Sorry for being late on this, but I saw some decrepit struggle sessoin from a while ago and wanted to add on. Also I want to make sure everybody on this site knows, especially with the new bluesky folks arriving, but NOBODY SHOULD FEEL BAD FOR INCELS.
You seriously have no excuse. There are actual adults who partake in this shit. I have been rejected and/or dumped by everybody I have shown romantic interested in, and not once in my life has it ever, EVER crossed my mind (nat even once) that, "oh, gee! i get it now! it's those dumb women that are the problem!" because it isn't hard to have a shred of fucking empathy and realise that people have free will, and you aren't entitled to anything, ESPECIALLY NOT PEOPLE. I cannot stress this enough,
I don't care how much you think men get rejected more than women do (not true at all), or if society supposedly just made them this way (re: people have free will), or any justification you have to be nice to incels, THEY DO NOT DESERVE IT. THEY SHOULD LEARN TO TREAT PEOPLE AS HUMANS, NOT AS SEX TOYS.
tl;dr, if you're an incel, disrespectfully fuck off and die.
This language is gunna sound abstracted, so apologies in advance. Incels treat human relationships as, to a large degree, calculable and transactional. Attractiveness can be quantified (women can be rated on a scale of 1 to 10). Time and money invested has an expected output. Women seek a positive return on investment with a potential romantic or sexual partner. An incel's goal is to reach that 'minimum rung' and when they find out that relationships also have an emotional component it doesn't fit into their calculus and their reaction to rejection is violent and abhorrent. They accuse women of not following the rules or playing the game properly. I would argue that men who subscribe to the above and still occasionally or regularly have sexual encounters are still incels. It's capitalist realism applied to human relationships.
Edit (I do think this is just one element of inceldom though and doesn't cover other aspects of white supremacy/patriarch etc. so I think my summary is reductive, but as for how PUA/online inceldom instrumentalises and proslytises itself is this 'man does x woman must do y' equations'. The ideology behind it is a black box that ties in the rest of the whole shit show)
Isn't that also just the broader manosphere ideology, the only difference being "there's no hope", rather than the rest of the manosphere, who believes the "system" can be gamed?
Yeh I like this interpretation that incels are doomer manosophere types. I kinda need to mull over it a bit more, I'm at work so can't really tease out the delineations between regular manosphere chud and incel. Though the latter is ever present in the former and is the threat behind the 'acceptable' behaviour of the former
I don't know if I just repackaged something i learnt from fd signifier so ill credit his video just in case
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: