extreme prejudice. Hell even just for thinking about it.

Yes I would literally punish you for thought crimes. Don't like it? Have better opinions then, jackass.

Also I will literally make the story of Yakub official history. fuck you.

Why do Communists have to be merciful? Why do they have to be "Better" than their enemies? Fascits can committ all sorts of atrocities and butcher innocents and still be hailed as heroes, why? becaue they won. They write history. Their victims are powerless to do anything about them, so why do they matter? Fascitsts today are still celebrated, their atrocities either ignored or aslo celebrated. Committing war crime and atrocities just doens't fucking matter does it? They alway get away with it. Just look at those fucking demons who worked at Unit 731. Why can't we be crueler than our enemies? Terrorize and butcher them as they would us? I don't want to do this libshit "they go low we go high" garbage. I want to punish them. I want to break them. Every war criminal nation got off scot free, why can't we? Look at the world now, every fascist nation that has committed atrocities never had to answer for their crimes, and their oppossition has no fucking powerto do anything about it. Almost every fascst scum died peacefully in their sleep, having accomplished all of their goals, and their legacy still stands strong today. And even for those who didn't die peacefully, their goals were accomplished post-humously anyways! Turns out, atrocities and war crimes don't fucking matter. So why shouldn't we do the same!?

Is this the future we are headed for? Imagine this, the United States has completely bent every nation on earth to its will. Its ruling class has achieved a form of "Godhood," with omnipotent powers at their disposal. They have not only rewritten, but completely recreated history, to mark the western world, but the United States especially, to be the harbingers of civilization itself. White people have been branded as the "Golden Race," sent down by the US ruling class (now the eternal God-kings of the world) from heaven to "tame" and "civilize" the "savage wastes" and domesticate or wipe out the "savages" (non-whites). The U.S. at this point has developed mind control chips to surgically implant within the brains of dissidents, but especially non-whites in order to keep them docile and happy with oppression. The worship of the U.S. ruling class and white Americans has been enforced as the world state religion, with Mount Rushmore becoming a holy site.

They enforce a brutal caste system that follows these lines:

The US ruling Class

The Acolytes of the world state religion

The "Golden Race" (white americans)

The lesser "Golden Race" (other whites)

The "Chosen" (non-whites who have willingy chosen to be compradors and help the whites colonize their people. They have roles such as monitoring their communities and delivering newborns to the Acolytes to have the brain chips implanted)

and the very bottom: non-whites, who occupy servant and slave roles, are treated entirely as property, and used as the playthings for the higher-ups. They are heavily monitored and every newborn is delivered to the Acolytes to have the brain chips implanted to keep them happy and complacent. The brain chip makes them feel joy from being enslaved, and even being abused or discarded. It makes them only care about pleasing their "master." Feeding and care is optional, since if they die or get injured, their owners can just buy a new one. The mind control chips also compel them to kneel whenever in the presence of any "Golden Race" caste members, and thank them for "civilizing" them and "Gracing them with their presence."

Oh god I'm dooming too hard please just tell me I'm wrong about all this. I'm losing my goddamn mind.

Also if anyone replies with some libshit platitude you'll just make it worse and I will add you to a kill-list (not really but you get the sentiment)


God I'm sorry doomjak

[-] refolde@hexbear.net 35 points 3 days ago

Reading some of the comments lately has caused me to doom doomjak so fucking hard that I legit had trouble sleeping last night and I almost felt slightly nauseuous.

I typed up a long vent/screed. CW for some things such as doomerisms, mentions of suicide, violent fantasies, and really unhinged worldbuilding. I can't tell you how much of it is sincere or how much of it is coming from my deteriorating mental state

I apologize in advance doomjak

Also since this is really long I think I need to split it into two parts

Part 1:

spoilerGod has Fascism ever truly lost? It feels like they always get the last laugh. People here call it unsustainable but it seems like it's able to sustain itself entirely through pure ideology. It doesn't need to be efficient or build anything, it just needs to control the world's resources with an iron grip and burrow its vile ideology into the minds of everyone, and it just becomes self-perpetuating. God why do so many people love fascism so much?

Fuckfuckfuck it's starting to look like Fascism never really loses, it just suffers setbacks. The Nazis failed to conquer the Soviet Union, but that doesn't matter because the west preserved Nazi ideology whereas the Soviet Union collapsed, it was ripped apart and its legacy is being torn to shreds. The Nazis got what they wanted in the end.

The Vietnam war? Vietnam has to live in a US-led world order and has to play by their rules. Same with every country that has had a successful revolution. Cuba's still being strangled by the U.S. DPRK is isolated while occupied Korea stands entirely on U.S. backing. The Black Panthers were broken.

Spain's first astronaut? Okay I don't know much about Spain but I presume things aren't good there, despite some fascist shitbag getting owned. Once again, only a setback, but not a defeat.

And apparently the dollar is an invincible weapon that China and Russia can't do anything about. With the way things are going they're totally just going to succumb and become U.S. colonies aren't they?

And China raising the retirement age? That's a sign, the beginning of the end. This will soon lead to China's collapse and the west will pick its carcass dry again. In fact it might happen in the next 5 minutes after this post!!!!

Settler colonialists have always been successful in genociding the natives: Americans, Aussies, and soon it will be Israel too. We continue to live in the fucking aftermath of said genocides. We might not have been born in time to witness the liberation of Palestine. Instead we may have been born in time to witness yet another successful genocide being carried out, and the beginning of Israel becoming the eternal hegemon of the middle east.

Do we just passively accept that Fascism really is the strongest and most supreme ideology? That white people really are the master race? That they've been able to cow and domesticate every country and keep them under their stranglehold for centuries, and they're still doing it and nothing can stop them? That they'd burrow their ideology into the minds of every single human being in the world? Look at how it maintains itself and self-perpetuates, it just keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going. No amount of fuckups will ever change that. Countries like China need to do everything right or they're doomed, but the west can shoot itself in the foot constantly and still win.

They're laughing. The Fascists and libs must be living in fucking heaven right now. They're experiencing nothing but constant sheer euphoria every single day because the powers that be are catering to their every whim. Same for the Zionist scum knowing that with the U.S. backing them it's impossible for them to lose, that they will eventually finish their genocide without setbacks. They know the world is biased towards them, they know that if there is a God, it is a God that favors all the Hitlers of the world. Meanwhile China doesn't do everything we want, while the U.S. does literally everything the fash want. If the good guys always win then that means Fascism, genocide, and colonialism are considered good in the eyes of this God right? Then it is a cruel God that deserves to be attacked and dethroned.

[-] refolde@hexbear.net 17 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I hate them all. They're all guilty. They are all complicit. In a just world they would all be tried and publically executed. But this is not a just world, it's a world that caters to them and their every whim.

I cannot understate how deeply I hate them all now. Their continued existence is a fucking blight.

[-] refolde@hexbear.net 47 points 4 days ago

Looks at the United States Oops! All Hitlers!

[-] refolde@hexbear.net 22 points 4 days ago

Of course it's not, glad you agree.

[-] refolde@hexbear.net 45 points 4 days ago

I've got multiple posts queued up in my head but I don't want to post them all at once.

So first I'm going to ask: What was that one anti-colonial uprising again? The one where the settler colonialists got hacked apart with machetes.

submitted 1 month ago by refolde@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net



You're gonna need some real cold water. Either ice water or refrigerated, or really any drink that's super cold and chilled. Drink that first, slosh all that cold liquid in your mouth, and then take a piece of whatever you're eating and put it in your mouth while it's still cold inside. Preferably a small piece, just to be safe; this is still kinda risky to do.

Let me know how this works out for you if you give it a try.


There was the shocking discovery of a strange unidentified object that was orbiting Jupiter (and it was covered in a round pink cloud to indicate how hidden it was). Many believed it was a moon that we just never noticed in the entire history of studying the solar system. The whole mood of it was actually kinda eerie because we don't know what that thing is about. Also we were thinking "Life? is there life on this new moon?" and so scientists sent a probe to it to find out what it was but it won't reach there for a few days.

So I was walking around and I guess I woke up into another dream and I spoke to one of my high school teachers about it and he was like "whoa really that's crazy" and I was like "nah that's only a dream" except not really the Jupiter moon plot had not been lost yet. (Also I was disappointed when I gradually grew conscious enough to realize this was a dream I legitimately thought we found something special here.)

The shocking twist is that that was not a moon at all, it was in fact some sort of massive space station or facility that's the size of a planet or moon. "We didn't build that." This could only have been built by alien lifeforms, but how long has it been there? Some thoughts crop up such as "the government wouldn't allow people to know about this" and stuff but that ends up not really mattering, because we go to the station and for some reason I was in the group that was headed there. We found a very well-maintained lab, but were only greeted with killer security robots and I guess we dealt with them? I dunno. Despite this place looking well-maintained, there was no organic life to speak of. Yep, even in a dream there was no organic life in space.

Anyways it's time to drop that plot entirely and teleport back to Earth, where there's a zombie apocalypse now for no fucking reason, but it's also not really important. There was a family guy skit where a bunch of people step on a trap and everyone runs and steps on more traps which causes a lot of explosions and bodily harm. And then they all get injured but practically give a thumbs up as if they were okay. They were not okay. I attempt to use the powers of teleportation to go back home where i have three fans on simultaenously. That's it. Man it sure is a shame that we did not explore that fucking space facility near Jupiter any further. Shame we couldn't learn more about it. Fuck you dream.


My asscheeks are about to find out why America doesn't have free healthcare.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by refolde@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

The most distinctive thing I remember was this soda machine that dispensed Pepsi cans, but the Pepsi logo was in the trans pride colors, and it was basically estrogen soda and I drank some.

And then later I went to some rich peoples' dinner party and Fus Ro Dah'd the tables and destroyed everything. Thta's how the dream ended.


A German art student posing as one of China's terracotta warriors at the heritage site in Xi'an,2006.
Police took 2 minutes to find the "living" one, as he did not harm the relics, he was not arrested or charged but only given a criticism, and outfit was confiscated.

Dudes rock moment?

submitted 5 months ago by refolde@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

It's pretty simple, the mod lets you find a bunker to turn into your home base and spend a lot of caps to claim areas for your chosen faction, with the option of even renaming said areas as well (eg renaming the NCRCF into Gulag or something)

Wild Card players have the option of working with one of the game's minor factions instead of just taking over with the Securitron army so you can do a pseudo Followers or Kings playthrough if you want (still ultimately just a Wild Card playthrough though). If that's not enough, there are extra factions such as Intelligent Deathclaws or Molerats you can also roll with. With Functional Post-Game Ending you can also claim the Strip for your chosen minor faction itself after the battle of Hoover Dam. However, if you choose to go with the Securitron army you can name your faction/Independent Mojave whatever the fuck you want (I think the extra factions might give that option too).

There is a China faction, but you need TTW for that and I think they're exclusive to the Capital Wasteland anyways. So uhhh, if you're like me and don't have that, you're outta luck. For those who do however, and are interested in this mod, I beseech you, please take over the U.S. capital for China, and take pics while you're at it.

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