Do smart people with economics degrees every think about how people need to buy stuff to make the economy go vrrrrrrm, but people don't get paid enough to buy things?
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They are too busy gaming the financial system so their bosses get richer
i have heard multiple economists on the news over the years using the nonsensical "household budget" analogy for governments
you know, the whole "austerity makes sense because when your household is broke, you should spend less money" shit
Isn't that the base of Keynesian (e.g. New Deal) economics?
Honestly hope the replies were just filled with theory
TRPF isn't real TRPF can't hurt me (or my economy)
Yeah me!
"Das kritical - An analysis of why everyone doesn't love and worship me and why it's probably rooted in lead consumption levels, and other interesting takes"
by Tastysnack