The Gulf of Middle Earth
Cartography Anarchy
A community for Cartographers with nothing left to lose.
Don't be awful Lemmy Guidelines Still Apply.
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We are agents of chaos I've created this to be the alternative to the community I used to manage on the website that shalt not be named "mapporncirclejerk"
Live and let die Meme trends happen, so please don't message mods asking to take down maps that are repetitive to a bit.
Reposts Vs. Covers Not all reposts are evil- if someone posts something that has been done years ago, it serves to bring old memes to the new users. I call these meme covers. However it can be done in excess which makes it a repost and spam. Mods will determine if a post is a cover or a repost.
No impersonating mods I can't believe I had to make this rule.
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Interesting perspective
Anei te Maori!
(Ok, but wouldn't it be funny if this map was missing NZ too?)
Perfect 👌
I see nothing, where nothing should be...
Exactly what I expected! 😂
Waiting For Te Anau.
Thanks, I hate it a lot.
This is not ok.
We aren't ready to be the center of attention yet.
Then you shouldn't have had such majestic wildlife and interesting culture
I'm always amazed at how much travel bullshit Australians go through to get anywhere, and this kind of makes me realize how it's even worse for New Zealand. Is there any country which has a higher average international flight duration?
4 hours to Melbourne
Auckland to Dubai....~17.5 hrs nonstop
Most of the continents on the fringes of the map, so far far away. What a wonderful place to be with all the drama happening round the world
Middle earth
Wait, does this projection actually have slightly less overall landmass distortion (and slightly more ocean surface distortion) compared to the more popular ones?
Good luck walking any of these straight lines.
All 2d map makers like happy gaily lines!
Panama always did look flimsy and bendable.
That is step-Panama & it's stuck!
The Null Buoy has been given too much attention. Finally a place that's populated at least.
Excuse me, that's centre stage
Such Zeal!
So New. Wow
This is more centered around Fiji tbh
It's actually centred just off the coast of the southeastern corner of Australia
Shhh, you'll give away the true location of New Zealand.
Maps without the correct concept of New Zealand.
The biggest landmass nearest to the edge is Africa (+a slight margin for human pleasure) so it probably made sense to keep that one intact for the readability of the map (cutting Alaska and Canada isn't actually that much km²).
It could have been rotated slightly to move Africa away from the edge, Canada back towards the rest of the Americas, then a slight move could avoid splitting any land, and NZ could be better centred
It's Tassie time!
How do you do this by accident? It would have cut off less of Alaska done properly, even.
Less of Alaska, but more of Africa.
Maybe OP is Mauritanian.
But that would cut off more western Africa than the entire size of Alaska.
Hmm, I guess I didn't account for the projection. It does look like it's compressing Africa here.
That's not Fiji...