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Comunidade da Bolha em destaque: !

submitted 58 minutes ago* (last edited 54 minutes ago) by to c/

Did you know that four years ago in the original Techno-Mage story-boards Girl had a love interest?!


On the one hand, hooray for supporting the development of infrastructure in Africa and stuff. On the other hand, booooo for being a top trading partner with the Zionist Entity, and selling drones to Indonesia, and all that.

So what the Hell do you make of it all! Like I get that there's this term called "realpolitik" which is somehow relevant, but I'd like a longer explanation than just one word. Like how does the good and the bad fit together at its core?

You could certainly write tomes about this topic — many people have done exactly that — and maybe I'm being a bit incurious to expect someone to serve me a quick answer on a silver platter instead of diving into as many articles and PDF books as I can get my hands on... But I'm also just kind of tired of having such extremely underdeveloped views on the most populous AES state and country in general, after I came to unlearn or mistrust whichever views I'd had on China previously.




And no he does not masturbate to the image. I am pondering of either seeing a psych doc with him or his PCP. Apparently this has been going on for the past 2 years.


It’s little over five months since the Labour Party won the election. Yet a majority of the UK public are now opting for Keir Starmer to resign as prime minister, according to YouGov. 40% of respondents think he should resign, while 36% think he should remain and 24% don’t know.


The fear in his eyes and words is revitalizing. All of a sudden they're literate and aware of working class people's interests and livelihoods, now that they're staring down the barrel of a gun.

They are now aware they have thrown the country's working class into the arms of the Chinese, and that we're in the endgame now for class conflict.

Everything has exploded in their faces and all the kings horses and all the kings men won't be able to put the empire of lies back together again. It will be buried, in pieces.

submitted 53 minutes ago* (last edited 46 minutes ago) by to c/

I produced this video for The Gravel Institute a few years back before the organization folded.

It's popped off again recently for some reason. Maybe because everything has gotten worse?

submitted 59 minutes ago* (last edited 58 minutes ago) by to c/

An USAin is traveling in a socialist country and has a mental/physical breakdown related to work stress and poor diet/health issues. They are admitted to a mental health facility, and they initially believe they are being forcibly being re-educated and/or other red scare nonsense.

The show would be part psyche thriller (USAin perspective), medical procedural for the socialist medical workers, with maybe some mockumentary elements for added comedy.

The staff would be trying to figure things out and repeatedly dumbfounded by the lab results. Microplastics and PFAS well beyond known limits, etc.

Eventually the USAin starts to get better and appreciate the socialist society and medical care.

Meanwhile their family/partner still thinks they are kidnapped/imprisoned. End of season would involve a standoff with US military "rescue operation" being planned. Perhaps the military shows up, but they no longer want to go back to USA.

Anyway, just a funny idea for a story that would depict the reality of hell world via contrast with a socialist society.

With the tiktok and redbook stuff, this might be pretty on-trend currently.

How it be (
submitted 25 minutes ago by to c/

He's got a tye dyed Rancid shirt
Wears his Birkenstocks to work
Is he a jerk? No, just confused
Jeff don't wear regular shoes


Controlling blood flow to their toes may help the amphibians stick to, and unstick from, their surroundings

Animals come with all kinds of things at the ends of their toes: nails, claws, talons. But the Aneides genus of salamander has them beat with translucent toes that inflate with blood.

The amphibians might be adjusting their toe shape, the researchers propose. Higher blood flow could inflate the toe, like a soccer ball, reducing its contact with the ground and making it easier to unstick. (The video above shows an engorging toe’s surface expand by 5%.) Lower blood flow could do the opposite, flattening the sticky toe against surfaces when hanging on for dear life. The team also showed the salamanders may fill and drain each side of their toes independently, providing fine-tuned toe shape adjustments.

It costs energy, and skin, to repeatedly peel an adhesive toe off of tree trunks and branches. But slipping is even worse. Salamanders’ inflatable digits may solve both problems.


The hashtag “Your turn, dictator” has been widely shared on Egyptian social media in the past two weeks. Modeled after the 2011 rallying cry “your turn, doctor” used against then-Syrian President Bashar al Assad, the latest hashtag was coined by Ahmad al Mansour, an Egyptian national who recently served in the ranks of Hayat Tahrir al Sham (HTS) in Syria. Since HTS took control of Syria in December, Mansour has posted videos threatening Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el Sisi. “Listen, stupid,” Mansour routinely begins his videos.

On Tuesday, January 14, the X account for the “The 25 January Revolutionaries Movement” announced that Mansour and several of his associates were arrested and went missing after he was invited to meet with HTS officials, including Syrian Minster of Defense Murhaf Abu Qasra.

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