I missed the (k) and thought they lost all of 40 bucks. Which if this is false would have been funnier since they could have lost that much buying wendys for a family of 4.
This pic creeps me out and i dunno why
They aren't sad tho, methinks i smell the stink of pride and posturing in this post. They want everyone to know they spent and can afford to lose this money
Ugh i was really into the books when they came out. I remember reading about the house elves and thinking how heavy-handed hermione's crusade to save them was and so was trying to skim past those parts and (perhaps cuz of that) being surprised that rowling went to a different place ("they like slavery?? Wtf?")
This was probably the first time i looked askance at rowling, started looking harder at the stuff she was pennin. Im pretty sure i noticed the house elves before the gringotts goblins
Nah i feel this. I keep sane by bringing it up with people like you're doing here cuz sometimes it feel like everyone in the world is just cool beans while things are crashing down. But when i talk to em they're not doin well either. Everyone is just waiting around for the sound of the other shoe or to be saved
I surprised myself by not becoming angry at this piece. Maybe ive heard the lies contained within so often they lost their ability to incite me? The author's quiet but definite bloodthirst sounds too IDF cut-n-pastey maybe.
I mean, they still get the wall but ya feel me?
In a way it was good for me. I may be grasping at ways to be positive about it, but it was critically informative for me to see the lengths the caps will go to defend their message and crush solidarity to the point where they'll crush even small-barely-even-a-thing's like /r/antiwork. The knowledge of the ubiquitity of their (cap's) influence, how much they have and how fara reach was terrifying, but somehow also comforting... seeing how how afraid they actually are that people will wake up even a little bit kinna gives me hope that it is easier than i think it is to wake them
Hollow is a place where a man who cant stand ganking goes...
What, you don't think sprint and jump should be the same button sounds like you need to geet goob
The fiasco was the hard-end-full-stop-crib-death of antiwork's nascent class-consciousness. If it was ever something (and it felt like it was) It hasn't been anything since.
As the picture implies ds1 suffered from a rushed end game and final boss so bad the devs actually apologized iirc
I can already hear the pounding feet of sprinting liberals