Has anyone experienced an issue with no heat? Located in MN and temps are currently sub-zero.
Dropped my son off at hockey practice last night with the temp around 0.. heat was working fine. Went home for an hour and tapped the fan button within the app to pre-heat the car before picking him up. The car was freezing when I got in, fan was blowing cold air. I tried multiple settings, defrost, turned off/on, I could not get the heat to come out.
Ran into a similar issue this morning. It's currently -7 and my wife "preheated" the car before taking the kids to school. She called me on the way, I can see the interior temp is currently 13 degrees. She's not happy.
I created a service request, the soonest appointment is January 6th.. there's no way I can wait a month to get heat back!!
There is something kinda cathartic about seeing these people funnel their money to the single stupidest and most insecure man alive, like a capitalist version of the god emperor from WH, just sucking the life out of all these people so he can seig heil on national television. At least no one with real material problems is participating in this.
Exactly, cybertruck owners are one of the most ethical demographics to laugh at
It's like watching a guy buy rakes for the express purpose of stepping on them after a whole bunch of people told him not to.
It's officially not our fault that this is happening and who it's happening to.