[-] CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 2 hours ago

I am extremely jade about this. A lot of action that is taken can be reduced down to anxiety relief and identy expression. Anarchists and many leftist types fetishize action but imo it just increases the amount of masterbatory, self serving actions that are more about profile building than anything else.

There is the trope that western leftists don't do anything. Haha... Well it's actually a lot worse than that I'm afraid. It's also that the actions that are taken are also undignified. It's not just a lack of organization or action that holds us back.

[-] CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 4 months ago

Damn when did all the nukes disappear?

[-] CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml 0 points 4 months ago

This is complete bullshit. Unhinged stupidity.

[-] CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 4 months ago

Id try it out for sure. Do I need to get a new Huawei phone?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml to c/genzedong@lemmygrad.ml

Project 2025 is being used to legitimize the genocidal Democratic Party by threatening voters with the republican party.

I remember reading somewhere that Project 2025 is sponsored in part by Democrat friendly donors. Am I making this up? I can't find this information again and it is disappointing now that the pressure on people to vote for genocidal candidates seems to be escalating.

I though of it as similar to how in 2016 Trump and Ted Cruz were "elevated" in the media at the behest of the Hillary campaign, believing it would make Hillary look good. I have met blue dogs that admit this and stand by it as a good strategy, so the idea that democrats are also sponsoring Project 2025 seems very believable to me.

Does anyone else remember reading that Dems are also sponsoring Project 2025 in some capacity?

Edit: this article speaks a bit to what I'm talking about


[-] CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 4 months ago

Very happy to read this.

[-] CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml 8 points 4 months ago

Not everyone has the stomach for yet another bloody revolution.

But seeing Palestinians die is fine? I don't think the lack of bloodlust is the issue at all.

[-] CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 6 months ago

Not everyone is phased by your outrage.

[-] CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 6 months ago

I hope it does but I doubt it.

[-] CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 6 months ago

There is too much attention on the media. Is there any national level organization to struggle against the US back genocide or are we just mad that the papers aren't left wing?

[-] CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 6 months ago

It certainly isn't radical in any Leninist since.

[-] CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 6 months ago

You could have spent the time it took to write your comment to instead get in touch with local comrades to figure out how to spread the news of this event further in your area and talk to people about it and Palestine. You can go do that right now.

Why would I do that when I can livestream my suicide and be lauded as John Brown.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

Peace and solidarity with the United American Indians of New England, and to all of the sovereign Tribes accross the continent as we all observe the National Day of Mourning. The multicentury assault on the Indigenous world cannot claim victory, genocide is not the end of the story, but we must remember those who have been lost to settler invasion. Today is a time to reject settler myths that distort history, to reflect on our social positioning and relationships with the many peoples of this land, and to imagine brighter futures without the destructive structures of settler-colonialism and capitalist accumulation. This leaves no room whatsoever for giving thanks to the alter of death which birthed an abomination that has plagued the earth for far too long. Solidarity and reciprocity with the hundreds of millions of Indigenous peoples accross the world is of critical importance for building the coalitions we need to survive and thrive in a post apocalyptic world.


No clue how some of you try to track the events of major conflicts. It just all seems like a stew of piss and vomit designed to spread disease. I can hardly read the NYT, guardian, wapost, etc. at all, much less read their war coverage. War itself is bad enough but adding in the perspectives of western analysts is just masochistic. I never want to hear a liberal of any kind mention hamas ever again. Im so sick of the measured intellectuals and their gratuitous condemnations of #violence ever again.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml to c/genzedong@lemmygrad.ml

And before someone thinks I shouldn't hate people, I think Kyle Kulinski and his associates aren't persons so much as they are a media business brand enabled by other corporate brands like youtube and the Democratic Party. It pains me greatly that people consume these brands and turn into consumers of what I see as American apologetics.

Anyway that's all. I hate the prison of American political discourse and its prison guards like Kyle.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

Im not going to pull punches on this rant. I am so exhausted by this rhetoric and unfortunately it is pervasive in my personal life and online. I spend most of my productive time reviewing literature on various global issues. Namely land grab discourse, genocide studies, conservation efforts, state development policy, IFI reports etc etc.

Let me tell you something about the lives of rural and Indigenous people in the global south. They get their homes burned down and murdered in their sleep. Their lands are stolen from them with techniques perfected by colonial powers, especially from US settler colonialism.

The state will steal their lands and "preserve it" for use of private capital, for white settlers, or to create a national park or preserves that wealthy foriegners can hunt game and so they can parade to the world how "modern" they are becoming.

If they cannot steal land outright they will use other more complicated manners to incentivise rural people to be tied into market relations, such as dependence on ecotourism or even biochar and other technologies presented as liberatory or as needed due to damages colonialism has done. "A bit of colonialism will help your colonialism problem," if you will.

These relations will contradict and then corrode their lifeways and distracted from effective traditional methods because white tourists don't want to see the cattle of pastoralists when on vacation. They are also shamed by the excess wealth of tourists, and the settlers that facilitate tourism, encouraging them to become more enfranchised into modernity so their lands will either become vulnerable to direct theft or the market relations will mold them into what settlers want them to do for the benifit of their estates.

These extreme minority settlers often own like half of an entire county, while the county next door is over half conservation area. This means fewer lands for grazing and fewer water sources available for rural people. It leads to starvation and death, especially during dry periods such as the current drought in east Africa, all while the state concern trolls about food security and executes the development dance to attract aid and FDI. It also means that lands are degraded by over use because these people are being choked out of their ancestral lands. The state and white settlers then blame the pastoralists and forest dwellers and weaponize Human Rights against them, saying the rural peoples are preventing the states quest for water security as they redirect all waters to metro areas and settler estates.

All of this is the genocidal process of primative accumulation or accumulation by dispossession. It is a privilege I am able to research these situations. It is a privilege that I am able to work with organizations that work with local Tribes on the issues they are concerned about. It is a privilege I am a grad student that is paid to do this, although our union has to fight the university for a fraction of a living wage.

I am not privileged to not vote Blue. It is more like a curse of understanding. Who do you think backs these violent efforts of dispossession? USAID is never far away. The EU is never far away. The IFI are always right there. Conservation as we know it was created in North America to conquer the continent and take the land from Indigenous peoples and it has exported these methods abroad. All of this is supported by institutions and policies that democrats and republicans alike believe in and enable globally. It is supported by finance capital which is the foundation of the present democratic party

Let me tell you what people who vote blue do about this. Kenya or some other post colonial state will massacre people and burn down their homes and create a national park. Netflix will then hire Obama to narrate a docuseriese on the glorious national parks of the world. Blue voters will then consume the erasure and genocide of rural people as feel-good, green(TM) content with satisfaction that the world is becoming a better place. That's it. Then they go vote blue.

Anyone who says I am privileged to not vote blue has no clue or no care regarding how the world works and is a combination being hopelessly US centric, too focused on bourgeoisie partisanship and embarrassingly naive about the world. Voting blue is the opposite of solidarity. The people who say they are not privileged enough to not vote Blue fail to see their own privilege of living in the Disney land of the global north. What ever gains they think Democrats will give them will either never happen or will be cut from the flesh of people they are happy to sacrifice.

I will not be extorted by bourgeoisie partisans. My moral worth and political identify is mine to create, not theirs to demand. My concern is with the fundamental machinations of capital and the devestating impact it has on people while it reproduces itself, and it is most destructive in places far from the minds of democrats regardless of issues in the US. I'm not going to be tricked into supporting a party that enables the process of accumulation by dispossession, and that stands on a foundation of genocide. They only have moral arguments but they do not have moral standing.


I only care about lemmygrad.ml which as far as I know is where the comrades are. Yall are great. I came here to spew word vomit in consentrated bursts to get 3 up votes at a time. I am blissfully ignorant of technology issues or whatever the hell people are on about with reddit nowadays. I would like to avoid the normcore libs and porn distributors that are flooding the site. I use reddit for cyber bullying those types but here is like a sort of home base.

How do I keep these worlds from colliding?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml to c/genzedong@lemmygrad.ml

I was a captive audience to someone talking about how some countries only had access to China's vaccine. They said the vaccine was terrible and people took it and still got COVID.

But like.... I took American vaccines and still got COVID...

...and over a million people in the US died of COVID, some of whom where vaccinated with US subsidized, corporate vaccines.

It was brought up because others were talking about global inequality during the pandemic. So having to take the subpar sinovac was apparently all part of global inequalities.

I hate talking about COVID and I feel like it's so distracting and people try to make everything about COVID because it's so easy to do. Maybe that is just a hot take but this argument that sinovac sucks because people still contracted COVID is at best a really lazy way to try to say US vaccines are better.

Also the same person implied masking prevents people from contracting the virus... instead of preventing you from spreading it to others like was repeated ad nasium by medical representatives for 2 years straight.


Probably one of the most complex builder games out there


Not sure if this has been posted on lemmy yet but I was so excited to see Roland on Ben Norton's podcast yesterday. His work has been instrumental to how I see the PRC. If you can get ahold of his book I would highly recommend.


Basically US oil and gas is becoming more associated with Europe

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