submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by RedWizard@hexbear.net to c/electoralism@hexbear.net

Continuing this from the thread in !chapotraphouse@hexbear.net Have the Democrats finally hit on a good messaging strategy in calling Trump "weird?"

Original Post by @Philosoraptor@hexbear.net

Inspired by this post and the fact that I'm seeing a lot of regular libs start to coverage on "these guys are weird little freaks" as a messaging policy, which really seems to be bringing out the wojak-nooo in the far right. It's working much better for them than all of Biden's attempts to portray Trump as some kind of existential threat to amerikkka.

This is interesting, and only surprising in the sense that it is surprising to see the Democrats do something kind of effective for once. Fascists thrive on being seen as cool, powerful, and dangerous; those aesthetics are central to the brand. Every time Biden gave a big speech about how the future of democracy was on the line in the election, it played into that aesthetic. Every time CNN calls January 6 a "coup attempt," it plays into that aesthetic.

Calling these people weird little freaks with weird dumb ideas and weird creepy fixations does not play into that aesthetic. It breaks the illusion that all the freaks at the RNC wearing bandages on their ears are actually normal and represent normal people. They aren't, and they don't. This is yet another thing that the left has known for some time now, but that libs seem to maybe be catching on to: taking these idiots seriously empowers them. Actually realizing that and using it is one of the smarter things that the Dems have done in a while.

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[-] HarryLime@hexbear.net 49 points 1 month ago

Also, we've been calling conservatives weird for years now, it's just that mainstream democrats are finally taking the opening that republicans have been giving them.

Throughout the Obama years and through the 2016 election, democrats kept casting the increasing extremism of the republicans as an aberration and often openly pleaded that the "fever" would "break." But the fever never broke, the republicans have only gotten more and more right, in ways that are increasingly alien to mainstream society. It was only a matter of time before democrats changed their tune and finally harped on the obvious.

Republicans ultimately have no one to blame but themselves. They embraced Trump, who is deeply weird. They talk about children's genitals all the time and accuse their opponents of being satanic pedophiles. They got rid of Roe. They've nominated JD Vance. They got so locked in to their conservative media bubble and their little mental conservative world that they lost touch with normality.

[-] Philosoraptor@hexbear.net 17 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Also, we've been calling conservatives weird for years now, it's just that mainstream democrats are finally taking the opening that republicans have been giving them.

Absolutely. The same people seizing on this right now were screaming at us for not treating The Threat To Democracy with the decorum it deserved just a month ago. Most leftists have been on the "these guys are weird little freaks" train for years now.

[-] ElChapoDeChapo@hexbear.net 42 points 1 month ago

Definitely, this is exactly what they should've done in 2016 but couldn't because they decided to anoint their own weird candidate cedar-rapids

[-] nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net 24 points 1 month ago

The problem is conversational kamala harris is also deeply weird, although if they can avoid her having to answer questions she doesn't like and just make her read of a teleprompter it might not be so bad.

[-] SorosFootSoldier@hexbear.net 17 points 1 month ago

The problem is conversational kamala harris is also deeply weird

I saw a thing on CNN the other day about what people in China are saying about her and they nicknamed her "Sister Ha Ha" and were comparing her to president lisa simpson lmao

[-] Philosoraptor@hexbear.net 16 points 1 month ago

I think them seizing this rhetorical strategy also preemptively defangs the Republicans trying to call her weird too; it would seem weak and uncreative to just repeat the same attack. I don't think it was done intentionally with that in mind--they're not that clever--but it is a nice side effect for them.

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[-] HarryLime@hexbear.net 32 points 1 month ago

Judging from the reactions I'm seeing on twitter and conservative media, It's very clearly gotten under conservatives' skin.

[-] SorosFootSoldier@hexbear.net 32 points 1 month ago

You: You weird nerd.

Republicans: [deflects with shield]

Me (a weird nerd): OW

[-] aaro@hexbear.net 18 points 1 month ago

weird nerd (derogatory) versus weird nerd (affectionate)

alternately, weirdo who is a nerd versus nerd who is a weirdo

[-] AndJusticeForAll@hexbear.net 9 points 1 month ago
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[-] shitholeislander@hexbear.net 29 points 1 month ago

they have discovered what the "dirtbag left" was saying in 2016 while they were all still doing "when they go low we go high!"

[-] Des@hexbear.net 13 points 1 month ago

as someone that has stepped in both worlds i've come to realize something

libertarians, aka the "dirtbag right" are like the underground counter-culture for the right and stuff they kick around in weird forums eventually peculates up to mainstream right wing strategy (i saw this pre-2015)

meanwhile the dirtbag left may be the same thing for dems and libs.

both sides hate these respective counter-cultures but simultaneously see them as the dangerous "cool kids" despite their burning hatred for them

[-] RyanGosling@hexbear.net 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The thing is that terminally online fascist porn addled culture developed by 15-40 year olds on 4chan and similar sites and accounts eventually bleed into mainstream conservative culture too. Whereas “the dirtbag left” seems to only penetrate into other terminally online spaces.

[-] TemutheeChallahmet@hexbear.net 28 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

It works because most Republican communication now relies on like 10 layers of preexisting outrage lore, and only really has power if you are way too plugged in to the internet.

Think about how the conservative influencers always love to just post a picture of a random short haired/fat woman or skinny bespectacled man and go "THIS is the Biden Admin's/Video Game Company's appointee to so and so," egging on their dog-brained mouth breathers to accuse said person of being trans/soy/ran through/alone with cats whatever. Does any normal mature and non-insecure person engage with the greater world in this way? Does real human interaction ever really unfold so in line with arbitrary preconceptions, or are these chuds just dredging up half-remembered tropes from movies, advertising, and TV shows pretending they can pregame real human interaction?

No, you can only understand the right's weird taxonomy of humankind if you do not interact with humankind healthily or regularly, and are a social maladapt who cannot have conversations with anyone without first sizing them up and seeing if you will have enough canned lines for bluffing your normalcy through a conversation with them.

Do you remember at the middle school dance when there was that group of guys/girls who stood in the corner not dancing because they were scared to venture off and join the crowd, but were talking especially loudly at each other so that eavesdroppers might presume they were cool? Do you remember people like this talking shit about their peers who were self-affirmed enough to unironically have a good time being silly, or scoping for a more outcast group to pick on?

That is what conservative culture is now, antisocial, resentful, sexually-anxious middle school brained losers who haven't developed the social graces to improvise through life, people who bluff as the in-group by using self-serious/dehumanizing language to slander and bring down other people minding their own business. They are just finally being called out for being the sauceless pretenders who were being excluded all along for good reason, beneath this facade of normalcy and superiority they affected by doing their own excluding.

[-] GeorgeZBush@hexbear.net 8 points 1 month ago
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[-] plinky@hexbear.net 27 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I think they stumbled onto vance. (it would have also worked with pence tbh). Trump needed a straight guy/gal for his comedic act, instead of a freak guy

(can he fire the guy btw? is this some legal thingy?)

[-] jack@hexbear.net 10 points 1 month ago

I think they are stuck with him by the laws of most states

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[-] WhyEssEff@hexbear.net 24 points 1 month ago

It’s a strategy of ostracization rather than the previous strategy of horror, which is a breath of fresh air given that these nerds have been shown to get off on being seen as a threat.

Othering chuds is particularly effective because they see the idea of normality as a holy grail that all must strictly abide by, but they think everyone secretly agrees with them and that they are the silent majority so thus they are normal no matter what they do and so they can project an inane amount of bravado and assumption of knowing the lore, because they genuinely believe everything they talk about is a serious issue that average-Joe Americans actually are entirely locked-in about.

It’s literally just not taking the ideas as valid and shutting down the conversation because you don’t think that people would take it seriously if you don’t lend it the credibility of discussion. It’s PPB laundered through 50 think tanks to best suit the Dem platform. If nothing else, it is refreshing that liberals don’t start immediately yelling at you for being ‘uncouth’ with chuds by swinging back.

I would call this a rare W but this is literally just them remembering that they have to do politics and not just respond to what is pushed onto them

[-] HamManBad@hexbear.net 12 points 1 month ago
[-] Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net 24 points 1 month ago

Conservatives have always been weird.

But yes, as silly as it is, this will get under theor skin a bit because they see themselves as the normal ones.

It is pretty lame that this is the best Dems can to though

[-] RedWizard@hexbear.net 22 points 1 month ago


Weird doesn't come off as elitist.

That right there is the key, I think. Great analysis. Even "deplorable" was the kind of thing that plays into the image of being powerful and dangerous. "Weird" is very pedestrian.

Anderson Cooper also hit her with this in the 2016 debates, which, I can't imagine a question like this being asked regarding calling republicans "weird".

Anderson Cooper: (01:15:07)
Secretary Clinton, your two minutes is up. I want to follow up on something that Donald Trump actually said to you. A comment you made last month. You said that half of Donald Trump’s supporters are “deplorables, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.” You later said you regretted saying half. You didn’t express regret for using the term deplorables. To Mr. Carter’s question, how can you unite a country if you’ve written off tens of millions of Americans?

I mean, damn. Like, how do you even recover from something like this? I think this usage of "Weird" really tosses a smoke cloud up. Whereas, obviously for worse, Clinton called it as she saw it, or at least, said what people were "thinking". The problem though, is people will not be self-reflective and respond to that saying "You know what Secretary Clinton, I think you are right, I think I do have sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic tendencies".

Tell someone they're "Weird" though? What do you even say: "I'm not weird, what are you talking about?". I don't know that I've ever seen someone fully recover from being called "Weird" in a context where most other people agree with the notion that they are weird. Which is, I think, where things are at. Like I said, this works within the Republican social circle too because people will deflect in the "I think they're talking about YOU Jeb" way.

"You guys are all weird"
"Don't lump me in with those weirdos, I'm the normal one"
"Sure thing, whatever you say 🙄"

It's nebulous, it's pedestrian as you say, it’s colloquial. You can see them on the back foot, the way people on Fox News are so annoyed with it. They're not mad, they are just, annoyed. It doesn't have the same energy.

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[-] Boredom@hexbear.net 21 points 1 month ago

Democrats have two main bases of support: the bourgeoisie and liberal white women. Saying eww to their opponents is their greatest strength.

[-] Philosoraptor@hexbear.net 21 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

It doesn't help that they're responding like this (CW: transphobia and general grossness):

Conceptualizing, drawing, and posting this shit is fucking weird, and I can't imagine it playing at all with someone who isn't totally brain poisoned by the internet. The more they make this kind of thing the centerpiece of their campaign, the worse things will go for them, I think. ron-soy tried this strategy once, and everyone just recoiled from him. Trump has won in spite of this tendency among his followers, but they seem to have decided now that it was because of it.

[-] HamManBad@hexbear.net 11 points 1 month ago

The amount of very specific details in that picture is really telling on themselves

[-] Diuretic_Materialism@hexbear.net 10 points 1 month ago

Easy comeback to that one: "only an extremely weird person would post that image"

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[-] FearsomeJoeandmac@hexbear.net 20 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Honestly most chuds I've seen seem greatly offended about being called out for being psycho weird creepy incels.

Yes I'll give this one to dems, it's effective. The right is getting pissed because it hits home

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[-] ComradePlatypus@hexbear.net 20 points 1 month ago

Possibly I've seen a bunch of clips recently where the Dems have come off as normal. Some guy was like "the republicans are the reason your uncle is so weird at thanksgiving now" and Andy Beshear being like "The republicans just seem to want to be really cruel to children for some reason" (when talking about trans kids).

[-] usa_suxxx@hexbear.net 17 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I think it's lightning in a bottle. JD Vance is just incredibly unlikeable and Kamala Harris, for all her faults, is no where near the weirdo. It also helps that Bernie Sanders and AOC and anyone with the progressive except Rashida Tlaib label have thoroughly debased themselves that words *Medicare for All *have gone extinct. There is no national politician who is willing to stress Kamala in a way that makes her weirdness pop out.

JD Vance is just genuinely unlikeable. The guy is the neckbeard incel vibes with billionaire pals.

[-] jack@hexbear.net 16 points 1 month ago

Yeah, I think it's a pretty effective strategy. Republicans are incredibly strange, JD Vance especially so. Simply calling that out is pretty powerful imo. I don't think they can just say weird until election day, but as a part of their messaging, yes.

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[-] Bay_of_Piggies@hexbear.net 15 points 1 month ago

Finally, I feel like the real left has been doing this for years. It's like 90% of the way Chapo talks about these rightwing freaks.

[-] Pastaguini@hexbear.net 14 points 1 month ago

If the republicans respond as they have, and continue to be outraged by it, then it’s good messaging. If all they say is something to the effect of, “That’s seriously the best you’ve got?” Then it’s bad messaging.

So to answer your question, so far it has proven to be good messaging.

[-] came_apart_at_Kmart@hexbear.net 14 points 1 month ago

it's a good word. everybody knows what it means, but it's very broad. it's fun to say and even kinda sounds like its meaning if you drag it a little.

  • "The cat's being weird."
  • "I just got this weird email."

for a while, when I wanted to invite close friends over to get high, have some drinks or just hang out with no plan, I would say, "Wanna stop by and get weird?"

it got a laugh more than half the time. great fuckin word.

[-] EelBolshevikism@hexbear.net 14 points 1 month ago

conservatives thrive off of using normalcy as a bludgeon. turning it against them should terrify them

[-] hotcouchguy@hexbear.net 13 points 1 month ago

Who originated the "normal whites" theory? This will seriously work on normal white voters. And even kinda-normal whites.

[-] Leon_Grotsky@hexbear.net 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Felix from Chapo gets credited from midterms 2 years ago but IDK if he pulled it off of twitter somewhere

[-] rootsbreadandmakka@hexbear.net 12 points 1 month ago

Ahh @Philosoraptor@hexbear.net I was just typing up a response to you but deleted in when I saw the post had been removed. I was just trying to make the point that I think the best response for Trump would probably be to focus on policy. Kamala does seem more "with it" but she's mostly just running on vibes right now, the reality is that she was second-in-command to the least popular (?) presidential administration in history that was Weekend at Bernie's-ing a dementia patient for four years. 2016 Trump could probably exploit this but I don't know if 2024 Trump has it in him.

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 11 points 1 month ago

Guys, nobody has won jack shit as of right now

[-] RedWizard@hexbear.net 12 points 1 month ago

I merely find it interesting from a rhetorical and optics perspective. It's clear that, over the last few election cycles, the constant drum beat of "everything is on the line!! Fascists are at the doors!!", has had dramatically diminishing effects on the electorates enthusiasm and engagement. Coupled with a walking corps for a candidate, it makes for a very detached and doomerist state of mind.

This shift in tone and approach has, I think, awoken the democrats base, and re-engaged them. The Obama comparison that some are making is apt, in that this shift in tone is not one of dire straights and defeating fascism, but one that is closer to Obama's "Hope" message, while not directly invoking the word. It converts the kind of, historical, powerful, and frightening rhetoric about "Defeating Fascism and Saving Democracy", wrapped in all the western heroism central to the story of WW2 and the first resounding "Defeat of Fascism", and replaces it with party vibes and mocking the antisocial elements at the "party". This tone shift is clearly resonating with people, like it or not.

It makes me wonder about rhetoric, optics, tone, and messaging for leftist issues. I think naturally, topics of genocide and exploitation and the conditions there of should be tackled with a serious tone. However, on the topic of wage labor, wealth accumulation, contradictions within capitalism, the failure of western representative democracy, and so on, have the collective left effectively done a similar thing with the way it propagandizes these topics. Has the propaganda become so doomerist or so aggravated that it disengages people? Is there a way to propagandize these topics in a way that feels hopeful?

I can imagine someone might read this and wonder "What, we should call people who think the homeless should literally be mass murdered 'weirdos', like that's going to fucking work?" No, I'm not advocating for co-opting this "playbook", but instead, to look at the way in which this change in tone and rhetoric has made an impact on the democrat's base, and see if there is a true relationship here between the past rhetoric, the current rhetoric, and the shift in engagement, or if it is actually just superficial. If this relation is real, how can we recognize if the left has "exhausted" people who might otherwise be engaged with the kind of agitated propaganda we produce, and how might shift that agitation to recapture those people who are disengaged.

[-] gueybana@hexbear.net 9 points 1 month ago

Tone and rhetoric are fair to analyze but I’m just saying we’re basing our conclusions on zero results whatsoever. It’s premature, and I can only imagine the response to this when Republicans swedp the elections.

[-] RedWizard@hexbear.net 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I wouldn't say there are "zero results". You can measure engagement in a lot of ways. The amount of money raised through donations was over $126 million in 72 hours. According to their campaign, 64% of that money came from new donors. In the first 48 hours after Biden dropped out, more than 38,500 people registered to vote, according to Vote.org. Which is pretty close to the previous single day record last September on National Voter Registration Day, when Taylor Swift (of all people) encouraged people to register. By the Friday after he dropped out, the number of registered voters was over 100,000. Voters under 35 make up nearly 85% of the new voters registering on vote.org, and 18-year-olds make up 18%. Since 2020 this demographic was shrinking in the voter pool.

So yes, while there has not been a vote yet, these indicators are ones that show an energized base. One that was shrinking with younger voters, who had become disengaged with the current political landscape.

This aligns with some comments I had made around the time Biden had dropped out. People had become so disengaged due to the state of the election, and the state of world affairs, that they were searching for any amount of change. They turned out for the uncommitted vote, as a kind of last chance to force the issue, and when Biden dropped out it signaled their efforts were successful. I believe that there will be no referendum on the policies of Biden, especially our involvement with Israel, because, for most libs, they were doing the only thing they could to change the slate.

Even with their best intentions, I think Libs are going to hitch a ride on this change and not look back. The change in tone from Democrats only solidifies this idea in the minds of the Libs. They not only see the dramatic change with Biden dropping out, but they HEAR that change through the change in tone and rhetoric. They are locked in now, and will not be convinced to pressure for more change, because that threatens this new stability.

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[-] Wertheimer@hexbear.net 11 points 1 month ago

hst-gun When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

[-] Parsani@hexbear.net 10 points 1 month ago

It's better than Dark Brandon

[-] quarrk@hexbear.net 10 points 1 month ago

The word weird has an extremely old history dating back basically to proto-Indo-European. Can’t wait for the DNC to ruin it.

[-] Elon_Musk@hexbear.net 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Maybe. But there's a 75% chance it backfires and gets turns into a "clown world" thing. Remember when Hilary invented the term "fake news"? and a 90% chance it dies out in a week or two. Couch fucking might have staying power though, like Boot edge edge and the dogs.

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[-] HexbearGPT@hexbear.net 7 points 1 month ago

no, it's shallow as fuck and fucking juvenile and stupid.

no wonder liberals love it so much.

[-] mar_k@hexbear.net 17 points 1 month ago

counterpoint: american voters are shallow as fuck and fucking juvenile and stupid

[-] RyanGosling@hexbear.net 6 points 1 month ago

Once again, the democrats are either late to the game or took the idea elsewhere. The Trillbillies were literally just calling Trump and the GOP “weird” the entire podcast this week lol

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this post was submitted on 30 Jul 2024
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