I suppose we'd have lots of problems in Brazil, Australia and Russia, though
joined 1 year ago
Eu sei muita química orgânica!
On the other hand, yesterday, I passed in front of a nightclub called "ice cream shop" in Portuguese. I found it a curious name and decided to find out more about the place, but it is actually impossible to Google it out.
Imagens fortes da queda, é sempre chocante
Eu voto no PSOL e tipicamente me representam bem
I know the Pacific is huge, but when you see it like that is mind-blowing
Football and all the others I can
Don't forget my boy Vicuña!
The story of the professor who was studying dimethyl mercury is terrifying
I would not be willing to lick calcium, too
There are so many reasons to love this. It is the first of these I would be inclined to buy!
I believe Will Fish will fish more in Cardiff