[-] Erika3sis@hexbear.net 2 points 2 hours ago

Once again we see what I call the Seppo-Usonian-American tripartite division: the "Israeli" "Americans" or other "Americans" in "Israel", these are really Seppos through-and-through, they have sold their chance at dignity for a "guarantee" of protection by The Empire, making their own interests align with those of The Empire; the Palestinian Americans, and the solidary Americans in the West Bank generally, these are the true Americans, because for as much as their lives may or may not have been shaped by Americana or by living in the USA, their interests do not align with those of the USA, so these Americans in fact feel very acutely how little their lives actually matter to a USA that despite all evidence insists the contrary.

I genuinely feel like the word "American", as most people use it, is a sort of Janus word or contronym, it's a word with multiple contradictory meanings. I have already reflected on this in my own country in Northern Europe, that just because I happen to share a first language and a blue passport with the NATO ghouls, that this alone does not make me and them belong to the same nation, our nations are in fact not only distinct but in an antagonistic relationship with one another! And the "Israeli" "Americans" I would say have far more in common with those Seppo soldiers in Norway, and the Palestinian Americans far more in common with myself, than the opposite or either group with the other.

So this is not a dynamic that's unique to the (")Americans(") in "Israel"/Palestine, this is a dynamic that is omnipresent throughout the entirety of what people presently understand as the "American diaspora" — it just happens to be that in Palestine, the contradictions are much more plainly visible and felt and much more openly discussed... Except even here it's phrased as "Israeli Americans" and "Palestinian Americans", as if these groups somehow share a common "American-ness" that the US government is simply hypocritical about, as if it's "brother against brother". But call a Seppo a Seppo, and all the apparent hypocrisy of the US government towards its overseas citizens disappears in an instant.

[-] Erika3sis@hexbear.net 4 points 6 hours ago

I should clarify that I am not a parent nor a child psychologist nor anything else to that effect, I am only speaking from my own experience of being parented—

I remember being around that age and I had a similar problem of just watching absolute political slop on YouTube. My access to content was never restricted nor closely monitored, but when my mom caught me watching some reactionary bozo on occasion, she would just call it what it was — and then all of a sudden I found myself a lot less interested in that type of content. When she or others would point out the problems with what I was watching or the messages I got from the content, that showed me the "smoke and mirrors" of it. And insofar as I engaged in that content out of a desire to appear precocious... Well, realizing that I was manifesting the exact phenomenon that C.S. Lewis described in that famous quote of his about the "fear of childishness", and that my attempt to convince myself that I was more grown-up than I really was was collapsing in front of me, I just felt ashamed — but very specifically not humiliated.

So I think the best thing you can do is to understand what role these streamers really play for the child. Because it's probably not all wanting to be popular, it's probably not all wanting to appear precocious, and it's probably not all wanting to build an identity; just as it's probably not all noticing the ways in which they're genuinely getting screwed over, and acting on genuine frustrations, genuinely trying to understand why this is and what to do about it even with the limitations of their own lived experience; nor is it probably all learning about the world's issues and wanting to do their best to be a good person even about things that don't very obviously affect them personally.

Rather the child's enjoyment is in all likelihood probably some sort of blend of these or perhaps other things. If you can determine the composition of the blend, you will know where to strike to most effectively reveal the "smoke and mirrors", and make the child feel that sort of productive shame that causes actual self-reflection. You should aim to be like the elderly Hungarian-born immigrant saying "And that makes a difference, doesn't it?", if you're familiar with that old propaganda film: shame is a negative emotion that makes one want to avoid the cause of the feeling, and it should be your aim to make the child identify the cause of the shame to be the shameful thing rather than the one shaming.

I trust that you're on good terms with your child and only have good intentions, so I think that you will succeed. And of course I should reiterate that my own perspective is limited, and what worked for myself might not work for everyone.

[-] Erika3sis@hexbear.net 32 points 13 hours ago

Trying to cut down on distracted driving... By keeping people from talking to themselves... A behavior which is proven time and time again to improve concentration, visual processing, and cognitive performance generally... Hmmmm...

[-] Erika3sis@hexbear.net 10 points 14 hours ago

I don't think it's technically the worst film I've ever seen, nor even the film I enjoyed watching the least, but I would like to mention the local film The Monkey and The Mouth (NO: Adjø Montebello, lit. "Adieu, Montebello").

I don't know the extent to which I didn't enjoy that film because it was "bad" versus because I was just being forced to watch it, because The Monkey and The Mouth is in a number of ways creative and unique, and tries to tackle multiple important issues, and it shows promise for what local films can be... But I just didn't enjoy it. At the time, in fact, this was when I was a teenager, I described the film as something to the effect of "a bunch of pretentious drivel whose sole purpose was to serve as a tax write-off and a justification for the film crew to take a probably state-funded vacation in the Bahamas". Nowadays I might call a film like The Monkey and The Mouth "awardmat", i.e. it's a "film festival" movie, you know the kind, the kind where its tackling of societal issues just feels kind of shallow, like the film is more focused on the appearance of having a message than actually being meaningful. But it's been many years since I saw this film, I don't remember it too well, maybe if I rewatched it I'd have more positive things to say.

I did and still do like Karpe's music and their music videos, but I guess it just didn't work for me when stretched out to 100 minutes.

[-] Erika3sis@hexbear.net 10 points 14 hours ago



[-] Erika3sis@hexbear.net 3 points 1 day ago

It seems a rare opportunity, so yes, I would like to know from the horse's mouth as it were.

[-] Erika3sis@hexbear.net 2 points 1 day ago

What makes Luxembourg specifically the lower limit of area for a viable country? If it is that a country smaller than Luxembourg cannot feed its current population using only the resources of its land and territorial waters, then my point is that there are also countries way bigger than Luxembourg for which this is also the case -- but you could not call these countries microstates or neocolonies with a straight face.

[-] Erika3sis@hexbear.net 4 points 2 days ago

Does this mean that Norway is by your definition a neocolony?

[-] Erika3sis@hexbear.net 4 points 2 days ago

I didn't make any comments guessing it was Gibraltar, but honestly I had a suspicion it was Gibraltar. I would recommend that you look into urban agriculture, generally keep reading theory and reading local history and news and interacting with your local environment, and learning about regions similar to Gibraltar. Gibraltar may have virtually no industry now, but I wouldn't be so sure that this will always be the case. A fun game you might want to try is to take something you know to be true, imagining that it's somehow become the opposite, setting a time frame for this change, and then trying to imagine how this change came to be.

By the way, were you worried that mentioning you were from Gibraltar would trigger a discussion about the conflict surrounding Gibraltar's status? I definitely have semi-informed things to say about that topic, but I don't know if now's the right time.

[-] Erika3sis@hexbear.net 8 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I once saw a documentary about food independence in the Bahamas, but it seems like this documentary is gone from YouTube now, and I don't know where else I can find it. It brought up all sorts of techniques that Bahamians are using to grow their own food despite the negligible amount of arable land in the country. Other countries have dealt with a lack of arable land by simply building more land, but whether land reclamation is at all feasible in your country is not for me to say.

In any case, there should be two aims for the food and goods issue:

  1. To become more self-reliant — even if a country grows only 20% of its own food, that's still more independent than a country that grows only 10%, and 10% more than 5%, 5% more than 1%, 1% more than 0%. Even if full food independence is impossible, even a small increase is better than nothing.
  2. To become less reliant on any one country or bloc — importing 80% of your food from, say, the USA, gives the USA a lot more influence over the country than importing only 20% of your food from the USA. Diversifying sources of imports protects the country from shocks to supply chains.

I think we can compare a country to the case of an individual person: you sell your labor power to the capitalist class to get a wage that you largely spend paying for food, utilities, housing, other goods and services, and this ends up only giving that money back to the capitalist class. So it's a dependent relationship, you can't provide yourself with all of life's necessities. However, you can still find ways to become more independent, and you can find ways to get more of your necessities from other people in a way that doesn't feed into (or feeds less into) this dependent relationship. Doing these things, you might still need to sell your labor power to the capitalist class in order to survive, and you might still give much of your earnings back to the capitalists, but you'll at least have something to fall back on if you try to assert yourself and things don't quite go your way.

So I might say that a focus for the left in your country should be organization across national lines. Wins for the socialists in the countries yours imports from is a win for your own country's independence. In other words, don't get too distracted by lines on a map, that you don't look at the systems of dependence themselves, because these systems also impact many regions recognized as parts of larger countries.

[-] Erika3sis@hexbear.net 14 points 2 days ago

I became a brony on the anniversary of the Utøya shooting

[-] Erika3sis@hexbear.net 19 points 2 days ago



submitted 5 days ago by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I had lost the arm as a child due to some sort of animal attack, but the fact that I didn't escape the animal before it severely chewed my arm such that it required amputation at the shoulder, was because in the dream I also had some sort of disorder that made me experience occasional "attacks" wherein I lost motor control and sensation in my limbs.

In any case, I was really into guns in this dream, I was in a shooting club and everything, and more specifically I was fascinated by the history of how firearms have been adapted for those with upper limb amputations and prostheses, especially the type of prosthesis that I had. I had in general made the arm a part of my identity, like I wasn't ashamed of it, I'd make jokes about it, I'd wish that the arm would work "more like in the movies" but I still managed to navigate my daily life just fine.

I guess if anything, I woke up feeling kind of freaked out by how my brain had managed to come up with such a radically different path for my life, and made me accept this path so unquestioningly, as if I had really been on it the whole time. It was kinda like Zhuangzi's famous butterfly dream in a sense, and made me wonder how much people should really stake on something so fragile and malleable as identity.

submitted 1 week ago by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net
submitted 1 week ago by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net
submitted 1 week ago by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net
submitted 1 week ago by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net


Apparently he was even in fucking Body Troopers??? Wow.

So yeah, when I was in secondary school I was made to watch Sånn Er Norge, which is basically like Last Week Tonight except instead of talking about societal issues it's about how everything in society "works perfectly". It's such a profoundly masturbatory work of liberal slop that even being a liberal at the time, I was left wondering what the fuck the point of the show was, and how other people seemed to like it so much — "Are they just jerking off to the unspoken message of Norwegians' 'superior intellect' allowing this country to supposedly 'tame the beast of capitalism'? Do they just like the escapist fantasy that ours is a perfect country with no need for foreign ideas? How do my countrymen not see the hypocrisy of censuring other countries for propagandizing their youth, when this local TV show being played in this classroom is very plainly that exact thing?"

But I suppose my own circumstances pushed me to be more critical of the show than my teachers...

In any case, the name "Harald Eia" was in one ear and out the other at that time. I didn't follow along on local media much in those days, and I certainly didn't care about local celebrities. So it was only much later when I decided to go out of my way to watch more local TV shows, that the name "Harald Eia" actually started to mean something to me — indeed, Harald Eia played the owner of the isenkram store in the "Danish language" bit in Uti Vår Hage, as well as a myriad other roles in that show: Uti Vår Hage is a sketch comedy show from the 2000s, where Harald Eia, Atle Antonsen (who now hosts the Norwegian version of Taskmaster), and Bård Tufte Johansen play various characters satirizing contemporary Norwegian (or broadly Nordic) society.

And yeah, Uti Vår Hage certainly has its moments, but it also has a lot of very problematic ""comedy"". You can't exactly color me surprised that a guy who worked on a show that repeatedly makes fun of minorities ended up presenting the most masturbatory work of liberal slop that local TV can produce.

And it's like, just kind of a shame, right? 'Cause it's like if I watch or read or listen to Seppo content, I'll feel alienated from the society around me, like I'm seeing the commodification and homogenization of culture; but then I watch or read or listen to local-made Norwegian content, and I just end up thinking, "Holy hell, do I even WANT to feel like I belong with these people‽" — So I still end up feeling kind of alienated no matter what, just in a different way. Media imported from the USA and media created locally are of course under capitalism both going to take bourgeois forms — just representing different segments of the bourgeoisie. And so my predicament is really just which segment of the bourgeoisie pisses me off the least, I guess.

I suppose the true solution to my predicament would be to turn to proletarian culture in Norway. But good frickin' luck with that! I found Vømmøl Spellmannslag not too long ago, and I liked and still like their music a lot, but naturally one of the musicians in that band would go on to be an openly insufferable islamophobic reactionary dipshit. So you can't even listen to music that gladly praises Mao and Lenin, without fully escaping the seething racist bullshit in this country.

I mean, is there even a living proletarian culture in Norway‽ It feels like even my leftist friends embrace the Seppo shit far too readily.

And I suppose this is why I like translation so much: rather than needing to choose between Seppoism or home-grown reactionism, or trying to find a nonexistent local proletarian culture, I can rather enjoy localized foreign content.


I'm mostly thinking about video, but things like blogs as well, anything is good. It just feels like kind of a gap, that of all the Deaf content creators I know, their talk of audism and intersectionality never seems to progress into a more holistic critique of capitalism.

But I guess this is the same algorithms and self-selection and other factors they're subject to that make the big trans creators a bunch of liberals, too; most of the less-viewed Deaf content I've found is content from universities, or content funded by this or that charity named after this or that capitalist... And otherwise the small Deaf creators seem rather like myself as a teenager, who saw anti-autistic sentiment as a "problem of NTs" rather than a problem of capitalism, that they might see audism as a "problem of hearies".

But I'm sure there are Deaf and Coda creators who make the exact sort of content I'm interested in. I mean, there just has to be! It's just that search engines are absolutely useless at finding that type of content. Like my attempts at Internet searches only really told me that there was a textile artist in the Bauhaus called Otti Berger who was a deaf communist Jew who was killed in the Holocaust; and that there's a book called Deaf in the USSR: Marginality, Community, and Soviet Identity and an article called Building an Organization According to Our Own Wishes: Deaf Agency in East Germany, 1945 to 1960, which might be interesting with the right expectations set. Otherwise I can confirm that Deaf communists, like, exist in the present day, which yeah, obviously, and there was a mention of "another deaf communist manifesto" on some odd Japanese and Korean language website about Deaf culture, which I don't know what that's about.

But in any case, you'd think that for such a large, clear form of marginalization with a strong cultural identity, that there would be more than three pages of search results, right? So what's causing there to be no results?

submitted 2 weeks ago by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

In my future fiction project I talk about the "Usonian-American split", where people basically collectively start treating those we now call "Americans" as two separate nationalities: one nationality mainly found in Europe, and another mainly found in the USA, and these nationalities are mutually antagonistic to one another.

This aspect of the future timeline was not pulled out of my butt, believe it or not. It is not an attempt at "hopium" or "good drama", it comes from me imagining if every American in Europe came to feel the way I already feel right now, since my own sense of nationality is born out of specific conditions which will possibly or even likely become progressively more common as the colonial project falters.

And yes, how I feel right now is that I see these Usonian NATO ghouls and all I can say about them is, they are not me! What, why am I supposed to act like these people are "Americans in Norway, just like me"‽ What, are we supposed to be the same nationality on the basis of a shared first language, or what‽ Well, I will not pretend that we are the same! I refuse to pretend! They are not me! They do not have the same formative experiences, the same relationships to land, culture, and labor, nothing in common with me beyond the most absolutely superficial. So I want to boo and hiss at the Seppo ghouls and tell them to fuck off, and if someone threw rocks at them, I would not feel sorry for them. I am an immigrant's child, not some asshole getting a full VIP treatment for fixing up some machines of death "made in USA".

There is no honor or dignity in the Seppos' work. I want to live in peace, unity and solidarity with all the nations of the world, but God forbid these Seppos would let me! They could never allow that! All they know is occupation and death, and if I am confused for them, even subconsciously, then this is only to the benefit of the colonial project.

Down with the Great Satan and up with brotherhood and unity, freedom for the Oceti Sakowin and Anishinaabe and Sámi, Seppos fuck outta Norway and fuck outta Ryukyu, and free Palestine.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

Unfathomably based holy shit

Edit: So a TL;DR is that this was NHK's Chinese-language broadcast, and this Chinese "outsourced employee" who'd been working for NHK radio for literally half his life since the early 2000s, he'd just finished reading a report on how somebody had spray-painted the word "toilet" at the entrance to a shrine honoring a bunch of war criminals and fascist goons — and he just decides right then and there to go off-script for about 20 seconds to state among other things that the Diaoyu Islands belong to China. Like I guess that was just the last straw for him or something.

I do not have a particularly strong opinion on the Diaoyu Islands dispute, I just think that any day is a good day to undermine the "territorial integrity" of Japan. Like the entire prefecture that Japan claims the Diaoyu Islands belong to shouldn't even be part of Japan to begin with.


submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/music@hexbear.net
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/videos@hexbear.net
submitted 2 weeks ago by Erika3sis@hexbear.net to c/videos@hexbear.net
Deluge of Elephants (hexbear.net)

Not to be confused with Deluge (Poland-Lithuania).

The Deluge of Elephants, also known as simply the Deluge, was the largest refugee crisis in human history. It resulted in a major economic crisis and health crisis in much of Europe as an estimated 72 million Usonians fleeing the Second US Civil War migrated to the region in the five-year period between 2037 and 2042, triggering multiple disease outbreaks that together killed approximately 4 million people. The name of the Deluge of Elephants is in reference to the "White Elephant Brigade", a derogatory term for the Usonian migrants, associated with European tabloids' assertion that the United States of America in the midst of its second civil war was also waging an economic war against Europe by sending refugees to the region as white elephants — "possessions which are difficult to dispose of, and whose cost of upkeep greatly outweighs their value".

Europeans' attitudes towards the Usonian refugees was at the beginning of the crisis known to be largely highly positive, even with the resulting material strain. However, attitudes towards the refugees soured as the crisis deepened, famously resulting in the trend of "Laser Troopers" who would assemble in large numbers to shine illicit laser pointers into the cockpits of airplanes carrying Usonian refugees. On the other hand, though the term "oh-ro" today has more positive connotations, it was originally used to mock Europeans seen as overly sympathetic to the Usonian refugees. The term "oh-ro", or "to sing oh-ro", was specifically originally in reference to the Dublin "Deaf Ears" incident of 2038, where a flash mob performed the Irish folk song "Óró! 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile" to welcome a group of Usonian refugees at Dublin Airport who had, unbeknownst to the mob, been deafened by an uncontrolled decompression incident mid-flight.

The first amclub was founded at Saint-Louis Middle School in Liège in 2041 in response to widespread bullying of Usonian/American students; this is considered to be the recognized beginning of the Usonian-American split. Even today, Americans are still commonly distinguished by their relationship to the Deluge of Elephants: Americans whose families have continuously lived in Europe since prior to the Deluge are today known as Old Dogs, and the descendants of the Deluge-era refugees are known as the New Litter.

The Deluge of Elephants, its origins, and its impact are of much interest to scholars. Consensus holds that the bourgeois factions of the Second US Civil War intended for the relocation of settlers to Europe among other regions to be a temporary measure, such that they could return to settler life postbellum. The ultimate failure of this plan is attributed to the state of class conflict in Europe and the USA at the time, and to contradictory interests and changing dynamics within the bourgeoisie of either region. The exact details of this analysis remain hotly debated, however.

Scholars take particular interest in how the crisis was presented by liberal political parties and media in Europe, who were criticized for xenophobic statements, scapegoating, and opportunistically co-opting and distorting the language and rhetoric of leftists during the crisis. Scholars also take particular interest in how the crisis was exacerbated by capitalism, including government policies criticized as irresponsible or as wealth transfers to the bourgeoisie; and scholars continue to debate what the exact motives of the European and Usonian bourgeoisie were during the crisis, including the degree to which the crisis was engineered versus accidental.

The Deluge of Elephants and the resulting Usonian-American split resulted in a high level of class consciousness among Americans. This is widely considered to be a major part of the prelude to both the Locotian Revolution and the Socialist Revolution in Europe.

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