Inside you there are two tanukis... You are a gay furry.

[-] 5 points 10 hours ago

Free Guy, need I say more?

[-] 3 points 19 hours ago

Good to see this project is still going! Hoping some day HRT will be on the list for the new reactor.

[-] 7 points 19 hours ago

Guess they learned their lesson from the gin craze and backed off a bit.


Fucking unreal, dude says the holocaust was a good thing to do because the difficult logistics of the camps caused more suffering.

Holy shit, I'd only seen a couple clips of him arguing with Hasan, I didn't know he was this deranged!

I got better, more efficient, and environmentally friendly idea that produces organic fertilizer!

shocked-pikachu Sliiiight caveat... All I know is splash. :-(

How to combat racism in the US, a primer:

geordi-no Be "an articulate" black person, keep calm and politely correct the bigot.

geordi-yes Drop a white tactical Karen on em'.

When in doubt, consult the chart us-foreign-policy

As a white tactical Karen, I stand ready and proud to serve. rosa-salute

You're not going to see a JW this deep in the internet, I can promise you that. Long story short, they're like the Scientology of Christian sects, with (probably) more child sex abuse. Really depraved shit, and it's all about power and control of others for the authority figures.

Mega churches are quite a bit more simple - they're grifts. The attendees don't police or abuse each other, you rarely talk with the pastor if at all, there's no real community. There's no real substance to them, just a gathering to recite some bullshit interpretations of the Bible that ultimately leads to more money donated into the "offering" plate. There's no consistent system of personal abuse, which def happens but it's not an official part of the program and more an outpouring of the ideology. They're a very hateful community and I wouldn't trust them with my kids, but they're more like toddlers - mad about things they know nothing about and blaming unrelated things.


Fedora, it fucking slaps and worked right out of the box. I'm using it for work and play on my main rig! I dual boot for some very specific hardware things that are not normal, but other than that it's been seamless! When I booted into Windows 10 again, they auto installed copilot... Glad to be done with this crap.


Doesn't matter who the VP pick is, the big wet boi is cooked.

Trump's followers will do some terrorism like they usually do, but the majority of them will become disenfranchised and go the way of the tea party - still present, still a pain in the ass, but ineffectual. They will devote their time to Trump's new talk show and he will sell them Trump hairy balls strong man supplements and other scams.

American empire will continue to expand, nothing will fundamentally change. Blue MAGA is the new order.


I just need to share some meandering thoughts, please bear with me.

The way I think and feel emotions is strange to me. I've spent so much time in my own head conceptualizing things I can't always process my own thoughts.

I feel like there's this veil over all my perception that I can just barely catch a sense is there. I especially get it when listening to music with certain ethereal sounds. Sleep is another avenue where I try to press on this boundary, but I've never felt like I've broken through. I have a vague spiritual sense about it and I feel like realizing my trans identity was the biggest turn towards understanding it. I'm also neurodivergent with ADHD and a good bit of trauma, when I started my stimulant meds it made all these things more manageable, but there's still this uncomfortable disquiet always on my mind. Anyone else feel this way or something akin to it?

So close to being joever (

I love soulful acoustic indie music, especially in minor tones. But I can never seem to find artists like this who are trans and sing about our experiences. I don't get the whole transfem screeching noises punk stuff, doesn't quite click with me.

Anyway, does anyone have some recommendations? Thanks! ❤️

Lol (

*We may have had a little oppsie doopsy where we smoked some civilians. shy We sowwy

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

The Q brained conspiracy theorists are aging boomers slipping into dementia. As their brain is melting out of their ears, they're miss-remembering episodes of the x files. That's it. If you watch the series, there's a piece of every conspiracy theory in it.

You can thank Chris Carter for Q Anon. think-about-it

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I regrettably was put through the christian "school system" in the 90's-early 00's. It was shit. I spent my first couple years in college having to learn some basics and unlearn a lot of bullshit. Being neurodivergent (ADHD) I got put into their special ed programming, which mostly consisted of getting tracked to low paying service work and stuck in a study hall where the alleged SpEd teachers just sneared at us delinquent kids. Anyway, in highschool you have christian classes including Bible studies, and Christian ethics. First one is true to the name, studying the text, but the second was nothing short of conservative bigot indoctrination. I can't stress enough how much this shit was just cult brainwashing, but that's not the point of why I'm sharing this.

I had a dream yesterday where I remembered one of the segments. The teacher showed us a Calvin Klein ad poster and explained why it was so bad. You see, this feminine looking model here is actually a man!! Basically, every model was "not really" the gender they presented as. 'Be careful what you expose your eyes to so Satan doesn't work his way into your head' or whatever the lesson was. I remember having this learned response of "oh no, bad thing!", but not understanding what the actual problem was. I also looked closer at the picture and still didn't understand, they looked nice... Of course I know now that he was just being a transphobic bigot, but there was no language for it, they would just call it "the work of the devil" or some shit like that. I didn't know what to call people like that.

I just feel gross, they deprived me of language for so damn long. The whole system is a cult, and they kept me so isolated and uneducated I didn't know who I was till I was in my 30's. God damn America, that's in the Bible!

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