It is by all means possible to take the question in an interesting direction, however I doubt "taking a question in an interesting direction" would ever happen on an /r/askphilosophy thread clearly made by someone who's just deeply insecure about a porn fetish and looking to circlejerk about it. I feel like that type of person would probably also debatelord about why it's OK to eat your own boogers, too.
Also, somewhat relevant:
spoiler for House MD
Season 3 episode 5 of House depicts a married interracial couple, Jeremy and Tracy, who did not realize they were half-siblings: Tracy was born out of wedlock and never knew her own dad wasn't her biological father; and when Jeremy and Tracy first got into a relationship with each other, and Jeremy's dad flipped the fuck out over it, Jeremy just assumed that his dad did not approve of the relationship because he was a massive fucking racist — and Jeremy's dad naturally never clarified that his only issue with their relationship was the tiny humongous issue that they were literally half-siblings, because clarifying that would mean confessing to cheating on his own wife.
To be clear, you the viewer don't know that Jeremy and Tracy are half-siblings for most of the episode, either. The episode starts with Tracy having fucked up symptoms, and then Jeremy starts experiencing the same symptoms, leaving House's team thinking that the two probably caught some sort of infectious disease from each other, or maybe some sort of environmental toxin from being in the same place... But eventually it hits them that the couple actually share an inherited disease, a rare autosomal dominant disorder, which practically guarantees that they share a parent. And the team is basically like "WOW that is fucked up" and I was like "WOW that is fucked up", and then they inform the couple that they're half-siblings with the same rare inherited disease, and it is GUT-WRENCHING for real, as all the little things that didn't quite make sense in their lives suddenly start to "click into place".
Foreman tries to console the couple by saying, "You're not really siblings."
"WE HAVE THE SAME FATHER!" Tracy shouts.
Foreman replies, "You didn't... Fight in the backseat on car trips, you didn't change each other's diapers, you guys just met and fell in love. The way you feel, that, that hasn't changed..."
...Foreman senses he isn't wanted and leaves. Jeremy and Tracy cry as they just try to process the weight of what has just happened to them.
...That was a good fucking episode, that stuck with me. Like I haven't seen or read much of any fiction depicting incest but I'm still going to say that if you're going to depict incest in a book or movie or show or whatever, that that specific House episode is the gold standard you should aim for.
I know there's a lot of manga with incestuous themes, too, but I always just dismissed those works out of hand as probably just being fetishistic dreck, even though some of them came highly recommended from people who I normally see as my own "tastemakers", like Hazel once made a (since-deleted) video about Ookumo-chan Flash Back... That manga is on Mangadex, so maybe I should just go and see for myself if Hazel's praise was well-earned.