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And they created the present day situation in Russia too!
maybe liberals should stop touching stuff! everything they interact with turns sour, according to them, yet they keep trying it
Guess Israel killing Americans doesn't count?
Did she literally just say that Israel is America?
Do you not know what a colony/vassal state is?
Yes they just don't usually admit it.
Surprised she didn't say PRC or RF.
Dogs aren't known for their object permanence, that maps to the dogs of US empire.
Yeah I thought Russia was enemy number one for the Democrats, but I guess this shows Kamala’s bipartisan efforts to reach across the aisle and have the same demented Zionist views as the GOP and rank Iran in the top spot
Cause that's an escalation. Iran is already dog-earred as the "adversary" in the media so saying they are as such isn't gonna piss them off any more than they already are. It's a political answer.
Israel has American blood on their hands too. In fact, what recent American has Iran harmed?
The navy seals who “slipped off the ladder” in the Red Sea when intercepting a Iran-Ansarallah shipment
Iran shot them with the butterfingers gun
The ones who moved from New York to Tel Aviv?
I was told this smug moron and Trump are meaningfully different on policy
Oh they just meant local policy. And no they won't elaborate on how theyd differ
Question snuck into Overtime be like "Madam Harris ma'am, which mensch are the most unter?"
also what kind of sicko question is that
Fairly normal one (for American standards) I remember Obama saying China was the threat in a debate against Romney in 2012. Romney of course said "nuclear armed Iran" as was the style at the time.
i thought that was when Romney started warmongering against Russia and the Democrats all laughed at him.
This is a major psychological moment for the neocons who feel they have been vindicated in their russia hate in 2014/2016/2022, despite mockery
You recall correctly, I got my order of events mixed up. Romney said that about Iran on Wolf Blitzer's show after getting clowned on for saying Russia in that debate.
There was also McCain saying he wanted to use nukes on Iran during a debate with Obama. My expression immediately became: ಠ_ಠ
Trump is the harm reduction candidate and every statement Kamala makes convinces me of that further
If dems opposed his policies maybe, they seem to be exactly worth one another, imperial pigdogs
Trump, by being stupid, incompetent, and “icky” to the average Democrat would not be able to have the same level of bloodlust that Kamala Harris does
But on the other hand, that "this is the first moment he become presidential" when he started bombing syria, may suggest some easy to establish appeasement loop by warpiggies (bomb iran and get good press, mr. trumpo)
Oh for sure, but he has to be pulled that direction. Which isn’t hard to do, but it’s harder than Kamala doing it all herself
I hope i don't come off misogynist, but i don't think she has original thought in her brain aside from abortion question. When she talks about it, she seems human and caring about it, all the rest is some atlantic council approved/focus grouped to oblivion talking points to move up the ladder. I think she is exactly same as trump (an emptier vessel even, i could glean something from trump, like genuine racism, aversion to violence, love of perceived effectiveness/authority, kamala is like nothing). only she would be impressed by credentials instead of smooth-talking.
kamala is like nothing
she was an empty pantsuit in the 2020 debates, her most notable moment being callign joe biden a segregationist only for her to negate it fully with being his VP and going "it was a debate, lol" like that just makes it okay to just forget about??
she's Hillary Clinton but without any of her skilled sociopathy
At the VP debate which happened the day of the dockworker's strike and days after the devastation of Hurricane Hellene, the first question to Tim Walz was "Would you support a preemptive strike on Iran" Harm reduction is a myth that we need to quash as the propaganda it is.
politics of #justoccupyira~~q~~n
That phrase keeps coming up "has blood on their hands".
Why are we there? What is our purpose? What are we doing in that region? You put them there. You kept them there. You instructed those people to murder, assasinate, steal, harass, and terrorize the local population. Not for a single bit for the "defense" of the US homeland.
When they hit the bully back oh now they are the ones in the wrong?
What did we do in 1953 to Iran that they would have such a chip on their shoulder about us? I wonder! I really wonder!
Silly Iranians don't you know you're just supposed to let the US coup your government, kill your people, and steal all your shit? You're not supposed to fight back, that's un-American!