Poles are there too? Reaction of Israel bombing Poles on behest of USA would be interesting to say the least. Or more likely, media would just hushed it the most possible.
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Wouldn't a bombing by Israel just make the polish right do what they normally do, and burn down a couple of synagoges in Poland before forgetting everything about it?
before forgetting everything about it?
not before making it illegal to ever bring it up again
That's when only when the Polish government does it
Polish right is weird about that. Of course all of them are antisemites, but only a small minority are open about that, the rest are typical antisemite zionists and considering how often antisemitism causes international affairs on line between Poland and EU and USA they most likely have strict party order to shut up on everything considering Israel. You might notice how for example Germany and UK yap all the time about it, but Poland is much quieter than you would expect. Also there is only 27 active synagogues left and those are mostly small and inconspicous - and it probably works since last pogrom in Poland was in 1946 during the civil war.
It would melt polish brains lol I guess maybe it would decrease the bootlicking attitude at least.
Last incident on the line was during the infamous Iran conferention, where genius diplomat Pompeo went to a room full of antisemite nationalist members of PiS (who were already quite disgruntled because that conferention was utter diplomatic disaster and even morons and bootlickers like PiSmen noticed that) and announced Poland would have to pay fuckton of money to the American Jews - which was also basically extortion since that issue was officially resolved long ago.
That did cause coldening in relations enough for the Trump to fawn to Poland somewhat, but then the elections and especially Ukraine war thrown Poland into the previously unreached reavel of boot deepthroating.
Are there really "western" forces refusing to move in Lebanon?
Why the fuck would Irish UN troops have to listen to the evacuation orders of a member state invading another sovereign member state?
Saw a video of a Lebanese man who had lived in the Irish responsibility region, my guy spoke English with an Irish accent.
Irish: whiteness under review
Least bloodthristy Westerner
: "I just want to look out for white people and their interests!"
: "Good to hear, friend."
: "Except for you!" >:(
i hope they do it, and Poland calls in nato to crush israel
Is this the Saint Patrick's Battalion 2.0?
I agree they should, if we can get some white countries bombing isntreal that would be very funny and good