[-] 7bicycles@hexbear.net 1 points 17 minutes ago

Excuse the ignorance but you gotta be shitting me as per prison population counts for electoral college but they can't vote

[-] 7bicycles@hexbear.net 4 points 1 hour ago

Where do you draw the line at finishing KSP?

[-] 7bicycles@hexbear.net 27 points 2 hours ago

I honestly don't understand how you can look at a country where, regularly, the person with more votes doesn't win and consider it a democracy. Like not even talking all the nitty gritty of voter suppression and gerrymandering or what have you, just straight up more votes still lose

[-] 7bicycles@hexbear.net 24 points 2 hours ago

Do any spaces like that exist? Is it even possible given the way gender works in society?

I think you can find cishet men that be like this but under no circumstances would you ever find an intentional community of explicitly cishet men doing this.

[-] 7bicycles@hexbear.net 5 points 2 hours ago

what's the meaning of the guy being roronora zoro from loved manga / anime / netflix live adaption that's actually pretty good, one Piece

[-] 7bicycles@hexbear.net 13 points 2 hours ago

The capital G Gamers problem is that they want their medium to be viewed as respectable art, which I don't even object to, I think games are art, but at the same time, they want all and every coverage, ever, to be product review akin to a car. It is simoultaneously high respectable art and a commodity to be used up - see here also the weird dollars per hour fun calculation that I've never seen with books or movies despite those being expensive.

[-] 7bicycles@hexbear.net 19 points 2 hours ago

I am in my mid thirties and every pope within my lifetime has been the woke Pope and it has never been true, I'm not falling for this shit and neither should anybody else

[-] 7bicycles@hexbear.net 32 points 23 hours ago

awarding steve-o the "one guy (?) I wouldn't put it past" award here, no matter how problematic

[-] 7bicycles@hexbear.net 6 points 1 day ago

And I'd believe you, I don't think nobody helps others out of the good of their heart or whatever. Those people exist, loads of them are here.

I'm saying, when you get into generational views, it might not hold up for a large amount for them.

[-] 7bicycles@hexbear.net 3 points 1 day ago

I do not get this comment, could you be more direct?

[-] 7bicycles@hexbear.net 6 points 1 day ago

Considering you said you're german, I think the whole Idea of "Ehrenamt" and subsidiaries of it runs counter to the entire system that has been built. If we monetize everything, I think it's fine that people get paid for taking time out of their day and bodies to do good shit.

Basically, don't do unpaid labour in this system?

[-] 7bicycles@hexbear.net 11 points 1 day ago

Material conditions or alternatively, were they ever that cool?

I have a theory that for many people, the youth-leftist thing isn't based in solidarity or whatever, it's based in self-interest - across generations. Makes sense to be a socialist, when you're poor, and all. As the survivors gain their riches, they get more conservative - they have property to "defend" now. They were always self-serving people, it's just they were occasionally in a position where that meant to be vaguely left.


They're like brutalism haters in that while I personally enjoy it, they're not wrong. There's very bad examples of it. But also anyone who gets into hating it a lot seems entirely incapable of producing any evidence for it being so. They're like truffle pigs for getting it wrong. What the Habitat 67 is to architectural aesthetics is "guy getting run over by a car cutting the corner standing still at a red light" is to active transport


New and wired: Using "dutch courage" to being overly optimistic about what you can carry on a bicycle and then just doing it

submitted 2 months ago by 7bicycles@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

man this irish folk song seems weirdly current


Monster Energy Drink can turned human, Sam Pilgrim, is back again with a cool bicycle idea with literally 0 possible downside

Honestly love the guy. I'll excuse him being a public nuisance in any and all cases on account of how much he is the pantheonic ideal of dudes rock.


Frame made out of bamboo, pictured here is a My Boo that touts a partnership with a fair trade social program in Ghana to make the frames.

It's supposed to be more ecological, for obvious reasons. Weight on one is about 15kg, which is pretty good for a kitted out city bike.

I can't speak to longevity of this and whether it actually pans out vs. say, a steel bike that you keep welding back together, on account of these haven't really been around too long. It's held together via a composite glue made out of hemp and resin, so at least they're following through here I suppose.

Reviews I've read is that the ride quality is really nice, being stiff yet compliant in the ride cases as to not make it a boneshaker.

Price of these is, obviously, fairly high, these'd run you around 3000€ euros, I'd argue a comparable bike made out of traditional materials would run you maybe 800€ new. But I'd argue it's more a proof of concept.

submitted 2 months ago by 7bicycles@hexbear.net to c/memes@hexbear.net

I also sell to individual customers but you're gonna either have to be a pretty good runner to keep up or rather more dexterious so you can cycle next to me. Close passing cars and bike lane parkers get a nice squirt of mustard on the roof


Pictured here is the new spacecamper, usually a business for converting vans and such into campers, for cargo bikes.

I'm kind of undecided on this. It feels very convenient, unless you have an ultralight tent the weight of your bike, and your supplies and the tent and the bags and whatnot seems sort of the same as this stuff.

What do we think about the concept? Cool idea to incorporate your bicycle into your sleeping arrangement for trips or dumb playtoy?

submitted 2 months ago by 7bicycles@hexbear.net to c/urbanism@hexbear.net

I get why things like hot dogs or bratwurst are readily available as streetfood, it's logistically easy - but so is soup! You need like a pot, maybe two if you're getting crazy with it, maybe some bread rolls and that's it. It's cheap to make, cheap to buy, you could get hot soup on a cold day to warm you up or something like a gazpach or okroshka on a cold day to have a chilling meal. They're stupidly easy to make, all the ingredients basically cost zilch, very easy to adjust for all kinds of different dietary needs if you offer some sort of toppings optionally instead of throwing it all in there.

So why isn't there more soup? It's a style of meal you can find in basically any cuisine yet in all my travels I remember like two instances where I could just get a soup. What drives streetfood and why is soup shafted?

submitted 2 months ago by 7bicycles@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

How hard is that shit?

I'd like a control panel of nicely haptic buttons for some of the Arma 3 side features, Lights on/off, Engine on/off, Chaff, Smokelauncher etc.

From what I gathered researching it's basically just building a box, soldering some switches to a micro controller and bob's your uncle. I feel 80% confident I can do those things - am I missing something? Anyone ever build their own "sim"-control-deck?

submitted 2 months ago by 7bicycles@hexbear.net to c/politics@hexbear.net

Whenever any sort of disinformation, fake news and propaganda is discussed I feel like all the talk about it always get's stuck on it's existence. Like "the russians are spreading misinformation in europe" or whatever. Which, sure, they do, how the fuck is there no talk about what to do of it?

Cause the way I see it, there's two options, either there's no more russia or whatever other rivaling hegemonial power follows up, forever, or alternatively you ask the question about why the fuck this shit lands in the first place and make sure it doesn't


Pictured here is a Van Raam, who make some other bicycles for people with disabilities, but they're hardly the only one. I think it's cool people are doing things like this. They are, sadly, rather pricey.


You get a nice box in the back or whatever but it's not really THAT much bigger than a box you could fit on any old regular bicycle

You can plop like two children there but then you can do that with Long Johns and 3-wheelers and such, too and ALSO you have the fuckoff-big box. They don't really seem all that shorter than comparable versions either.

Anyone got one or know why someone got one?

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