Damn those communist double D's
Congratulations and well done! Not fucking animals is the hardest part of being vegan! But fr tho good job and if you need any recipes or anything you come to me, capiche?
Ive been making my way through The Next Generation for a few years but I really started getting into it after watching Strange New Worlds and then watching The Original Series after.
Perfect thank you!
Quit jiiiiiving me tuuurkey
Damn that is a great flag
There are loads in my area of London too
Let's be honest, political theory is painfully fucking boring to 90% of people especially when they've had propaganda rammed down their throats from birth. Being light hearted and silly is a great way to show people ideas without the mental baggage and if they're interested they'll seek out "harder stuff".
Try being a Swans fan.
I check Nextdoor every now and then just for a laugh. It's usually old people saying stuff like "has anyone else seen this suspicious black man waiting at the bus stop looking like he's going to do something" or "I have a puzzle of princess Diana for sale. £15. Missing 23 pieces"
Oh fuck why didn't we call the Vegan community Hexbean
Which is probably the only thing I hate about Mastodon. That's what we tell little kids to call farts.