[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 61 points 12 hours ago

I'm just glad Kissinger is dead so we don't have to read this exact headline about that motherfucker.

Which monster will they parade out next? Dracula? The Wolfman? Hitler's teeth from the Soviet archives? The contents of Fort Detrick? The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs? Literally Death itself?

[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 14 points 13 hours ago

Nobody told me when I was a kid I'd have to behold the future with a rictus grin because otherwise the Machine Gods punish me.

Hellworld indeed.

[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 4 points 13 hours ago

Can't wait for the inevitable feature-length Wojack Movie

[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 9 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

I've watched a lot of "bad" movies I enjoyed because it's fun to crack jokes and stuff. MST3K taught me how to enjoy a good riff session. Sometimes I just finish a movie I don't care for because there's some creative world building or neat effects or camera work. Something to hold onto while finishing the ride, you know?

The one movie I fully watched that I just couldn't stand was A History of Violence. I hated that fucking movie. Watched it in theaters. Absolutely loathed it. I hated the pacing. The sub plots like the kid beating up a bully were awkward. The sex scene was awful and made me feel like i was watching an unnecessarily long sex scene with my parents when I was a teenager. The score was by Howard Shore right after Lord of the Rings and it had notes of The Shire woven through it i couldn't unhear. I think William Hurt is a bad actor who. Always. Talks. Like this. When. Being dramatic. With flat. Vocal. Inflection. Went there with buddies so I had to stay because we carpooled.

There are like 60 seconds of that movie I enjoyed:

  1. when Aragorn smashes a coffee pot into a guys face and shoots him in the mouth and it cuts to his ruined face. Shocking depiction of brutality. Nicely done, Cronenberg.

  2. when Aragorn fucks up one of William Hurt's goons and escapes and the goon is lying on the ground and for 2.5 seconds William Hurt actually uses acting to deliver the line "how do you fuck that up?" with frustrated incredulity and shoots his own goon. I laughed out loud at the sudden absurdity. I identified with that tiny slice of cinema. I saw myself shooting that fuckup failure of a film for wasting my time and money.

I generally like Cronenberg and love Eastern Promises. So I don't get it. But I fucking hate A History of Violence.

I did recently try to rewatch The Mask and got like 10 minutes in before turning it off. Bury that one in a lead lined casket along with Adam Sandler's comedy albums and other shit I thought was funny when I was 12.

[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 8 points 1 day ago

They still did some really gross things, like centuries of medical practitioners deciding hand washing was optional, and dying of dysentery constantly whenever they gathered into armies.

It is interesting how the people in the industrial era were probably dirtier and in worse health than their medieval forebears because they were all clustered in cities drinking poo water and breathing fumes and smog which impacted respiratory health so tuberculosis was having a dance party in everyone's lungs.


[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 25 points 1 day ago

"Waiting for the investigation" is the war crimes version of when you lie about coming to the door but you're really hastily cleaning

[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 37 points 1 day ago

I love how libs were all smug about "just follow the money" when trying to assemble a narrative about Trump fraud and his rat fink helpers like Roger Stone but then when it comes to this shit they're like "yeah the people who are paid by Landgrab Estates say the apartment company did nothing wrong" and take it at face value. Follow the goddamned money, motherfuckers! honk-enraged

[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 12 points 1 day ago

The Europeans weren't as unhygienic as the hyperbole would have you believe, it's more that they had diseases that jumped from domestic animals to humans that the natives had never encountered. The whole idea that medieval peasants were rolling in mud and manure all day isn't accurate. They didn't take baths often because baths are impractical. They took sponge baths. They didn't wash their outer clothes but not many people wash their winter coat today, either. They'd wash the linen underclothes they wore under the outer garments. I mean, cleanliness to be desired, and other regions and cultures at the time were bigger on the hygiene thing, but they weren't all looking like Pigpen from the Peanuts comics.

They were probably filthy as shit when they arrived, though. Months on a boat with a bunch of people and live animals. Just big wooden petri dishes at that point. Yuckers.

[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 42 points 1 day ago

White people finding some kind of middle ground between racist "the red man is a barbaric heathen" and (different but also racist) "actually the natives were hippie noble savages" challenge: impossible.

After roughly 1600 it was virtually impossible for Europeans to encounter natives as they had existed before Columbus. Their reality was downright apocalyptic in some cases because of the spread of disease that preceded European explorers and settlers, sometimes by almost a century.

Imagine if the natives had made ships and sailed to Northern Italy and made landfall in the immediate aftermath of the Black Death or landed in Germany during the height of the 30 Years War. They'd have records about how wild shit was, too. "They don't trust outsiders, they're superstitious, and I saw them stab a guy." No shit, you're seeing them during a time of world-historic tumult and upheaval.

And that's not even touching the whole colonization, displacement, and active genocide parts of the equation.

[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 20 points 1 day ago

If he loses Zelensky pushes the big red "end America" button he's been holding for Michael Flynn ever since Flynn got word the FBI was gonna raid his house.

[-] GrouchyGrouse@hexbear.net 7 points 1 day ago

She does have a very powerful voice, I'm definitely intrigued. Dead Sara's self titled album was full of bangers.


Huckleberry is the Sunspider that runs into my bathroom whenever I take a shit at night and tries to hide in the shadow under my feet. She also runs around my desk sometimes. Huckleberry's body and head (not including legs) is about 2cm long, which is about as big they get where I live. The front pair of legs aren't actually legs - they are called "pedipalps" and she holds them up while running around to touch stuff like a little kid doing airplane arms. She zooms around eating dust mites and other small bugs and is very fast. Huckleberry is an arachnid but closer in relation to a scorpion than a spider. She has no venom and spins no web preferring to hunt and explore.

You may also know these fine creatures by other names: Whipscorpion or Camel Spider.

So say hi to Huckleberry, she is nice.


Every so often some synapse decides to zap my brain and I think about the "black folk ain't having no Bernie" tweet.

Was it a tweet? I can't remember anymore. But I still remember that line. Just at random. Apropos of nothing. Not even in a "hey remember that?" sorta way. Instead it just fires off and disappears almost as quickly as it appeared.

How about y'all?


How do they do it? You'd think running that slogan for years would have laid some kind of framework for being ready for an alternative doormat-being they can shit out into the oval office.

I mean, if people followed that slogan they wouldn't need Biden.

What gives? Wrong answers also welcome.


Seriously this is such a funny picture.

"America's Mayor." He looks like he's about to cast a mischievous curse on your shoes because you didn't leave a bowl of whey by the hearth.


We're talking like a whole liter of whiskey. Drunk enough to have visions. Drunk enough to have that weird kinda clarity. I'm embarrassed and ashamed. But at the same time I'm glad I did it. I thought maybe I'd die, and I was cool with that, but I didn't. I guess I'm just a tough bastard like that. Sorry if my posts were kinda weird I was drunker than a French lord on bastille day. I really do love this community. There is a kindness here that I don't find anywhere else. That's the reason I feel safe admitting I've been drunk for like 30 hours. So I'm hydrating and taking b vitamins and also an allergy med cuz I know my body is gonna try to cough out this poison and I'll choke on the phlegm. Not my first rodeo.


I'm normally a metal guy but I fell in love with this album. The drumming is amazing. I've wanted to share this for a while now.


Revolution is not when you exchange one group of landlords for a different set. It is a total upending of systems. That is the true meaning. Soc dems and reformists think we can just change the window dressing and call it systemic. "If the new lord is better than the old lord we can return to the happiness of feudalism." What a terrible thing to believe.

We must reclaim this term. These terms belong to the people not a bunch of centuries dead slaveholding jackasses in powdered wigs who didn't change a goddamn thing.

Just something I've been thinking about lately.


This is for @LaGG_3@hexbear.net

This duet, ow my heart. If you know, you know.


It's 3am and I have a job interview in 5 hours. I woke up some time before 2am.

Why, brain? Why do you do this?


Earth & Beyond is a Sci-Fi MMORPG created by Westwood Studios in the early 2000s. It was one of the last games created by Westwood (creators of Command & Conquer, NOX, Red Alert) with the game in development when Westwood was acquired by Electronic Arts. The game was shut down in 2003 but a loyal fanbase remained and through hard work an emulator was created. That emulator is available at www.Net-7.org. Since the emulator got off the ground the devs have added 3 new classes to the game and even new missions, items, and sectors of space to explore.

Everything is free and runs on donations from the community. It's a small community but tight-knit. New Player guides to help you install the game and get started are available on the website. When in-game feel free to ask for help or advice. People are pretty friendly and new players are always a welcome sight.

Simply register on Net-7 and download the original game (files on N7 site) along with the Net-7 client. Run Net-7 and log into the game with your credentials. The Net-7 site is your account hub and through it you can transfer items between your avatars, create new accounts linked to your original account, and access handy game resources like the item database and the wiki. Bookmark it if you intend to stick around.

Since the game is quite old the requirements are very low compared to a modern game in terms of resources and disk space. It will run on a potato. The game does NOT have space flight physics. There are no Zero-Gravity dogfights. You will not need a joystick. You can do everything with just a mouse but a few keyboard shortcuts can help.

Gameplay is quite simple but some of the quests (Missions) can be complex and you will need to read what the NPCs tell you in order to figure it out. The game doesn't hold your hand as much as modern MMOs tend to do. Again, consult the new player guides to help you get started. They will explain how the game works in greater detail than this little blurb. Experience is earned in 3 categories: Combat, Exploration, and Trade. You earn them by doing tasks related to each. Kill shit for Combat XP, explore new areas of space (or help someone else find them) for Explore XP, and trade items (to players or to NPCs) for Trade XP. Each category goes from 0-50 with an Overall Level of 150 being the max. The game can be a bit grindy but there are tricks to improve the speed at which you gain experience. However, its a great game to play while listening to podcasts or whatever it is you also like to do in the background.

Certain upgrades such as shields or reactor tier depend on your Overall Level while others depend on specific types of experience level such as Combat for weapon upgrades, Trade for manufacturing skills, and Exploration for mineral refining. Find yourself in tough combat situations? Level up your trade and exploration, boost your Overall Level until you can install better shields or even unlock a new weapon mount for your ship, and return to blast your enemies with your upgraded spaceship. Tired of fighting? Find a nice quiet asteroid field and prospect for minerals and gasses used to create components.

The game rewards you with bonuses for grouping with other players from increased critical hit chance to durability. The game was meant to be played with other people. While it is possible to do most things by yourself some of the more serious "solo" players do so with multiple alt accounts and play them simultaneously so as to maximize their bonuses and XP earned.

Most items in the game can be analyzed and built by player avatars. In fact, players can make items of superior quality to those available from looting enemies or buying them from vendors. This includes ammo!

The game still has some bugs, most notably while using warp gates to go from sector to sector or entering and leaving starbases, it's rare but it happens. It can be a pain but the easiest fix is to force quit the client and restart. Can't be helped. They had to build the emulator from scratch and they did a damn good job all things considered.

There are 3 races to choose from: The Progen from Mars, the Terrans from... well, Terra (Earth), and the Jenquai from Jupiter.

Progen ships have the toughest hulls, the strongest shields, and can mount the highest number of weapons. They favor projectile cannons which consume ammo and have a medium range and you must face your targets to fire upon them. The fastest way out of a tough situation is to face your enemies head-on and blast your way through them.

Terran ships have the largest cargo bays, the fastest engines, and favor missile weapons which consume ammo and have long range and can fire in any direction. Think of an archer or ranger playstyle. Enemies you cannot take head-on you can outrun and kite from a safe distance lobbing missiles over your shoulder as you stay out of range.

Jenquai ships have weak defensive capabilities but make up for it with stealth. Jenquai ships are the only ones that can cloak. They also do massive burst damage with their beam weapons which have the shortest range but do not require ammunition. Think of it like a "ninja" or "rogue" playstyle. Uncloaking, dumping damage, and cloaking again before the enemy can hit you back.

Each race has 3 classes. 1 fighter, 1 trader, and 1 explorer, for a total of 9 options:

Fighters are the toughest for their races and boast the most weapon slots. All 3 fighter classes can manufacture weapons and ammo, which is especially important for Progen and Terran as the superior ammo translates to extra damage. Ammo of different types can be used. Some do all the damage at once (explosive, impact) or do damage over time (chemical, plasma). Some weapons even do EMP damage that drains enemy reactors although most players do not bother with EMP weapons as the NPCs aren't really that susceptible to having low reactor energy.

Traders occupy a mixed role in combat and can repair friendly hulls or boost their shields (think of a medic or healer) as well as boasting the most varied manufacturing skills in the game. Terran traders, in particular, can build components that can only otherwise be found by looting or dismantling other items. This becomes quite important for end game as certain elite weapons require ammunition that isn't available in starbases and must be manufactured by players.

Explorers are the weakest in combat but have other skills to help them out that become available as you level up. In addition they have the best scanners and are the only classes that can mine asteroids and refine the raw materials. Unique among explorers, the Jenquai Explorer, has a wormhole skill that enables them to transport themselves (and party members!) across the galaxy.

Piece of advice for character building: Take the weapon skill into consideration when making your character(s). The highest weapons in the game as tier 9, and weapons that aren't ideal for your race (ie: beams on a Terran) can only skill up to tier 8. If you want to pew pew with lasers play a Jenquai.

Also make sure you have enough skill points to upgrade your reactors and shields as soon as you get the level requirement. Wasting your points on things like leveling both Build Engines and Build Weapons and not having enough to upgrade your primary skills can leave your ship in a bad spot. The game website has a character planner to help you out.

All that aside, give it a shot if it sounds interesting to you. It's not "hard Sci-Fi" and is more like a mix of Star Trek and Star Wars. There is a lot of backstory but its not really necessary to understand to jump in. If you find yourself enjoying it be sure to read the new player guide.

Also, if you would like help from me please PM me so we can meet up ingame. I can help you get started by building you some starter weapons, giving you some cash, or even giving you a ride back home if you end up lost in deep space. I have 3 maybe 4 days left before I need to hit the work grindstone really hard so now is an ideal time for me to be available at odd hours to help you out so please don't be a stranger if you decide to play. We can exchange avatar names via the Hexbear DMs.

Extra notes: I highly recommend playing the game in windowed mode. The game does not like being minimized so if you want to open a web browser to look up game info or play some tunes via youtube or whatever be sure to run it in windowed mode.

The game is fucking loud for whatever reason. First thing you'll probably want to do after making a character is turn down the sound effects and music. Seriously. So fucking loud.

Lastly, starting a guild. If enough people show interest and like playing we could start a guild. I was thinking of calling it Six Sided Bears or something like that so we could keep all our commie spam to ourselves. Hope to see you around the space lanes, comrades.


He no longer wants to take a bite out of crime. He went woke and joined antifa. The west has fallen. This is what Biden's America has taken from you.


I lived to spite that motherfucker. Now what the hell am I gonna do now. Outlive Dubya? Feels kinda hollow ngl.

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joined 4 years ago