Corbin Peterson the type of mother fucker who scoops his mids -16db with an active EQ and insists it sounds good
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Probably a Metalzone apologist too
This was the first pedal a guitar shop owner sold me on
I am still a baby guitarist but I've at least learned its reputation since
I have a super modded Metalzone and it's still mediocre at best. I'm talking like, almost every component swapped.
When you play that thing, does everyone in a 5-mile radius break up with you for not getting a real job?
My drummer actually liked it's sound
I generally like more wooly, warm drive sounds with deep bass. Gimme that big warm tone that sounds like a blanket of doom
Yeah but they're a drummer, they're usually first to lose their hearing.
Metalzones secretly rule for crasher crust. Dime the treble, low mids and no bass
Is that what you use? I've been rocking a Quantum Mystic distortion, cranked mids and bass and treble at noon. Sometimes push it with a Devi Ever Dark Drive clone to deepen the bass and change the gain texture a little
Only for that specific Gloom kinda sounding tone. I'm mostly a bassist. I've got a custom built Amp with built in custom fuzz for bass. It sounds like building falling down if I want it to. I have a big muff pi bass version that I'll use with a tuner if I need the killswitch for the fuzz, usually for your slow clean style stenchcore intros. I'm friends with an electrical engineer who makes pedals and amps as a hobby
Also for a more crust guitar tone I've got a really crappy distortion pedal and it's fucking perfect. It doesn't sound heavy, it sounds dirty, the Modtone Speedbox. It makes a guitar sound like a basement demo recording but loud. Black metal bands would also love it. By any normal measure it sucks but for playing crust or bm it's perfect because it sucks so much. Another edit: I looked at reviews and it turns out it's a very well liked pedal
Oh right yeah! We talked about the bass head! Would love to get in touch with whoever built it some time!
He put together the speaker as well. It's all one unit. The head can be separated but is liable to blow most speakers if turned up real high.
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