Can someone explain to me what is this? Like, why is this a thing in Germany? I have zero knowledge of German culture
Edit: nevermind, I read the article
Can someone explain to me what is this? Like, why is this a thing in Germany? I have zero knowledge of German culture
Edit: nevermind, I read the article
This actually got a good laugh out of me
lmao at the guy downvoting all the Nice
Also, it seems like the ISPs were the ones that blocked access. No word from the government yet. Kinda weird to call this a "ban".
they are just another sect withing global capitalism
> be me
> live whole life under sanctions from the West and trying to build an autosufficient economy to survive
> some whites say I'm part of global capitalism, actually
Years under sanctions and siege from the West, all for nothing
The Engels quote goes so hard
I mean, that's the work of propaganda. An anticommunist hardly knows what they stand against; and yet they will attack communism, even without knowledge of its terms, inner workings and intellectual history. I agree with you, but I think this phenomenon refers more broadly to the effects of anticommunist propaganda on the peoples of Earth, rather than only the American people. Anti-intelectualism in only part of it. The Americans were only more brutally affected by it, being at the seat of the Empire and all.
Not really arguing anything; I guess I just wanted to rant for a bit.
This reminded me of his debate with Zizek. He couldn't be assed to do more than skim the Manifesto to critique Marx
This takes me back. It was one of the first strips I ever read of Calvin and Hobbes
I don't. It's great as is
It equates trying to achieve a slightly less crushing neoliberal policy (going "left") with literal 9/11. Like, the most lukewarm socdem policies are as damaging as blowing up the twin towers. And it makes no attempts at justifying this comparison; the comic just makes the comparison and expects it to be taken at face value. It's so juvenile that it got a laugh out of me.
It's one step away from saying "you're a doodoo head if you like your guy; my guy is way better and cool ;)"