Im so mad that account got banned instantly


There will never be a new BMF


All my super good amazing awesome posts are not getting thousands of upbears. Wtf, mods.please fix this posthaste

Theres no hope for whites - i personally think we (i am white) should be eradicated

Or in a funnier fashion i wanna bring back "seperate but equal" but instead make the whites get the short end of tje deal, it would be insanely funny

Animals are held in higher esteem than children. Heckin doggorinos go woof and bork bork while kids scream and poop and cry at my Golden Corral.

Besides, guns are more important to stop the [removeds] from invading my home and torching my Applebees.

Dirty browns and [removeds] are eating our heckin kitterinos and doggies because theyre savage and backwards like the chinese [removeds] while we eat the good moral food animals.

All the [removeds] are here to screw up our pure and good country with their ugly poor stupid backwards culltures which means a Haitian resturaunt will replace my favorite hole-in-the-wall McDonalds

Criticall support to Measurehead in his peoples protracted war against the ham sandwich people (whites)


Playin persona 3 the answer

Another sign that will never be read

When u lose 1 game of overwatch

To be fair, throwing each other into pits is hilarious


I hqve extea bones in my feet causing prpblems and my i lost me insurance for pjysical therapy so i guess i will simply need tl get a sit down job.

Anyone have a multi billion dollar compqny i can do a fake email job at hmu

Ita me im the libwral, ama


Vet qants me to put my dog on tbis gi low fat diet but the bags arw like 100 dollarinos what ghe fuck coxkass shit is that, suxk off me !

I eat guns fkr breaksfast omnomnkm



Genuinely kill judge judy and all the producers of that slop

Thats all


I feel like poc have a mind reading beam that they can use on me and therefore can feel the racism vibes coming off of me, thus making communication difficult, reddit nation, asemble

Cringe post day 4 (

Harry DuBois versus the Inaba case persona 4




I give out the %15 senior/milotary/educator/firat responder discount to anypen who doesnr speak english because thwyre unlikely to take advanrage of the stupid point system because no english

Is this racist

Fireflies (



I once replaced evedy instance of the n word in a chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird with Guinea wop to mqke fun of italians


Hope yore all ready

Thia post's cringe:

I was once convinced that the only wayto achieve world peaxe was to breed whiteness out then irealized birqcial people are also treated. Bad

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joined 4 months ago