[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 17 points 1 day ago

Deuterium dissolved in Uranium and when this warhead, as small as a baseball, was fired at a solid object, the hydrogen suffered Cold Fusion to form Helium with the emission of a powerful gamma ray which cause the U238 to convert to an unstable U-239 which decayed to U-235 and a neutron.

Uh, what the fuck? Neutron bombs are a thing as far as I am aware, but why is this article all of a sudden talking about cold fusion? Definitely makes it so I can't share the article with anyone.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 2 days ago

Yeah I was wondering what the hell was up with the 3000 transistors thing. That's barely anything. We are going to have to wait before the techs full potential can be seen.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 16 points 2 days ago

It should be. It's quite a brutal "strategy" that just gets people killed.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 25 points 2 days ago

Past US Imperialism?

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 33 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The only "thing" "funding" "our" "media" "operation" besides donations from users is our terminally online behavior and depression.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 2 days ago

Essentialist thinking and its concequences have been a disaster...

Sexism existed before capitalism. Homophonic existed before capitalism. Racism and colonialism ... did not really, but let's say they did.

None of that changes the fact that capitalism as it emerged combined with all of these modes of oppression and transformed them along with it.

It's like saying that cells and mitochondria are separate things because mitochondria used to be a standalone organism.

All let me be clear, capitalism, especially early capitalism simply would never have been able to sustain itself for this long without the superprofits enables by its sub modes of oppression.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 2 days ago

Chinese kids don’t want to be philosophers or media critics?

I never said that. I'm not OP. I'm just saying that people going in STEM aren’t all just doing it for the money.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 3 days ago

I mean, elections (in bourgeoise and parliamentary "democracies") are actually anti-democratic. They are nothing more than a method for the bourgeoise to select members of their class to rule the country which is why socialist theorists have spent so much time and energy arguing against parliamentarianism. But I doubt this is what the liberal writer here means.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 3 days ago

I understand your feelings, but you should reserve those feelings for the actual murderers (of which there are plenty). This clown is just saying all of this in the comfort of his studio. Even his fantasy is to commit genocide, but without any of the icky parts or effort from his end. In the end, he is just playing with action figures.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 9 points 3 days ago

Most people in China are not going into STEMS because they believe they can contribute to society tho

I can't say much about China specifically, but is it actually that strange to imagine that many Chinese youth are genuinely interested in STEM and want to contribute to human progress?

I feel like the actual orientalism would be to assume that everyone, or even most youths in Asia are simply demoralised wage slaves who don't care about their country or human progress.

This feels like projection from westerners, who often forget that Asian youth are significantly more optimistic about the future and nationalistic than their western counterparts are.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 3 days ago

Even Marxist philosophy is saved by it being more science than philosophy.

[-] Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 3 days ago

As an Asian youth, this is not really orientalism. Obviously, we suffer from laziness and apathy as much as people from other countries do, but we do get pushed into STEM fields culturally. And there is an expectation by our parents for us to become productive members of society. And many of us do internalise the idea.

I mean, 80% of the men in my extended family are in STEM or construction or the like (not a joke or hyperbole). This is mostly because there is a huge demand for these fields given how important they are for developing countries, but the material base does impact the culture of a society. I know many Indians who lament about the youth wanting to become youtubers instead of astronauts.


Don't know if I am preaching to the choir, but with how much libs try to use the trolley problem to support their favorite war criminal, it got me thinking just how cringe utilitarianism is.

Whatever utilitarianism may be in theory, in practice, it just trains people to think like bureaucrats who belive themselves to be impartial observers of society (not true), holding power over the lives of others for the sake of the common good. It's imo a perfect distillation of bourgeois ideology into a theory of ethics. It's a theory of ethics from the pov of a statesman or a capitalist. Only those groups of people have the power and information necessary to actually act in a meaningfully utilitarian manner.

It's also note worthy just how prone to creating false dichotomies and ignoring historical context utilitarians are. Although this might just be the result of the trolley problem being so popular.


I don't know how the fuck this shit started, but I've started to see more and more comparisons between Biden and Lincoln amongst libs for the purposes of vote shaming.

Like these mfs apparently don't realise that Lincoln sided with the abolitionists (in the end) while Biden would be a slave owner in their own analogy!


I always find it funny just how stark the differences between us propaganda about China, and the government's own documents is. Like they know that liberals will never bother reading, so they can make documents praising the CPCs ambitious strategies and decentralised government.


The election discourse has become cancerous because it keeps going in circles. This is because liberals have become fixated on the narrative of there being some large bloc of leftists who are going around trying to convince people to not vote. However, this contingent, does not actually exist? Most of the people I have seen take a stance against voting for Biden aren't telling other people to not vote. Some are, but the number of these people is so vanishingly small (compared to the rest of the electorate) that it becomes clear that the election discourse is entirely a waste of time.

Liberals are also really trying hard to convince these people to vote (by berating them online), and it just seems like this is the most idiotic and time wasting strategy possible. These people have negative charisma.

Even if they actually could actually speak persuasively, wouldn't it be far better to target the large number of non-voting centrists/apathetic people rather than leftists who have taken a principled stance (and thus could only be convinced if you knew more about American and world history, which liberals are blissfully unaware of)?

For as much as liberals are fond of accusing leftists of being impotents on a moral high horse, the election memers aren't accomplishing anything either.

Need help with tibet (lemmygrad.ml)

I finally managed to convince my lib friend to accept that he may be wrong about tibet (he thinks that the chinese settler colonised tibet), and that I should give him some sources for reading and for him to make up his mind.

However, I don't really know where to start in finding good quality sources that he will trust (he is very distrustful of Chinese sources). Does anybody know any good sources I can use? Our argument revolves around 2 main points

  1. China did not conduct a genocide in tibet
  2. Tibet was a feudal theocratic society before its liberation.

Much appreciated.


Archive link

Key information:

South Korea will spend the money to build 13 new chip plants and three research facilities, on top of an existing 21 fabs. Spanning Pyeongtaek to Yongin, the area is expected to be the largest in the world, capable of producing 7.7 million wafers monthly by 2030.

As part of the two-decade plan, Samsung and Hynix are set to build their most sophisticated chip plants at home. Samsung’s betting big on foundry – or making chips for other firms – as part of a 500 trillion won investment by 2047. Smaller rival Hynix aims to invest 122 trillion won in memory in Yongin over the same period.

The government said the region will also house smaller chip design and materials companies. The overarching ambition is to improve the country’s self-sufficiency in semiconductors, while increasing its market share of global logic chip production to 10 per cent by 2030 from 3 per cent now.

?Pangyo, where fabless firms are now concentrated, will be the hub of low-powered, high-performance AI chips. Suwon will be a central test bed for compound semiconductors, while Pyeongtaek will see a new semiconductor R&D centre at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology’s new campus to be completed by 2029.

Some more information on compound semiconductors

Additional details


The other day, I was arguing with someone israel and Palestine, and they brought up the whole "everybody has done settler colonialism before" trope. While it's an idiotic argument even if true (directly contradicting their whole "rules based international order" sthick), it did get me wondering.

I've assumed up until now that settler colonialism is a phenomena unique to the capitalist phase of history, but how true is that exactly?


This meme I think is the perfect encapsulation of the liberal mentality. The election is treated as a moral choice in a context free and timeless vacuum. There is no understanding of the laws of motion of history, or the logic that drives the American government, neither of which can be affected by an election.

There is the belief that you can delay fascism by voting for the liberal party, without understanding that it is the failures of the liberal party in the first place that breeds fascism.

Reading the comments on the original post, the closest thing to a long-term strategy I saw was to make progressive (by liberal standards) ideas more popular and to vote more tactically in the next elections. Even when I was a liberal, I knew this was a dogshit strategy because it is vulnerable to the Republican strategy of fucking with the legal system and acquiring power regardless of how people vote.

I cannot understand how liberals, after being being told constantly by their own media sources that republicans have made a science out of undermining American elections, believe that the counter to Republicans is ... more effort on elections.

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