jesus pissing

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 23 points 1 month ago

a peek into alternate universe elon where he's the head of a tech worker's union, making comfortable wage with his loving family and supporting his trans daughter's transition (he's genuinely happy and fulfilled)

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 13 points 1 month ago

To me, the correct way to play Minecraft is with a friend and pursuing silly, enjoyable goals.

Something I had a lot of fun doing is playing as "The Heart Tree" while my partner tried to support me. Essentially, I chose a tree I really liked, cut it down except for its lowest block (now designated "The Heart Block"), and I always would have to be touching or very close to logs which descend from the original tree.

I also had fun playing Modded Skyblock with my friend from high school, focusing on guiding progression and decorating (since I knew how to progress a lot better than he did), but not making too much progress personally.

To me, I intrinsically feel a drive to constantly chase progression, but ultimately find myself more fulfilled when I try and lay back and weave progression with genuine attention and enjoying the "unproductive" things, looking to make nifty floor patterns and building materials and interacting with friends.

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Astro Knights hits a lot of what you want, and is a very solid game. It's not grand sci-fi, but it is sci-fi. It's a cooperative deckbuilding game about working together to defeat some giant enemy.

I think that both Astro Knights and Astro Knights: Eternity are good, but since you say you're just getting into board games, go for the original, it's definitely more accessible.

I also suggest Spirit Island, but it can definitely be hard to pick up. Quite complex, but definitely worth playing. If you want to, shoot me a DM and I can try and teach you it sometime?


i posted in badposting that i met a femboy who wants to be referred with a different pronoun/identifier and always in quotes but y'know in every piece of art there's a nugget of truth.

anyways i did meet a femboy (which is ofc a term they prefer) a couple days ago who does prefer rotating any pronouns (but doesn't need a GUID for pronouns) and hanging out with him has been a really good push for my mental health and trying to be more well put together. I've been working on that for a while now so it's not entirely because of her influence, but she's definitely been a big help by just being around. Also, first meeting him was like, kinda absurd how well we got along, they share my music and hobby tastes to such a degree it felt like they fuckin' searched me up on LinkedIn to learn my tastes.

I've done reflection on my youth and came to the conclusion that my mom killed my enthusiasm for fashion and to some extent self-care. I've always had good self esteem, so, it wasn't that bad, but still. She had good intentions, trying to get me a nice large closet full of options and stuff, but never really let me choose what I want. If I wanted something even kinda feminine, she'd turn it down and filled my closet with stuff I didn't like, brand-names and gaudy boyish graphics. For some period, I tried "rebelling" by just getting clothes I know she didn't like, intentionally bad looking stuff that doesn't work together, just to try and exert some kind of control, but eventually, just kinda gave up on fashion and looking nice at all.

I've just had a lot of executive dysfunction regarding my wardrobe, but the local femboy definitely inspired me to actually give a shit again. He looked really good in the pictures they sent to me (i won't go into any more details volcel-police have mercy on me plz bottom-speak).

Anyways, i've been feeling really good the past few days and have been making substantial changes to my schedule and getting out of the funk I've been in for the past bit. I've been exercising and cleaning and doing tedious stuff. It was mostly me and using what I've learned from therapy and properly leveraging my ADHD medication, but human connection is always good :3.

The moral of the story is, put yourself out there and make some friends. And also I'm excited because yay new friend :D

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 8 points 1 month ago

to protect my cishet status, i make sure to refer to nobody as their preferred name or pronouns.

Whenever I refer to someone, I use gagging noises in lieu of pronouns and the word "skibidi" for names.

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 5 points 3 months ago

The way that the tools move with such certainty and without hesitation is the most amusing part of the gif to me. I suppose that applies to all surgery visualization gifs but the fact that there isn't even a pause for precision when going in with the scissors gives an interesting narrative in my head of the surgeon's process.

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 13 points 3 months ago

black and red pill are both probably the most powerful for self interested ends, but the orange pill and grey pills allow for the most reality bending of situations.

I'd probably go for the black pill, make good documentation of working somewhere and making no mistakes, then trying to sue the company that fired me if I can find a reason to.

If I were much braver, I could use the Red Pill to act as a technoprophet or to blackmail large portions of the tech industry (they just have to believe I can permanently black them out on command, the fact that I only have 100 of them is more than enough to make them believe it), but alas, I am not nearly brave enough to try and pull a stunt like that.

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 4 points 3 months ago

huh i am genuinely baffled as to why that was even in my clipboard anyways fixed.

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 4 points 3 months ago

i am terrified by the extremely high resolution image of donald trump

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 12 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

They did a one-shot where someone pulled a massive distribution of wealth to a population of people, though still within the bounds of self-interest.

(Edited to the correct link)


spoilerEssentially, he got the deathnote, scrubbed his identity from it entirely in time, memory, and association, sold it to the United States for 10 trillion dollars, and had that money distributed to a vast amount of people in Japan. Definitely still self-interested, and could've been used to greater effect in helping people, but pretty dang good.

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 7 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)


spoileri am bi and cisgender but to the extent that i am apathetic about my gender and wouldn't mind experimenting with presentation sicko-zoomer

[-] hexaglycogen@hexbear.net 9 points 4 months ago

my partner likes it a lot because they play as carby and the game is forced to progress while they progress. As opposed to Mario, where my sheer gamer skill makes it so that they could technically do nothing and the level would complete, they like the game moving forward because of their inputs.

I think it's really good but I wish they worked on the effects and floaty feel of the game to make it CRUNCHIER. It could use tighter controls and better sound design. Compare Planet Robobot, super satisfying and crunchy game to play.

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