I think it depends. Something realistic? I'd want ps3/ps4 level graphics. But for fucking Mario? That cartoony little shit does not have any reason having graphics at all superior to the fucking GameCube.

Yeah, like I've got a batocera emulation setup, and I have a bunch of old flash games I played as a kid on there, as a curiosity. But I hardly touch them.

The only one with substance that I occasionally go back to is this one puzzle game with little Viking guys trapped in ice, and you have to free them. It's a cute little time waster, but that's about it.

Please tell me more, because I asked a friend of mine who's a doctor about them, and she advised against it because they were too experimental. I also asked my endo and she wasn't familiar with them and was going to do more research.

I just want to be cute, and not have massive knockers! Is that so much to ask?!

I absolutely adore mine! I sprang for the more expensive ones, with the 3 levels of noise cancelation. 11/10 highly recommend

Nah, I like it. It's like the Wikipedia equivalent to putting someone in the stocks to be publicly humiliated

Sidebar, but I once had a professor claim that the Jewish Autonomous Oblast was the same as the US forcing indigenous peoples onto reservations....

Halloween lovers being oppressed by the Hexbear Slur filter

UlyssesT x Dirt_Owl fanfiction, when?

Liberals unironically believe this though. They're literally rewriting history! I love/hate reminding them that, no dipshit, Trump winning wasn't a matter of not enough people voting, it was a matter of how deeply ineffectual and anti-democratic the institutions you uphold actually are.

As a poli sci major, there are two broad camps of people in the field, when it comes to Marxism.

First are the people who do shit you're complaining about, where they "refute" Marxism without understanding a Damn thing about it.

And then there are the people actually doing Marxist analysis. The people actually doing Marxist analysis are mostly comparativists in the subfield of political-economy (Yes, it still exists, just as a sub-field of a sub-field of poli sci).

And the way these groups interact is the first group nods their heads in agreement with the Marxists. But only so long as it's called "political economy" and not Marxism. The minute you call it Marxism, they start trying to tear it down, even when they were just agreeing with it, five minutes ago.

We actually had big blocks of American cheese you could get sliced. But it was such a massive pain. If you didn't put paper between the slices, they'd just re-congeal...yum


Dora Richter, the first ever trans woman to undergo gender reassignment surgery, was usually thought to have died during the Nazis burning of the Institute for Sexual Research. However, new evidence points to Richter having successfully escaped the Nazis, and living a long life, until 1966, where she died at age 74.


Hello fellow Gamers, gather round to hear my rambling thoughts about a cheesy videogame from 25 years ago!

When I was about 12 years old, circa 2010, a friend of mine dug out an old n64, and a few games, and one of those games was Resident Evil 2.

For those who haven't played this charmingly bad game from 1998, in the midst of this gory, violent, and gritty (by 1998 standards) game, you come across a little girl named Sherry, and you have to escort her around.

Sherry is simultaneously the most interesting character in the entire game, and also the most annoying. And among the reasons she is annoying, are the segments where you have to play as her.

Now, when I was a kid, when a game asked me to pick a gender, I would always pick boy, because I felt like I had to. But when I played these Sherry segments, this was the first time I had played as a girl in a video game, that I could conceivably relate to in some way.

I wasn't having fun, really... These segments are god awful to play. But they did awaken something in me. I was like, ".......You mean I get to be the little girl???"

I wanted to be her so bad! This didn't crack my egg, and I quickly buried all of these feelings once I finished the game. But it's definitely a thing I look back on and think "oh the signs were always there.

Anyway, this post is mostly just an excuse to get people to talk to me about my Trans Sherry headcanons.

Also, ask me my opinions on the RE2 remake. I just finished it!


Yeah, I'm a gamer

Liberals (hexbear.net)

Because who needs to thoughtfully engage with arguments about the utility of electoralism, when you can smugly make a bingo card, and pretend that you won?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by SpookyGenderCommunist@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

All these politics podcasts are making me sad, and I need shit to listen to, at work

BASED (www.scmp.com)


"The Beijing No 2 Intermediate People’s Court went on to state that “social tolerance is a blessing of the rule of law” and highlighted the need to “respect diverse ways of living and protect the dignity of transgender people.”"

Eat shit (www.reuters.com)

Burn in hell

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