Idk I feel like getting into stuff like communism and conspiracy theories can sometimes have the same origins but the person just took a wrong turn somewhere. After all we're also yelling about stuff like 'the elite is ruling us all' and shit.
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Right, investigating what that wrong turn is was part of the point in asking I suppose. I think you're pretty much right in that there's some similarities, albeit with more nuance and constructive thought behind it. A lot of liberals seem to be even more clueless and/or less constructive than some cranks which is certainly saying something.
every time i see comment chains in the UFO subreddits imagining post contact life on Earth they are all wishcasting communism or at least collapse of capitalism
so there's that at least. they just don't have a name for it
they also think this post capitalist thing, whatever it is, can't be built or conceived of by humanity and has to be imposed
A lot of it is wishful "humans are bad so our systems must be bad" kind of nihilistic thinking. Wishful and those two seem like on the opposite ends but it's more so "hopeful" like "humans suck so these aliens got to better"
Some thing they really don't get when you look at it from a materialist lens that even with the most "advanced technology" breaking the thousands/tens of thousands of years of language, habit and behavior that we have as a species that has impacted our conditions is quite a hard task. Post-contact would likely be unintelligible for the most part.
UFO cranks, like most conspiracy theorists, understand that there is something deeply sick and broken about our society, though they don't examine the actual cause of it. Liberals are in denial about how broken our society is.
broken clocks and such.
Yes! Liberals are closer to neo-nazis politically than anyone else I've talked to in America. The reason this is news is because first of all this wasn't always the case, because defending the state was kind of semi-reasonable 30+ years ago and because liberals mask their true selves.
A lot of people will be more reasonable than you if the fundamental premise of your ideology is that American imperialism and neoliberalism is good (which is all that modern liberalism, even in its most "progressive" forms boils down to).
Yet, it isn't that simple, is it?
'Sistine lizard people' ?
It's as good a place as any to look for some
long-winded conspiracy theory about lizard alien people being connected to Sixtus. Was from a co-worker so I tuned out for most of it, but I'm guessing it's a thing in conspiracy circles. Mostly just a stand-in for whatever other nonsense.