[-] charly4994@hexbear.net 10 points 3 days ago

It's just as useful there


Just toss this on the pile of American Ls in the space race.

[-] charly4994@hexbear.net 16 points 1 week ago

When I first moved into this neighborhood we had a Bottom Dollar, then Aldi bought them out and closed almost all of them getting rid of the closest grocery store that served a fair amount of the community. There was one like another 5 minutes away or another one 10 minutes away on arterial streets. Then the one that was 5 minutes away closed after it was sold and the only reason it's a grocery store today is because the previous owners insisted the buyer had to make it a grocery store, otherwise you'd just have a food desert for a lot of the immediate vicinity that had the poorest families in the city.

Dollar General moved into where that original Bottom Dollar grocery store was and was the only convenient place to get food for a few years if you didn't have a car. There's another Dollar General 10 minutes up the road where a Dollar Tree used to be. There's yet another probably another 7 minutes away from that second one, after that I couldn't tell you since they're fucking everywhere and there's probably 3 I'm not even aware of because I just don't turn right at a certain intersection.

[-] charly4994@hexbear.net 4 points 1 week ago

I sorta felt this when I lived in Japan going from a sorta urban environment to a farm and back on my commute home and going on the roads that had the plants right next to it was obviously more humid on those really warm days.

[-] charly4994@hexbear.net 25 points 2 weeks ago

Watching a video on FNAF: Security Breach the guy had a pretty good system for measuring, first delay shows that they care about polish and are okay taking a bit more time for it to cook, second time signifies significant management issues where they've now missed their deadline twice and you should probably start feeling uneasy, after two delays, just throw your expectations in the garbage and just pray that it comes out at all.

[-] charly4994@hexbear.net 41 points 2 weeks ago

I somehow misread it as "AOC's speech at the DNC featuring unequivocal support for Hamas" and was wondering why it was in the dunk tank.

[-] charly4994@hexbear.net 25 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

This shit coming out about Pink News just reminds me of the long history of cissies throwing trans people under the bus (CW: transphobia). Fuck assimilationists.

[-] charly4994@hexbear.net 20 points 3 weeks ago

Sorta similar for me, once Bernie ran in 2016 socialism became kinda non-taboo and once I started looking it was very fast to just go "oh yeah capitalism does suck" after seeing the issues for a while but never really having it click. Still had a lot of brain worms to work through and still have a bunch that I probably haven't even noticed yet, but I feel like once I went anti-capitalist it took a long time for me to find out where I was in the giant pile of leftist labels. Kinda just picked up anarchism because when I still watched breadtube it seemed like the least offensive since it didn't challenge a lot of brain worms. Also I was chatting a girl up that said she was a leftist and when I self identified as an MLM she ghosted me. Then after kinda running with it, learning more and doing more self crit and reading theory COVID happened. The correct response to COVID was displayed by China and required "authoritarianism" to enact, and then it was just kinda like the last piece fell out and now I'm what I would've called a tankie back in 2018.

[-] charly4994@hexbear.net 5 points 3 weeks ago

I found it rather janky and just couldn't get into it despite really wanting another crpg to play. The camera controls and party movement just really felt awful for me. I'm also not super familiar with pathfinder and the last exposure I had with it I was playing Kingmaker which wasn't a bad game, but also I sorta didn't find it the most enjoyable thing. I bounced off WotR in the tutorial. Compared to BG3 where the combat encounters were still basic through the tutorial on the nautiloid they were peppered in enough for me to grow accustomed to the combat while also giving me space, in the start of WotR you're running down some caves with bugs attacking you every 50 feet or so and even then the combat felt like it had no weight. After the caves, the idea that there's a maze waiting for me and it's probably full of more lackluster combat encounters but it's also a maze just made me peace out.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by charly4994@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net
[-] charly4994@hexbear.net 16 points 1 month ago

I had basically the exact same experience. I got super hyped for 11/11/11, stopped going to school for a week and spent all day every day playing it to the point where I was solving puzzles in my dreams and then I beat it and never really touched it again. I kinda woke up from the dream back then and have been watching the rest of the world catch up. I did put a lot of hours into FO4 but that was solely for the base building aspect, never touched the main plot after the first time through.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by charly4994@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net
[-] charly4994@hexbear.net 3 points 1 month ago

The idea that these people normally eating 3000-5000 Calories a day can just jump over to 1200 a day instantly and should they "cheat" or stumble while trying get yelled at on a man that holds the potential to save your life in his hands. If it wasn't a giant circus they'd approach it reasonably stating that even 2500 a day would be enough for a significant loss which would allow for a less sudden and abrupt change, not to mention the fact that most aren't really given proper mental health support for what is 1000% stemming from mental health issues.

[-] charly4994@hexbear.net 46 points 1 month ago

But then how will people write 20 cover letters a day to keep up with the increasing rate of instant rejections?

Saw a really depressing ad at work the other day where Google was advertising their thing and it was some person asking their LLM to write a letter for their daughter to this athlete bragging about how she'll break her record one day. They couch it in "here's a draft" but it's just so bleak. The idea that a child so excited about doing a sport and dreaming of going to the Olympics and getting a world record can't just write a bit of a clumsy letter expressing themselves to their hero is just beyond depressing. Writing swill for automated systems that are going to reject you anyway is one thing, but the idea that they think that this is a legitimate use of these models just highlights how obnoxiously out of touch they are.

How do we learn and grow as people and find our own writing voices if we don't write some of the most cringe shit imaginable when we're young. I wrote a weird letter to Emma Watson in middle school, nobody ever read it, but it was a learning experience and made me actually have to think about my own feelings. These techbros have to have been grown in vats.

[-] charly4994@hexbear.net 20 points 1 month ago

Over 20 years ago my mother got weight loss surgery, the doctor that did it was an absolute hack and has since vanished into the sunset after making a shitload of money from people. My mother has things she just can't eat anymore because they'll sit too hard on what's left of her stomach. A few years ago she had an issue where she was throwing up everything she ate and I dragged her to the hospital, they found that the coconut shreds she had been snacking on had formed a bolus that wasn't moving and that her stomach was basically the size of a blister. Thanks to this issue we were able to catch and address some of the issues. She also cannot absorb iron orally so she needs infusions every few months. Can't help but think about the years lost and the upcoming nutritional struggles as she gets older. She hit that "rare but terrible side effect" mark. I feel bad for the people just trying to improve their life and getting fucked in the process by people that really just don't care, the company could add the warning of gastroparesis to their packaging easily.

submitted 1 month ago by charly4994@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

So through a variety of work-related drama that really doesn't matter, my direct manager's position has opened up. I've essentially been doing the job but without the title for a fair bit of time so I decided I might as well try to get the position officially. I later found out that the position I applied for isn't actually a union position and it's kinda made me start rethinking things, as far as I'm aware it shouldn't actually affect the benefits or hours, just a non-union unit manager position.

submitted 3 months ago by charly4994@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Why is the play button so tiny now? Not to mention the bloat of this launcher takes ages for it to just open so you can stare at the ads a bit longer.

submitted 4 months ago by charly4994@hexbear.net to c/videos@hexbear.net

freedom-and-democracy anti-italian-action

Average Bri*ish Enjoyer (www.youtube.com)
submitted 4 months ago by charly4994@hexbear.net to c/videos@hexbear.net
submitted 5 months ago by charly4994@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net

I just wanted to get one of those character name generators and somehow this popped up instead.

submitted 6 months ago by charly4994@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net


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