
joined 1 month ago
[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

Pizza parties for everyone, I guess. /s


I am all about minimalism and try to live a bit of a minimalist lifestyle. I know I live as one person in a small-ish apartment, so there's no point to me in having to get things that would involve groups. Like there was a time when I got lots of board games, card games, kitchen appliances like an 8 quart air-fryer and a large size slow cooker. Like who is all of this for? I'm only one person.

So I do pride myself in getting smaller appliances, getting rid of shit when I know I will not have guests ever over. And for the past few weeks, I've been condensing and getting rid of more things that I feel no longer apply to me anymore. I thrift so I have picked up numerous amounts of things that peaked my interest, gotten things because I was thinking of a friend and their interests, gotten things because people online said it was the best thing to get so I sought after it until I had it. Books, movies, games .etc the sort.

But it's like, this shit has been sitting on my shelves and been moved around for years untouched, while I pretty much spend all of my time just doing general life things. Like work, errands and sitting infront of the computer.

And besides the thought of maybe having to move this year, I finally had twisted my own arm to finally get rid of these things as much as I could. Because I don't want to cart these things around again, I did it before. In fact, three years ago before I moved into my apartment, besides clothes, 4 totes were filled with books. Just books. The same books that mostly sat around unread since I unboxed them all.

And I'd like to not do that again, so I donate. I love to give back as much as I can and as much as I like to spend. If I won't give the things I've spent so much time and money for the time of day, fuck it, they should go to places and people where they could be enjoyed.

There's also an article I had read recently, I'll link it here. Because, cutting things out cold turkey never worked for me, because I keep crawling back into wanting that thing again overtime. Though just evaluating where I am, who I am, what the future entails and my ever-changing interests helped a lot more in getting rid of things.

And that's my method. Yours?

[–] 1 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

Do you like, not know that there's other places to apply to? Maybe your resume wasn't attractive. Again, you are competing against people whose resumes and experience could outweigh yours. It isn't just you that could be applying.

[–] 2 points 9 hours ago (3 children)

People seem to not understand that it takes persistence. We're no longer in the days where you apply and people call back. Every and any job in the past 16 years since I've been working jobs, has been because I was persistent. You have to nag back. Call them throughout the week. E-mail when you can. Just keep up the momentum.

You can't just sit there and pretend you're the only one applying for the job. Thousands and thousands of people are all after jobs just as you are and it is a competition.

On that note, you've got to make sure you resume looks good and comprehensible. You gotta list off things as whatever skills you have. As a last resort, lie what you can lie about and make it believable. Just don't lie about education, though, anybody can see through that.

[–] 0 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Is this a serious question?

[–] 39 points 1 day ago

This is by far the worst term than the first.

  • Massive Federal Firings
  • Musk openly doing the Nazi Salute
  • Trump/Musk claiming 'domestic terrorism' over Tesla vandalism and protests
  • Trump just left and right, trying to stall, threaten, intimidate and insult judges that ruled against him
  • Trump and his cronies ignoring all sorts of federal orders from judges
  • Trump attempting to pull the biggest deportation operation seen in history
  • Trump actually starting tariff wars with Canada, Mexico and other countries
  • Trump and Vance talking down the President of Ukraine
  • Trump siding with and favoring Russia/Putin
  • Trump and cronies dismantling federal departments
  • Trump telling everyone to 'shut up' about egg prices

He is just going on a infantile tyrannical rampage on everything that threatens or demeans him. Not the country, not the people, just him. He and his couch-fucking friend Vance and his boytoy Musk.

Oh and people always threaten to leave all of the time when someone they voted for didn't get office and the opposing side did. Always happens every election. It's all nothingburgers until people actually do leave.


Spawn, for me. Also, Stop.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

Yeah right.

[–] 16 points 3 days ago

The First Amendment applies to everyone and this is clearly a violation of that. Put your hand down, we won't call you again, kid.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago

What they were hoping for: Their voted party to make things miserable for their enemies and for them to benefit since they voted.

Reality: Their voted party is going around dismantling, liquidating and destroying safety nets that said voters rely on. Everyone is screwed.

Not bright thinking, not bright.

[–] 154 points 4 days ago (13 children)

And they all died because one psychopathic old fart simply just wanted to take over majority of or the entire country of another for personal gain.

[–] 10 points 4 days ago

It's not the funding that's the problem, it's the credibility and trust that the Dems have cratered that needs repairing.

[–] 36 points 4 days ago (7 children)

Oh and it isn't like Americans over 30 are any happier?

[–] 52 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I say it's a little more than that as well. We're seeing and hearing people, make sacrifices in their lives that they didn't think they'd have to make. Like deciding against having a kid, why? Because the pay isn't good enough anymore for single-family. People having to decide when to specifically shop and go without necessities, why? Inflation. People having to upset their entire living to try and go elsewhere in town or even another state, why? High rates. Why are people knee deep in credit card debt? Having to take out personal loans? Or any loan? Why are people looking to be with someone, just so they can have someone else simply help out expenses?

It's not a damn mystery.


As CBS' parent company considers settlement of President Donald Trump's lawsuit against “60 Minutes,” America’s storied newsmagazine is pulling no punches in its coverage of the new administration.


Been trying to find something to play for hours and only getting blips now and then. I come to realize that I just stopped feeling anything nostalgic for some consoles from particular generations of gaming. One of them is the Sega Genesis. The only greatest memory I've had of that system, was the Sega Channel, a subscription service that gave you access to numerous Genesis games in a monthly cycle. I was really one of the blessed few that got to experience that and was so happy someone made a rom dump of it only to find that it only brings me to the ATTENTION! screen when I try running it. That's what you get when something happens to the adapter or service discontinued .etc

Anyways, I know the Genesis have had some gems and some classics. But I have a hard time really caring for most of its library and the way Sega has handled re-releasing its old games library, has really added sour to my feelings on the Genesis. Sonic, Golden Axe, Columns, Streets of Rage and repeat was all that Sega ever pitched out. Over and over, didn't matter what generation of gaming it was. Maybe a few random titles sprinkled in and there you go. But it's like, they didn't bother lifting a finger to try and maybe get some of the better games that were released on that system. They didn't get Shadowrun, which in my opinion, outclasses the SNES version just barely simply because it felt like a pure Shadowrun experience. Zombies Ate My Neighbors could have had an argument being compiled. Pirates! Gold was a stellar pirates-related RPG of its time, didn't get compiled.

Like what the fuck, Sega? Yes we get it, never forget Sonic. Between the two big 16-bit consoles, I've found greater appreciation for the SNES. I mean, you could easily rank 150 banger classics off of its library compared to what Genesis' best, I struggle to maybe get 20 or 25.


My idea of Heaven would be, that it'd be a place where you get to spend as long as you want there before deciding to move on. Like whether you want to comeback as someone new or want to be an angel or want to do something on a cosmic or spiritual scale that contributes to the bigger picture. You're free from all suffering, regret, torment and guilt.

The idea of Hell is, is you get planted into two potential places aside from the commonly registered idea of hell that's depicted. One place is solitary confinement, for your spirit. No contact, nothing. Whatever you suffered with, still remains and nothing or nobody will bother with you.

Another place, is where you get to relive your better dreams and memories. But they're going to be fucked with until they're nightmares, robbing you of ever reliving the pleasantries that they once provided you. It'll be like partaking in a bad sitcom and you're its star. You're here in this idea of hell for quite the eternity, you don't get choice as to when you want to leave or what you do with your spirit.


"So just do it" is a glaring one for me.

Simply because it is disregarding someone else's thought processes and how their mind works. Where simply 'just do it' is not as easily and readily accomplished. This kind of advice is always uttered when one person is going on about how they're tired of something and want to do something else. So this gets mentioned.

It could be a lot of reasons as to why, even if it is down to the obvious reasons. My valid reason a lot of the time is that I just don't have the energy or will to just magically get myself to do something.


People today cannot go a moment without crying about how they've been ghosted by someone else. But they don't really think about relevance when it comes to gaining friends and maintaining them.

People are so easy to let go of someone because they haven't had a 'hi' from them in a couple days or a week. I think that's too petty. Are you meaning to say that people are not allowed to tend to things they find more important? To other people they may find more important than you?

All I ever ask from my friends is to at least talk to me within a year, something anything. Doesn't have to be on a constant basis, we'd run out of subjects and updates.

I always feel like people should evaluate friends based on relevancy. How much do they mean to you? What have they done recently that makes the friendship itself feel like it's gotten an update? Is the mutual bond still there?

Things like that. Simply throwing a fit because someone hasn't spoken to you in a day or even a few hours kind of suggests that maybe you're an insecure friend.


And I'm sure it's annoying you too. You can't view a single YouTube video anymore anywhere one is posted, without that stupid notification popping up. Which forces you to have to go to the shitty YouTube site, log in, hope through whatever verification checks that there is and finally, you can watch the video.

Isn't there a way anymore where people can just link videos and for them to play? Fuck you, Google.

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