This could be a meme about d&d.
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
3rd International Volunteer Brigade (Hexbear gaming discord)
- No racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, or transphobia. Don't care if it's ironic don't post comments or content like that here.
- Mark spoilers
- No bad mouthing sonic games here :no-copyright:
- No gamers allowed :soviet-huff:
- No squabbling or petty arguments here. Remember to disengage and respect others choice to do so when an argument gets too much
For me it's definitely more true for d&d. We don't cancel our weekly mtg meetups very often.
Lol. My pod couldn't keep DND a thing, we barely play magic now.
Yup. I spend twice the amount of time laying down groundwork for potential future campaigns than planning for the one I'm DM'ing in any given moment.
Rn I'm planning three and DM'ing one.
I think that's 'cause MTG is one of those games that's more fun to think about playing than it is to actually play.
It works if you keep to 60 card decks. Then it's easier to plan out a deck with some weird gimmick and play it out in an hour or two with pals. I feel like EDH becoming a super-official and money hobby kinda ruined a lot of groups.
EDH is a $5,000 turn two format and most of its players just haven't found out yet.
Commander has its place, but that place is not everywhere
I got into magic on arena this year since it's free, and I was so surprised to find that commander is supposed to be both the casual format and also potentially the one that some of the most hardcore take most seriously (cEDH).
Yeah there's a reason it's a meme to dunk on EDH players. They call the format "casual" when they're losing, then switch to "super-serious competitive hardcore format" when they win. I've played a lot of competitive MtG. I've met way more chill people at Grand Prix qualifiers and Vintage/Legacy tournaments than I did playing EDH. It's the David Sirlin's "Playing to Win" outlook vs. scrub mentality.
It's a fun format and hopefully it will get better with R&D taking over the banlist. But when I quit the format, it was purely based on vibes and everyone had different ideas on how the game should be played. I've tried to get Peasant and Pauper EDH going, but none of the people in my area would bite.
MTG statistically averages out to a fun game to play but it's easy to give up on it during a streak of bad games and you should because there's plenty of other games that are consistently fun.
Skill issue. You're not supposed to have fun. You're supposed to play real formats at the LGS during FNM.
Anytime those nerds wanna start masking.
o right that's part of why I haven't gone in like 8 years...