Funny, I would think “not ramming into a lamp post” would be a prerequisite for the best safety system in the world.
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My 15 year old Toyota corolla manages this all the time
You need all those passive safety features to counter the active danger features.
tbf there was a techbro sycophant driving it, the system had a lot to overcome
I was watching a video about how one of, if not the first, fatalities from self driving cars, Joshua Brown, was this huge Elon stan. He would make YouTube videos about his self driving car. The whole Elon cult is so creepy and pathetic. There's some strange irony in his death
Another of Brown’s videos on YouTube attracted the attention of Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of Tesla, prompting Brown to tweet: “@elonmusk noticed my video…I’m in seventh heaven!” The New York Times reported that Brown told a neighbour at the time: “for something to catch Elon Musk’s eye, I can die and go to heaven now.”
Brown’s confidence in the autopilot was such that he tested it to the maximum... Ironically, the situation that his car appears to have failed to handle was relatively routine.
On a straight section of Florida highway, a truck with a trailer moved across Brown’s path but the sensors on the Tesla seem not to have detected its presence. The car, remarkably, tried to squeeze under the trailer, smashing its windscreen and going on to hit two fences, crossing a field and coming to rest against a pole 30 metres south of the road.
It was Brown’s over-confidence in the system that almost certainly killed him. A laptop and portable DVD player were found at the scene, though neither were running when the Florida Highway Patrol arrived. The truck driver Frank Baressi, who rushed up to the wrecked Tesla, claimed that a Harry Potter movie was playing on Brown’s DVD player.
lmao dying to watch harry potter
Another L for transphobia
I'm sorry but the last line made me laugh out loud
the irony is way too delicious for this to be true
@elonmusk noticed my video…I’m in seventh heaven!
Senpai, notice me~
It's true as far as I can tell. Here is a link to his youtube channel, I believe the latest video is the one that Elon shared with a tweet (maybe some sleuth can find it).
The family and their lawyers deny he was watching a movie at the time of the incident (cuz, you know, bad look), but that's what the driver of the semi-truck claims when he approached the scene. And I choose to believe.
further proof that the cybertruck is indeed sentient and wishes it was not a cybertruck
It failed to merge […] and made no attempt to slow down
How about using the brake pedal at that point? Although I'm guessing this guy thought the genius ”self driving” system was capable of fixing the situation.
Or even that advanced technological marvel known as the "steering wheel." Really love how he phrases that sentence like this accident wasn't entirely his fault.
He was probably tripping on salvia or whippets at the time
yup read the second to last paragraph
Challinger disaster
these people need to be tagged and monitored by radio collar like nuisance bears.
I'm imagining them getting put under by a tranquilizer dart, then wake up and notice the new collar stuck on their neck and happily exclaim "Cool tech!"
Bad things happening to the dumbest rich assholes alive, love to see it
I am choosing to believe that the FSD has an inner monologue. In particular that it is remarkably similar to the whale from Hitchhiker's Guide as it slams itself into a light pole or any other large stationary object it chooses
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I thought these things were supposed to be nuclear bomb proof?
I can confirm a lamp post is not a nuclear bomb.
what are you? a lamp post specialist? cmon you liberals know nothing about life heh
Passive safety? Fucking what
This thing was fucking cleaved almost in half from hitting a lamp post at what, I don't know American speeds, but that looks like a 60km/h road give or take. I've seen shitbox Toyotas from the early 00s do that and walk away with a mangled bumper and that's it, maybe a wrecked engine if you were really booking it
This thing weighs as much as a semi and a relatively simple everyday accident nearly bisected the fucking thing
What passive safety lmao
In an urban area like that, probably 25 to 35 mph (depending on the length and width of the road).
But yeah lol @ totaling your car on a lamp post going 30 mph. Most cars, you'd just need a new bumper.
He has to praise the truck or they'll turn off his self crashing mode privileges on the next one
self crashing mode
Licence taken away for reckless driving? Not in America!
the FSD did that. but only because it was trained on woke images ~~stolen~~ scraped from the web
"Easy solution, if you fail a recaptcha, the NSA marks your Universal Profile (a totally real and possible thing) as Woke, allowing you to be Marked for Death by Grok AI and sacrificed as an NPC in any FSD collision."
how do I make sure you have the data you need from this incident?
Egads! For science! Just another data point in the quest for human knowledge. ☝️🤓
lol passive safety?
crumple zones and such
looks more like a cleave zone
Something this car famously doesnt have
I thought they were bragging that the Cybertruck didn't have crumple zones?
look how strong the body is, it does not crumple like other modern cars! Going back to when you took the impact not the car
Every cybertruck has a Lacanic death drive. It yearns for every street pole and every other car.