This guy should pay me back my money with interest. Absolutely shameful.
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Shitposting in other comms please!
I know, I want my five dollars back
Bernie is the reason I am never donating to a politician again.
I hate these fucking liberals. I God damned hate them. You believe in ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, just fascists that don't want the label. Cheyney. FUCKING CHEYNEY. Is a good guy now. FUCK YOU EAT MY SHIT AND HAIR, the one guy in the Bush administration, an irredeemable, corrupt, evil, fascist, blood hungry admin and nearly universally acknowledged as such, who was always seen as the most evil and blood hungry within that admin, HIS ENDORSEMENT IS A GOOD THING???? You can't even call civility or decorum fetishism on this, these people literally and successfully did what Biden liberals claim Trump tried to do (steal an election), Bush always talked like a fucking moron and was seen as such, what decorum was perceived when it became apparent to everyone that the basis for the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were completely fabricated? And claiming all these beliefs, peddling this narrative that we can't be like these people, suddenly I'm not only supposed to acknowledge that this demon still lives, but that liberals are treating him like an apostle? Eat shit and die, you can 'feel the bern' in hell right next to him old fuck.
if you vote wrong though it's your fault not the candidate
Already mass-murdering Muslims in the middle-east, they've also tried calling weird people gross and disgusting again. We are rapidly advancing towards early 2000s culture. Expect the F slur to become commonplace again.
Didn't have to say anything. Hasn't had to say anything
my good friend, dick cheney
You absolutely, under no circumstances, have to hand it to Dick Cheney.
Some people laughed at the idea of dems rehabbing Trump's image in the future despite all the talk about him now. Thats not so funny an idea now is it
I don't think he will be rehabilitated in the same way Nixon never truly was. They have to have a sin-eater every now and then.
He'd probably be if it wasn't for Jan 6th. An AtTaCk On DeMoCrAcY can't be brushed under the rug by libs. The war crimes can, because they were the system working as usual unlike Trump trying to disrupt it.
When Barron Trump does January 7th in 2032 I think we'll see a lot of wishful thinking about Trump.
There's absolutely no reason for him to do this and he does. Awful.
He could have done nothing and he'd be hated less here and get what he's already getting from the DNC for his servitude: nothing.
they shouldn't have set the heart attack gun to Stun
And the transformation to early 2000s Republicans is complete. The Democrats, and everything to the left of them, have been eradicated.
Now it's just a fight between Neoconservatives and MAGA.
neocons basically took the dems over after the tea party thing. MAGA broke the final seal
Would Bernie getting heart-attack gunned be harm reduction at this point since he's going to continue having the shittiest possible opinion?
Cheney's endorsement is a massive condemnation and anyone who says otherwise is evil and needs to get in the
Right up there with "my friend Henry Kissinger."
I am waiting for the chance to witness bernie, shiny and chrome
First he was Punished Bernie
Now he is punishing us.
Here's how Bernie can still win:
Do they just kidnap Jane and the kids and whisk them away to a CIA black site so they can text him his talking points over a video of their screams every time they want him to go out and publicly simp for the Dem establishment?
Simpie Sanders
Bernie panders would not only shoot rosa, but provide proof of death, collect the reward from freikorps and file a tax return for the bullet
I sure do like this "harm reduction" the libs have been squealing about. Looks reeeeeeal cool
social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism
I don’t know who Cheneys is.
If W Bush is the ghoul, he is the Lich
Darth Cheney - he even jokes about it.
Darth Cheney, Vice President and puppet master, was one of the chief architects of the Project for a New American Century. (PNAC) which is the precoursor to the bipartian CNAS
They yearned for a new Pearl Harbor to drag the nation into endless war profiteering. That New Pearl Harbor was certianly it wasn't an inside job!
Were 1998 Memos a Blueprint for War?
in a report just before the 2000 election that would bring Bush to power, the group (PNAC) predicted that the shift would come about slowly, unless there were "some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor."
That event came on Sept. 11, 2001. By that time, Cheney was vice president, Rumsfeld was secretary of defense, and Wolfowitz his deputy at the Pentagon.
As General Wesley clark said this country was taken over by a policy coup of unelected PNAC people who wanted to overthrow 5 countries in 7 years.
Darth Cheney was the CEO of Haliburton. An oil and services company who was granted billions in contracts serving these wars.
A heartless monster who shoots his buddies the face and makes them appologize for it.
SNL famously made fun of how much he loves torturing people
Oh - can't forget the classic Daily Show case of the Iranian Agent!
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he destroyed the world
I would like to thank for his endorsement and brave defense of democracy.